必修五UNIT5语法之省略句 下载本文

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说明 有时也可省略整个句子的主语和谓语,只保留次主语的省略 要成分。 She was poor but (she was) honest. --what do you think made Mary so --Did you know anything about the accident? upset? 谓语的省略 --Losing her new bicycle (made --Not until you told me. (= I didn’t know anything Mary so upset). about it until you told me.) Seen from the plane (when it is seen from the plane), the house looks like 注意状语从句中的主语状语从句的省略 tiny toys. 同主句主语的一致性。 If (it is) possible, I’ll go there with you. 若不定式后面是完成时,省略时应保留have;不定The boy wanted to ride his bicycle 式后含有动词be的结构in the street, but his mother told 时,也要保留be动词。 him not to. (not to ride his bicycle --Did you tell him the in the street.) 不定式的省略 news? --Alice, why didn’t you come --I ought to have (told him yesterday? the news), but I didn’t --I was going to (come yesterday), know how to speak. but I had an unexpected visitor. --Are you an engineer? --No, but I want to be.

? 状语从句中的省略用法

一、 如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语含有be动词的某种形式

(am/is/are/was/were),可同时省略从句的主语和be动词的某种形式。 1、when,while引导的时间状语从句

e.g. 当你过马路的时候一定要小心。

Do be careful when (you are) crossing the street. 在我去工作的路上,我遇见了她。

When/While (I was) on my way to work, I met her. 2、if,unless,once引导的条件状语从句

e.g. If (it is) properly treated, waste will do no harm to the environment.

种类 例句 Beautiful day (= It is a beautiful day), isn’t it? Pity we live so far from the sea. (It is a pity we live so far from the sea.) 我不会去晚会的,除非我被邀请。

I’ll not go to the party unless (I am) invited.


Once (you are) caught stealing in a supermarket, you will be punished. 3、though,although,whether,no matter whether/what/how/who等引导的让步状语从句

e.g. 他很开心,尽管他很贫穷。

He was happy, though/although (he was) poor. 他虽然年轻但懂得很多。

Though (he is) young, he knows a lot.

No matter how/However hard the task (is), we must fulfill it in time.(注:从句的主语和主句的主语不一致时,只省略从句中的be动词形式) 4、as if,as though引导的方式状语从句

e.g. She lay there, as if (she was) dead. (省略的主语和主句的主语一致) He opened his lips as if (he were going) to say something. 他张开嘴唇,好像要说什么话似的。

He stood up as if/though (he wanted) to leave.(as if/though + to do表示一个将来的动作)

二、 than,as引导的比较状语从句中的省略用法:当不同的主语进行比较时,

一般省略从句中的谓语;当从句中的主语与谓语(be动词除外)和主句中的主语与谓语相同时,通常省略从句中的主语和谓语,只保留比较部分。 e.g. He is taller than his brother (is).

I have as much as confidence in you as (I have confidence) in him.

三、 以if从句为代表的状语从句中的特殊省略用法:通常省略了it is,that is,

there is/are。


If (it is) possible/necessary, this old temple will be rebuilt. If (that is) so, I will call you back at 5:00 pm.

There are only a few books in our school library, if (there are) any. ? 定语从句中的省略用法

关系词的省略 关系代词that,which,whom等在限制性定语从句中充当宾语且不位于介词之后时,可以省略;in which或that在先行词way后作方式状语从句时可省略。

e.g. 你昨天拜访的那个人是我的祖父。

The man (that/who/whom) you visited last night is my grandpa. 我不喜欢你对待这个女孩的方式。

I don’t like the way (in which/that) you treat the girl.

? 虚拟语气中if及should的省略

1、 当条件状语从句中有were,had,should等时省略if,把它们提至句首,形成倒装句。

e.g. If I were a teacher, I would be strict with my students. = Were I a teacher, I would be strict with my students. 2、 Suggest,insist,order,require等表示建议、要求、命令的动词后接的名词性从句中,谓语动词常用―should+动词原形‖,should可以省略。 e.g. 医生建议他尽力去减肥。

The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lose weight.

? So和not的替代性省略

用于避免重复前面所说过的内容,替代词so/not替代肯定或否定的名词性从句。可与believe,do,expect,fear,guess,hope,say,speak,suppose,think,I’m afraid等连用

e.g. – Do you suppose he is going to attend the meeting? – I suppose not. — Can you finish your work today? — 我认为能。I think so . — 我认为不能。I don't think so . / I think not .

? 日常交际中的省略

在情景会话中,答语常常省略不会引起歧义的主语、谓语或宾语部分,而只保留对方希望了解的内容。在复合句或并列句中,也有省略主、谓、宾的情况。 e.g. – How many copies do you want? -- (I want) Three copies, please.

-- Have you ever been to the Great Wall? -- No, (I have) never (been to the Great Wall).


1、 感官动词see,hear,feel,watch等和使役动词have,make,let等后接不定式作宾语时,不定式省略to。

2、 do nothing but,can’t help but等结构常接省略to的不定式。 e.g. 我们昨天只是仅仅呆在家里看电视了。

We didn’t do anything but stay at home watching TV yesterday. 听到这个消息,她禁不住哭了。

Hearing the news, she couldn’t help but cry.

3、 在特定语境中为了避免重复,当不定式再次出现时,在want,wish,hope,try,plan,like,love,hate后往往只保留to,而省略后面的动词。但不定式后有be,have时,也保留be和have。

e.g. My parents encouraged me to go to college, (但是我不想去)but I didn’t want to.


1、—Lucy,could you please spare me a few minutes?

—____,but I hope \

A. It doesn't matter B. That's kind of you C. I'm afraid not D. I guess so 2、—Hey,taxi! —___ _. —I want to go to the dentist's.

A. Good morning, sir. B. Nice to see you, sir. C. Where to, sir? D. What are you going to do, sir?

3、The doctor expresses his strong desire that the patient _____ immediately. A. be operated on B. operated on C. was operated on D. would be operated on 4、When he came back, he found the bag he had ____ over the seat was gone.

A. left to hang B. left hanging C. left hung D. to leave hanging 5、Liu Xiang spoke slowly to the Special Olympic competitors so as to have them____.

A. understand him B. to be understood C. be understood D. to understand him 6、—Are there any English story books for us students in the library?

—There are only a few, ____.

A. if any B. if have C. if some D. if has

7、Francis, ____born in Kentucky, lived and practiced law in Missouri.

A. was B. he was C. although D. but 8、—Does Betty know where her violin is?

—She saw somebody walking off with one, but she doesn't know____.

A. whose B. it C. whom D. which

9、—Aren't you the manager? —No, and I __.

A. don't want B. don't want to C. don't want to be D. don't

10、—How are you getting on with your work?

—Oh, I'm sorry. Things aren't going so well as____. A. plans B. planning C. planned D. to plan

11、—What's the matter with you? —I didn't pass the test, but I still____.

A. hope so B. hope to C. hope it D. hope that 12、The doctor did what he could ___ the boy, but in vain.

A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved

13、—You look happy today, Mary. I like my new dress and Mother ___, too.

A. likes B. does C. is D. do

14、—What happened to the boy? He was making so much noise. —He wanted to play football, but his mother warned him ____.

A. not B. to C. not to D./

15、____ for your brother, I would not have gone to see Mr. Wang.

A. If it is not B. Were it not C. Had it not been D. If they were not 省略句高考衔接练习

1. When first ________ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. (NMET 2004全国卷II)

A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced

2. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when ________ at the meeting by my boss. ( 2004全国卷IV)

A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned

3. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ________ whether he was going in the right direction. ( 2003 安徽春)

A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see

4. Generally speaking, ________ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. (2003上海卷)

A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken

5. Unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. ( 2003上海) A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited

6. When ________ , the museum will be open to the public next year. ( 2002上海春) A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed