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1. As a young man he had to earn his living at tasks that bordered on the menial. From this he gained, and never lost, a deep sympathy for the common people.
2.Centralized government had broken down. The feudal lords acknowledge only nominal allegiance to the king. 译:当时,中央集权的政府已经土崩瓦解,封建地主也只是名义上的效忠皇帝。
3.They were virtual pawns of the aristocrats,whose principal interests had come to be hunting, war, and extravagant living. To pay for these pastimes they taxed the people beyond what the traffic could bear, and suppressed all protest ruthlessly.
译:贵族们主要醉心于打猎、发动战争和享受奢侈生活,而老百姓成为他们受控与利用的棋子。为负担起这些娱乐消遣,他们向老百姓征收的税收远远超过老百姓的承受能力,并且无情的镇压一切抗议。 4.To the young Confucius these conditions seemed intolerable, and he resolved to devote his life to trying to right them.
5. During the sixth century BC, competing Chinese states undermined the authority of the Zhou Empire, which had held supreme rule for over 500 years. Traditional Chinese principles began to deteriorate, resulting in a period of moral decline. Confucius recognized an opportunity –and an obligation- to reinforce the society values of compassion and tradition.
6. He thought it was normal for men to cooperate; to strive, not to get the better of each other, but to promote the common welfare.
译:他认为人们相互合作才是正常的;要力争,并不是为了打败对手,而是促进共同的利益。 7. In his opinion a rule’s success should be measured by his ability, not to amass wealth and power for himself, but to bring about the welfare and happiness of his people.
8. The doctrine was changed and elaborated until Confucius himself would scarcely have recognized it, yet two principles remained: the insistence that those who govern should be chosen not for their birth but for their virtue and ability, and that the true end of government is the welfare and happiness of the people.
9. For Confucius, de came to mean something like “moral charisma” – a property that any good person could cultivate and have. It retained the connotation of having a “magnetic” capacity to draw, influence and inspire that was part of the earlier notion of “Royal Virtue.”
10. Literally, Junzi means “son of a lord”, and hence originally referred to someone possessing a particular social status. However, Confucius emphasized living up to the ethical implication of this social role, so that being a genuine gentleman is a goal to strive for, rather than something simply bestowed by noble birth.
1. Like a living being, she seemsto change before our eyes and to look a little different every time we come back to her.
译:她就像一位活生生的人,在我们眼前变化着,每一次看到她,她似乎都会有一点不同。 2. Sometimes she seems to mock us, and then again we seem to catch something like sadness in her smile. 译:画中的她有时似乎在嘲笑我们,有时她的笑容又似乎透出一种悲伤。
3. The painting is famous for its portrayal of motion in what would have been a traditionally static painting. 译:这幅画作最著名之处是在动态描绘手法中又有传统的静态绘画手法。 1. This painting utilizes a pearl earringas focal point. 译:这幅画以珍珠耳环为焦点。
2. The painting was not an actual pipe, only a representation of one. 译:这幅画并不是一个实际的管道,只代表一个。
3. If the outlines are not quite so firmly drawn ,if the form is left a little vague ,as though disappearing into a shadow ,this impression of dryness and stiffnesswill be avoided.