新视野大学英语(第三版)Book1-Unit4-单词解释及例句 下载本文

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New words

Unit 4 TEXT A

era n.

[C] a period of time in history that is known for a particular event, or for particular qualities 时代; 年代

We are living in the information era. 我们生活在信息时代。

The invention of television and space rockets has opened a new era for mankind. 电视和航空火箭的发明为人类开启了一个新时代。

victim n.

[C] sb. who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered 受害者;牺牲者

The local government is raising money to help the victims of the earthquake. 当地政府正在筹资帮助地震受害者。

survivor n.

[C] sb. who continues to live after an accident, war, or illness 生还者;幸存者

The police are searching for survivors of the plane crash. 警方正在搜寻飞机失事的幸存者。

tragedy n.

1 [C, U] a very sad event that shocks people because it involves death 悲剧性事件;惨剧;惨案Life tragedies can drive people into great grief and sometimes even lead to depression. 生活中的悲剧会使人极度悲痛,有时甚至会导致抑郁。

2 [C] a serious play or book that ends sadly, esp. with the death of the main character 悲剧(作品)

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’ s best-known tragedies.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚最为著名的悲剧之一。

subsequent a.

(fml.) happening or coming after sth. else 随后的;继…之后的

Fires and floods subsequent to an earthquake often cause greater damage. 地震后继发的火灾和洪水往往会造成更大的破坏。

These skills were passed on to subsequent generations. 这些技能被一代代传了下去。

associate n.

[C] sb. who you work or do business with 同事;(生意)伙伴

He is not a friend but an associate; we work in the same department. 他不是朋友,只是同事,我们在同一部门工作。 vt.

make a connection in your mind between one thing or person and another 联 想 ; 联 系

Nowadays, most people associate this brand with good quality. 如今,大多数人将这一品牌与高品质联系起来。

congress n.

[C] the group of people chosen or elected to make the laws in some countries 国会;议会


congresswoman n.

[C] a woman who is a member of a congress, esp. the US House of Representatives 国会女议员 (尤指美国众议员)

tender a.

gentle and careful in a way that shows love 温柔的;体贴入微的;慈爱的

The singer’s deep and tender voice is perfect for this music. 这位歌手深沉而温柔的嗓音正适合这段音乐。

sympathy n.

[pl., U] the feeling of being sorry for sb. who is in a bad situation 同情;同情心

When her husband died, she received many letters of sympathy. 她丈夫去世的时候,她收到许多慰问信。

shield vt.

protect sb. or sth. from being harmed or damaged 保护;保卫

You need an experienced lawyer to shield your rights and interests. 你需要一位经验丰富的律师来保护你的权益。 n.

[C] a large piece of metal or leather that soldiers used in the past to protect themselves when fighting 盾;盾牌

The soldier’s shield saved him from being killed by his enemy. 那个士兵的盾保护他免遭敌人杀害。

hail n.

1 (a ~ of bullets/stones, etc.) a large number of bullets, stones, etc. that are fired or thrown at sb. 一阵弹雨/像雹子般袭来的石块等

The riot police were met with a hail of stones. 防暴警察遭到一阵石头的袭击。 2 [U] frozen raindrops which fall as hard balls of ice 雹;冰雹

Disastrous weather includes drought, floods, hail, and strong winds. 灾害性天气包括干旱、洪水、冰雹和强风。 vt.

describe sb. or sth. as being very good 把…称赞为;把…誉为

She’s being hailed as one of the most promising young dancing stars today. 她被誉为当今最有前途的青年舞蹈明星之一。

His first book was hailed a great success. 他的第一部书被认为是极大的成功。

bullet n.

[C] a small piece of metal that you fire from a gun 枪弹;子弹;弹头

priest n.

[C] sb. who is specially trained to perform religious duties and ceremonies in the Christian church (基督教的)牧师,神父

remarkable a.

unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise 非凡的;不寻常的;显著的


It is that kind of courage and determination that makes him a most remarkable person. 正是那种勇气和决心使他成为一个非凡的人。

humanity n.

1 [U] people in general 人;人类(总称)

Much of his fortune was to be used to give prizes to those who did their best for humanity. 他的很大一部分财产将被用来奖励那些尽最大努力为人类作出贡献的人。

2 [U] kindness, respect, and sympathy toward others 仁慈;博爱;同情心

Her speech showed great maturity and humanity. 她的演讲思想高度成熟,并且洋溢着博爱精神。 3 [pl.] (the ~ies) subjects of study such as literature, history, or art, rather than science or mathematics 人文学科

The School of Humanities offers a wide range of courses for the students. 人文学院为学生们提供各种各样的课程。

civilian a.

(only before noun) relating to civilians 平民的;百姓的;民用的;非军职的

Let us pray for the helpless civilian people trapped in this dreadful war. 让我们为陷入这场可怕战争的无助的平民祈祷吧。 n.

[C] anyone who is not a member of the military forces or the police 平民;老百姓

The war lasted two years and thousands of innocent civilians were killed during the war. 这场战争持续了两年,成千上万的无辜平民在战争中丧生。

grace n.

1[U] kind, polite, and fair behavior 善意;礼貌;体谅

She did not even have the grace to say sorry. 她连说道歉的气度都没有。

2 [U] a smooth way of moving that looks natural, relaxed, and attractive 优美;优雅

After taking only four dancing lessons, she was able to dance with grace. 她只上了四次舞蹈课就能跳得很优美了。

circumstance n.

[C, usu. pl.] the conditions that affect a situation, action, event, etc. 情况;情形

We have been told that under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs. 我们被告知,无论什么情况下都不得使用办公室的电话办私事。

respond vi.

do sth. as a reaction to sth. that has been said or done 作出反应;回应

The fire department responded to the call within minutes. 几分钟之内消防部门就对报警电话作出了反应。

responder n.

[C] a person who does sth. as a reaction to sth. that has been said or done 回应者;应答者

Cycle responders are fully trained to work on their own in busy areas which are difficult to reach by car or ambulance. 自行车应急救援人员经过全面的培训,能够在汽车或救护车难以到达的繁忙区域独立进行工作。
