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Definition : Process steps are controlled by downstream customer pull. Kanban cards or signals or similar mechanisms are used to communicate process demand upstream. Kanban signals are located on the parts container and highly visible to all employees. Kanban and lot size reduction support a J.I.T. (Just In Time) production environment. Instructions: Fill in the number of “quarters” for each circle that correspond to the level observed in the plant. Use the questions on the back of this sheet to aid in evidence gathering. Divide the number of quarters shaded by the total number of quarters to determine percent implementation.
Measurable % Evident The target and actual hourly output is displayed for each manufacturing cell or line. Efforts are underway to evolve from “push” (scheduled) to “pull” (kanban). Inventory accuracy issues are decreasing.
There are pull systems in some parts of the plant. Training in kanban for key management, materials and supervisors have been held. Inventory accuracy is rarely an issue.
Material movement is based upon actual consumption throughout the plant; a “pull” signal is generated and communicated by the next operation. Internal and supplier inventory levels have been lowered through the use of kanban.
Downstream processes are withdrawing kanban from upstream processes. Kanban system is understood and followed by most employees. Part shortages still occur. Inventory levels have been significantly lowered.
Kanban is fully understood and followed by all employees. There is evidence of improvement efforts for optimizing batch size and inventory. Part shortages are rare. Some suppliers are on kanban with the plant..
Inventory levels are optimized. Part outages have been eliminated. Most suppliers are on kanban with the plant. 100% inventory accuracy. It doesn?t get any better than this.
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Material Control Assessment = Filled Quarters / Total Quarters ____/_24_ = _____ %
Key: 0: 1: 2:
0% - Not found anywhere
3: 4: 75% - Very typical, some exceptions 100% - Everywhere in plant, no exceptions 25% - Only seen in some areas 50% - Commonly found but not in the majority of cases
Material Control/Kanban Evidence Gathering
Questions to ask people in the plant to aid in your assessment...
How is production information communicated between operations? Are there marked areas for inventory?
Are there limits for WIP (work-in-process), raw materials and finished goods? Are these limits observed, in general? Is the part flow FIFO (first-in, first out)?
Is the production schedule visible to all employees? Who sets the daily production schedule? Who updates the production schedule? How is the update communicated?
How is material replenished on the line?
What information do the kanban cards (signals) contain? Enablers
Disablers Evidence of Best Practices
Problem Solving
Definition: Any deviation from expected performance is a potential problem. Problem solving is a technique to identify the root cause of any deviation? Problem solving utilizes facts (data). A variety of methods can be used (8D, 5 Whys) employing tools (pareto, scatter plot, fishbone). Containment shields downstream operations from problems, while countermeasures eliminate problems. How management works towards creating a problem solving “culture”. Instructions: Fill in the number of “quarters” for each circle that correspond to the level observed in the plant. Use the questions on the back of this sheet to aid in evidence gathering. Divide the number of quarters shaded by the total number of quarters to determine percent implementation.
Measurable % Evident 2
Staff and a few floor employees are trained in problem solving methods. Problems are
12noticed by and repaired by the operator or direct supervisor. Problem recurrence is
decreasing. Some attention to finding root cause and tracking problem-solving performance. 43 Heavy reliance on containment is decreasing. Staff and some floor employees are trained in problem solving methods. Limited use of problem solving methods on special occasions (quality, engineering, management). Large, repetitive problems are addressed. Some management attention to problem solving activities.
Data show that many problems continue to recur. Some evidence of countermeasures. Staff and most floor employees are trained in problem solving methods. Problem solving methods sometimes result in root cause being addressed for major process problems. Some problems recur. Management tracks performance. Containment is still in evidence, but the
trend towards true countermeasures is clear. All employees are trained in problem solving methods. Most problems, large or small, are addressed through problem solving methods that usually identify root cause. Management tracks performance and sometimes verifies the effectiveness of containment and
countermeasure activities. Containment still is used, but true countermeasures often eliminate the need for containment quickly. Problem solving is an integral part of the culture. Almost all problems that require problem-solving methods have them applied. Root cause is consistently identified, with quick,
effective containment and countermeasures implemented as a routine activity. Management
tracks performance and encourages a “bring me your problems so we can solve them and improve” culture.
Problem Solving
Assessment = Filled Quarters / Total Quarters ____/_20_ = _____ %
Key: 0: 1: 2:
0% - Not found anywhere
3: 4: 75% - Very typical, some exceptions 100% - Everywhere in plant, no exceptions 25% - Only seen in some areas 50% - Commonly found but not in the majority of cases
Problem Solving Evidence Gathering
Questions to ask people in the plant to aid in your assessment...
Are all employees trained in problem solving methods?
Are pareto charts regularly used to prioritize and address problems? Are teams formed to address all prioritized problems?
Is the status or all problems monitored and communicated? Are permanent corrective actions implemented promptly? Enablers
Disablers Evidence of Best Practices
Culture and Awareness: Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Pcs:
The 5 S?s: Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Pcs:
Visual Management: Level 1 2 3 4 5 Total Pcs:
Standardized Work: Level 1 2 3 4 5 Total Pcs:
Flexible Operations: Level Graders Consensus Graders Consensus Graders Consensus Graders Consensus Graders Consensus