《大学英语(四)》第一次网上作业答案 下载本文

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一、单项选择题。本大题共30个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共75.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。

1、— Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea? — _______

No, thanks.


No, I wouldn't. Yes, I want. Yes, I like.

2、—What's the matter, John? — _______

I failed my French test.


It doesn't matter.

Nothing's wrong with him. I don't think I can.

3、— Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office? — _______

You can't miss it I don't know No, I can't

Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself


4、— How about going fishing?

— ____________, I have no patience for that. Excuse me Sorry


Pardon Apologize

5、— _______ — You too! Merry Christmas! ?

What a beautiful day!

Help yourself!

It's very kind of you!

6、— Hi, I'm glad to see you. — _______ Thank you Me, too


My name is Mary I'm glad to hear that

7、— What do you think of your new teacher? — _______

He came to teach us last week. He teaches us English. He has two children. He is very nice.


8、— Now let's move on to another topic. Can you follow me? — _______, Professor. No, I am not Yes, I will No, I haven't Yes, perfectly


9、— You've been busy, haven't you? — _______

I was busy last week.

Yes, I've been working hard on my paper. ?

I will get busy with my English studies. I'd like to get busy like our teachers. 10、— How much is this necklace? — _______

It's very nice.

It's a birthday present from my parents. It costs fifty pounds.


It's a bargain.

11、—____I put my coat here? —Sorry, you ______.

May; mustn't


Do; don't Can; needn't May; can't

12、He put forward a theory, _______ of great importance to the progress of science of technology. I think which is which I think is


which is I think I think it is

13、Excuse me for breaking in, _______I have some news for you. so and but



14、_____she was invited to the hall made her very happy. That



When Because

15、It is the best ______ I have seen. that


who whom which

16、The sports meeting was put off till the next week _____rain. in spite of so

because because of


17、The music sounded _______. I enjoyed every minute of it. well