高考英语一轮复习Module5TheConquestoftheUniveerse单元话题语篇训练含解析外研版选修8 下载本文

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Module 5 The Conquest of the Univeerse



I never expected to go to the University of Michigan. I grew up in a small Midwest town where college wasn't __1__ by any means.Many students entered the workplace straight out of high school. For a long time, that is where I thought I would end up.

During my senior year, I started __2__ everywhere. I had the required grades and the ACT (American College Testing) __3__, but I came from a town of nowhere. So you can imagine the emotions of __4__ I had when I received a big envelope in the mail with the word “__5__” written across the top.

Now that the opportunity was open to me, I decided to go. I had received __6__ aid and scholarships, which I think was a __7__ factor in the decision. But no matter how much work I __8__, my parents considered a waste of __9__. I often felt I was lacking __10__. I did the application all by myself. After moving to the college, I did two jobs and paid for my __11__ and bills.

Looking back on it now, I feel that it wasn't __12__ to be self-reliant. But in the long run, I __13__ the lack of support I had at such a key point in my life which taught me to be __14__ and responsible in hard times, to go beyond __15__ and to try things I never thought I would ever be able to try. I believe that's what college is all about.


1.A.expected C.admired

B.envied D.afforded

解析:选A 根据空前后可知,作者在美国中西部的一个小城镇长大,很多学生在高中毕业后就工作了,所以作者没有料到自己能上大学。expect“期待,料想”;envy“羡慕,妒忌”;admire“欣赏,赞赏”;afford“负担得起”。

2.A.delivering C.registering

B.applying D.competing

解析:选B 根据常识可知,此处表示在高中毕业那年,作者开始到处申请(大学)。第


三段倒数第二句中的“I did the application ”也是提示。deliver“发表,递送”;apply“申请”;register“登记,注册”;compete“竞争,竞赛”。

3.A.qualifications C.scores

B.diplomas D.certificates

解析:选C 根据本句中的“required grades”及“the ACT (American College Testing)”可知,作者达到所要求的成绩和ACT分数(scores)。此处“grades”与“scores”同义。qualification“资格,学历”;diploma“文凭,学位证书”;score“分数,成绩”;certificate“证明书,文凭”。

4.A.anxiety C.calmness

B.relief D.conflict

解析:选D 根据上文中的“I had the required grades and the ACT (American College Testing) ________, but I came from a town of nowhere.”可知,作者达到了大学的申请条件,但觉得自己来自一个不知名的小镇,因此心情矛盾(conflict)。anxiety“焦虑,忧虑”;relief“宽慰,安心”;calmness“平静,冷静”;conflict“矛盾,冲突”。

5.A.Wishes C.Cheers

B.Regards D.Congratulations

解析:选D 根据下文中的“Now that the opportunity was open to me, I decided to go.”可知,作者最终上了大学,故信封上的字应是“祝贺”。regards“致意,问候”;cheers“干杯(用于祝酒)”;congratulations“祝贺”。

6.A.financial C.academic

B.spiritual D.parents'

解析:选A 根据下文的“scholarships”可知,作者得到了助学金和奖学金。financial aid“(高等院校的)助学金,助学贷款”;spiritual“精神的”;academic“学术的”。

7.A.boring C.discouraging

B.driving D.promising

解析:选B 根据上文可知,作者获得了经济上的帮助,这推动了作者决定去上大学。boring“无聊的”;driving“推进的,起推动作用的”;discouraging“令人沮丧的”;promising“有前途的,有希望的”。

8.A.get in C.put in

B.take in D.persist in

解析:选C 根据语境可知,似乎无论作者付出多少努力,作者的父母都认为是浪费时间。get in“到达”;take in“欺骗”;put in“投入(时间、精力)”;persist in“坚持,执意”。


9.A.space C.resource

解析:选D 参见上题解析。 10.A.support C.motivation

B.money D.time

B.courage D.concern

解析:选A 根据空后的“I did the application all by myself.”及最后一段第二句中的“lack of support”可知,没有人支持作者。support“支持,帮助”;courage“勇气”;motivation“动力,积极性”;concern“关切”。

11.A.feasts C.seminars

B.necessities D.majors

解析:选B 上大学之后,作者做了两份工作,独立支付日用必需品的开销和学费。feast“筵席,宴会”;necessity“必需品”;seminar“讨论会,研讨班”;major“专业”。

12.A.hard C.easy

B.right D.awkward

解析:选C 现在回想一下,作者感觉自力更生并不容易。根据后一句中的“But”可知,作者认为自力更生不容易,但却从中受益匪浅。

13.A.ignore C.forget

B.appreciate D.disapprove

解析:选B 从长远来看,作者感激在生命的关键时刻缺少支持这件事情,这教会作者在困难时期独立并有责任心,教会作者超越预期并且尝试从来没有想过自己能尝试的事情。ignore“忽视,不理”;appreciate“感激,欣赏”;forget“忘记”;disapprove“不同意”。

14.A.independent C.honest

B.easy-going D.considerate

解析:选A 参见上题解析。independent“独立的”;easy-going“随和的”;honest“诚实的”;considerate“考虑周到的”。

15.A.recognition C.control

B.description D.expectation

解析:选D 作者在文章开头提到从来没料到自己能上大学,与此处呼应,故选D项。recognition“识别,承认”;description“描述”;control“控制”;expectation“期待,预期”。


(2019·湖南株洲质检)Located in a natural depression in Guizhou, China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, __1__ (know) as FAST, has


identified six pulsars (脉冲星) after one year of trial operation. It is the first time Chinese scientists have discovered pulsars using a radio telescope independently developed by Chinese scientists, thus __2__ (open) a “new era of Chinese original space discovery”.

It is truly encouraging for China to have achieved such results in just one year. Since the first pulsar __3__ (discover), over 2,700 pulsars have been identified. But almost all of them are __4__ the scope of the Milky Way. Being the world's largest radio telescope, FAST is expected to capture pulsars outside the galaxy. Apart from the massive size, it also has unmatched accuracy and sensitivity, allowing scientists __5__ (find) previously hidden stars. Moreover, FAST is capable of surveying the night sky for multiple __6__ (science) data at once, __7__ enables astronomers to jump-start many science goals. Its innovative engineering concept and design pave __8__ new road to realize a huge single dish in the most effective way.

China's FAST science impact on astronomy will be extraordinary, and has the potential to revolutionize other __9__(area) of the natural sciences. It __10__(remain) the global leader for the next 10 to 20 years.

语篇解读:本文是一篇科普文。文章主要介绍了我国重大科技成就——“中国天眼”。 1.known 考查非谓语动词。Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope 和know之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式作定语。

2.opening 考查非谓语动词。thus 指代前面的整句话,和动词open 之间是主动关系,故用现在分词形式作结果状语。

3.was discovered 考查动词的时态和语态。the first pulsar和discover之间是被动关系,且动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动语态。

4.in/within 考查介词。根据下文 “... FAST is expected to capture pulsars outside the galaxy.”可知,此处指几乎所有发现的脉冲星都在银河系的范围内,表示“在……内”用in或within。

5.to find 考查动词不定式。allow sb. to do sth.表示“允许某人做某事”,为固定用法。

6.scientific 考查形容词。修饰名词 data,故用形容词形式scientific。

7.which 考查定语从句。此处是非限制性定语从句,关系词指代前面的整个句子,且在句中作主语,故用which。

8.a 考查冠词。road是单数可数名词,此处表示“一条新路”,故用a。