2016年江苏省盐城市中考英语试卷和参考答案 下载本文

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1.(1分)I think playing football is a good way to learn the spirit of teamwork ( ) A.a

B.an C.the D./

2.(1分)The 3﹣D film The Angry Birds opened in Chinese cinemas May 20,2016( )

A.on B.at C.in D.to

3.(1分)My cousin Andrew is crazy about doing many things by ( ) A.herself B.himself C.him D.her

4.(1分)Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your ,you must keep moving.( )

A.promise B.position C.balance D.ability

5.(1分)The rich were one of the four main classes in the Aztec society ( )

A.the most powerful

B.the more powerful

C.more powerful D.powerful 6.(1分)﹣﹣Is that man Mr Green?

﹣﹣It be him.He has gone to Paris on business.( ) A.may B.must



7.(1分)﹣﹣ do you go to Mrs Rainbow's colour therapy? ﹣﹣Once every two weeks.( ) A.How often B.How soon

C.How long

D.How far

8.(1分)It seems that El Nino some disasters in the world in the past few months ( )

A.has caused B.is causing

C.will cause


9.(1分)My grandma's hobby is cooking watching TV,It's square

dancing ( ) A.not only;but also


C.both;and D.either;or

10.(1分)Watch out,Peter! is a little boy playing ahead on the road.( ) A.It

B.This C.That D.There

11.(1分)We must do everything we can waste water from running into rivers ( )

A.prevent B.prevented

C.preventing D.to prevent

12.(1分)In Switzerland,things like glass and plastic into different groups and then recycled( ) A.separate B.separated C.are separated

D.is separated

13.(1分)﹣﹣I wonder . ﹣﹣Yes,of course.( ) A.why we will visit this museum B.when we will get to the museum C.whether the museum is worth visiting D.what we can see in the museum

14.(1分)﹣﹣Thank you very much for giving me some advice on how to deal with stress.

﹣﹣﹣ ( )

A.That's true B.Don't mention it C.OK,I'll try D.I don't think so

15.(1分)\ \you say you will do.( ) A.Every dog has its day B.Practice makes perfect C.Many hands make light work D.Actions speak louder than words


16.(15分)One night in November,Itzhak Perlman gave a concert in a theatre,if you have ever been to a Perlman concert,you know that becoming a violinist is not a small (16) for him,he had to walk(17) the help of two walking sticks as a result of the disease he caught as a child.

People sat (18) while he made his way to his chair and began his play.But this time,something went (19) .Just as he finished the first few parts of the music,one of the strings(弦) on his violin (20) .We thought that he would have to stop the concert.But he didn't (21) ,he waited a moment,closed his eyes and then (22) the conductor(指挥) to begin again.The orchestra (管弦乐队)began and he played with such strong feeling and purity as they had (23) heard before.

Of course,everyone knows that it is (24) for a violinist to play a pleasant work with just three stings.I know that,and you know that,(25) that night Itzhak Perlman didn't want to accept that.

When he finished,there was a terrible (26) in the room,And then people rose and (27) from every corner of the theatre.

Perlman was excited.He smiled and said,\,sometimes it is the artist's task to (28) how much music you can still make with what you have left.\ So,suppose our task in this fast﹣changing world is to make (29) ,at first we should try our best with all that we have.And then,(30) it is no longer possible,try to play it with what we have left.

16.A.achievement B.advantage 17.A.for 18.A.widely 19.A.wrong 20.A.fixed

B.by B.closely B.well B.broke

C.accident C.to C.quietly C.smoothly C.burned

D.application D.with D.noisily D.slowly D.lost