现代大学英语精读1第二版笔记Unit 1~3 下载本文

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Unit 1

1. elliptical question 省略句 rhetorical question 反义疑问句 2. superiority complex自大情结 3. to make …(out) of sb./sth.

e. g. His father wants to make football star out of him. 4. convince sb. of sth.

e. g. ①We utterly(used to emphasize how complete sth. is) failed to convince him.

② a convincing evidence/argument

5. fool around 糊弄

6. rank n. ①line of people or things; ② position or class军衔,社会地位,职位

7. Many employeers, for example, will overlook, occasionally inefficiencies from their secretary

provided(相当于if,条件状语从句) she has a pleasant personality. 8. Flow---flew---flown流动 9. misgiving顾虑,多用于复数 10. The Evolution Theory 进化论 11. Observant

① careful to obey rules,customs,tradition ② quick at noticing thing

be observant of observable 显著的 observatory 观测台 12. rivalry

—completion;the act of competing for the same thing rival

—rival for /in sth.

—have no rival/second to nothing

13. resort to 采取…通常跟不好的,但也有特殊

14. Now that I’m 90, I find the exertions of traveling too great.

既然我已年届90,出远门已力不从心。 15. Mediterranean 地中海

Unit 2

1. at the beginning of +n.

in the beginning 2. wallet men

purse women money belt 3. authority

① powers to given orders and make others obey. ② person who special knowledge. E.g. She is an authority on phonetics (pl.) 掌权之人,当局

the authorities concerned 有关当局

4. 新闻发布会 press

5. 1)more…than 与其…不如

The child was morefrightened than hurt. 2)more than: very;extremely;beyond

That’s more than I can tell. 带有否定意味,简直不 3)no more than

He is no richer than I am.=He’s as poor as I am.

※ I have not taken more than 6 courses this semester. 没有超过六门

※ I have taken no more than 6 courses this semester. 课程多于六门,选得少 A whale is no more a fish than a horse. 鲸鱼和马一样都不是鱼。 6. account for 导致

be of account

on account of 因为,由于 后面的sth.通常unpleasant ,problem because of 后面的原因可以是好的,也可以是坏的 take sth. Into account = take aount of sth. on no account 决不

on all account 总之,无论如何

7. dismay: a worried, sad, feeling after you have recievd an unpleasant surprise 诧异,惊愕,

灰心,丧气 , 8. dismay +at n. cynicism 愤世嫉俗

dismay+ to v.

in dismay to one’s dismay 9. absolute construction 独立主格结构

10. Now if you’ll excuse me. Formula 客套话 11. Look/Think before you leap.三思而后行 12. As to +whether/concerning/about/regarding

as regards

as for 不能放在句中 as to 可用于句中

owing to 不能放在句中 due to

13. may…but 后者与前者看似冲突,但二者都对

You may be rich ,but you can’t buy everything. 14. alternative

① adj. that can be used to replace sth.else ② n.二者选一的可供选择的选择 ③ adj.非传统的,另类的

④ alternative medicine 传统医疗,替代疗法 ⑤ alternative energy 替代能源

其中③④⑤中的alternative 可用alternate 替代

15. balance :referring to the amount of money one has in one’s bank account 余额

on balance 总的来说

16. I had my opening./window. 17. ①move in sth.

——to live, spend your time, etc. in a particular social group 涉足,出入,生活在(某群体) She only moves in the best circles. 她只涉足于那些精英圈子。 ② move in for sth.

——become active in doing sth. ③ Move in on sb./sth.

——approach sb./sth. Esp.in.threatening way.

e.g. The police move in on the terrorists.警察从四面八方向犯罪分子逼近。 18. to zero in on sb.

(originally)——to aim a gun at a target 瞄准 (figuratively)——fucos on sb./sth. 18. Teller 柜台工作人员 19. shrug n.&v.

shrug sth. off/aside 对什么满不在乎,不予理睬 Shrugging off his injury , he played on.

20. protest v.重音在后 n.重音在后

v.①to express opposition or disapproval

②to say firmly that sth. is true. 通常自己觉得对,别人觉得不对 E.g. He protested his innocence.他坚持他的无罪。 n.the expression of opposition or disapproval ※under protest 无奈的,不服气的

e.g. She made an apology to him but only under protest. ※ protestation n.郑重的声明,坚决的表示 protester n. 抗议者,示威者 contradict 与 ……相抵触/矛盾

21. Rear-mirror 后视镜

22. intercept 截获(情报) interchange 轮替

interfuse 弥漫,使混合 interior 内陆的,内部的 23. interfere 干涉,干预 +in/with 24. damn well

——emphasize how sure or determined one is about something

Slang; very informal; not use in polite society ① adv.=very

emphasize how good/bad sth. is

e.g. You know damn well what I mean. 你明明知道我的意思。 ② adj.(only before noun) show how angry or annoyed. ③ n.1)not give a damn

——you don’t care about sth. 2)not worth a damn

——say that sth. has no value at all ④ v. 1)Damn you/them/it.诅咒

⑤ The critics damnde the play on the first night.大家都往一边倒说不好。 25. Conclude

v.① to come to or bring sth. to an end +with ② to decide by reasoning to draw a conclusion