商务英语_ 外贸函电课后答案整理版 下载本文

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世纪商务英语---- 外贸函电(第二版) (教师用书)

English Letter Writing in Foreign Trade 主编 吴思乐 胡秋华 大连理工大学出版社 前 言

《世纪商务英语—外贸函电》是新世纪高职高专教材编委会组编的商务英语 类课程规划教材之一。本书主要针对高职高专商务英语和其他涉外经贸专业的学 生..也可以作为其他层次涉外经贸专业的外经贸英语教材。同时..对正在从事或 即将从事涉外经贸活动和贸易洽谈工作的广大外贸工作者来说..本书还可作为自 学参考资料。

为方便教学和自学者学习..我们编写了与之配套的练习答案..并提供了常用 表达部分的译文。

希望本书能对我们的读者有所帮助。 编者

Contents Module Unit

Module 1 Fundamentals of Modern Business Letter Writing 现代商务函电写作基础

Unit 1 Basic knowledge of Business letter Writing 商务信函写作Module 2 Preparations for Negotiation 业务磋商的准备

Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系

Unit 3. Making Credit Investigation 资信调查 Module 3 Procedures of Business Negotiation 业务磋商的主要环节 Unit 4 Inquiry 询盘 Unit 5 Offer 发盘

Unit 6 Counter-offer 还盘 Module 4 Conclusion of Business 交易的达成 Unit 7 Acceptance and Confirmation 接受与确认

Unit 8 Order and Contract 订单与合同 Module 5 Negotiation of Main Trade Terms 主要交易条款的磋商 Unit 9 Payment and L/C 支付与信用证 Unit 10 Packing 包装… Unit 11 Shipment 运输

Unit 12 Insurance 保险 Module 6 Disputes and Settlement 争议及争议的解决 Unit 13 Complaints, Claims and Settlement 申诉、抱怨与索赔、理赔

Unit 1. Fundamentals of Modern English Business Letter Writing

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第一章 现代商务英语函电写作的基本知识

Part Five Practical Training

1. Arrange the Following in Proper Form as They Should Be Set Out in a Letter 1) Sender's name: Guangzhou International Trading Corp.

2) Sender's address: 198 Yueken Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China 3) Sender's Telephone: 85230000 4) Sender's cable address: 5527GZ 5) Sender's telex address: 3328 gz CN 6) Date: September 15, 2007

7) Receiver's name: Standard Oil Company

8) Receiver's address: 38 Fifth Avenue, London, U. K. 9) Subject: Refrigerators 10) The message:

We thank you for your letter of September 3, 2007, enquiring for the captioned goods.

The enclosed booklet contains details of all our refrigerators and will enable you to make a suitable selection.

We look forward to receiving your specific inquiry with keen interest. Basically, there are four acceptable formats for business letters. Students can choose one of the layouts as his or her style. The following is just a sample. Guangzhou International Trading Corp. Address: 198 Yueken Road,

Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 510507, P. R. China

Tel: 85230000, Cable: 5527GZ, Telex: 3328 gz CN September 15, 2010 Standard Oil Company 38 Fifth Avenue, London, EC4, U. K.

Dear Madam or Sir: Subject..Refrigerators

Thank you for your letter of September 3, 2007, enquiring for the captioned goods. The enclosed booklet contains details of all our refrigerators and will enable you to make a suitable selection.

We look forward to receiving your specific inquiry with keen interest. Yours Sincerely, Li Ming

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Li Ming Encl. as stated

2. Address an Envelope for the Above Letter

Since we use the Full-block Style for the letter composing, we should also use the Full-block Style for the envelope. Guangzhou International Trading Corp. 198 Yueken Road

Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdogn, China Standard Oil Company 38 Fifth Avenue London EC 4 U. K. Urgent Stamp

Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 第二章 建立业务关系

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences Typical Sentences:

1. Telling the addressee how his name is known in pleasant words. (用令人愉快的语言..说明你是怎样知道对方的)

1..We are very pleased to obtain your name from the Industrial Chambers. ..很高兴从行业协会处得知贵公司的名称..

2..On the recommendation of Merrs. Harvey & Co., we have learned with pleasure the name of your firm. (由于哈维公司的推荐..我们高兴地得知贵公司的名称。)

3..Through the courtesy of Mr. Freemen, we are given to understand that you are one of the leading importers of electric goods in your area and wish to enter into business relations with us. ..承蒙布什先生介绍..我们得知贵公司是当地主要的一家电子产品进口商..且希望与我们建立业务关系。..

4..We have your name and address from \我们从《商业杂志》上得知贵公司的名称和地址。..

2. Introducing briefly the business scope of your firm. ..概要介绍自己的业务..

1..We are one of the leading importers of ceramic products in America. We’d like to establish a business relationship with your corporation. (我们是美国陶瓷制品的主要进口商之一..愿与贵公司建立业务关系。)

2..We are a state-operated corporation, handling the export of animal by products and we are willing to enter into business relations with your firm.

(我们是国营公司.. 经营土畜产品出口业务..我们愿与贵公司建立业务关系。)

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