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carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives《市场营销学》练习题及答案
1、微观市场营销 2、营销市场 3、需要 4、惠顾动机 5、产业市场 6、营销环境 7、市场细分 8、市场调查 9、市场预测 10、营销战略 11、营销渠道 12、产品组合
13、品牌 14、营销谈判 15、广告 16、年度营销计划控制 二、单项选择题
1、“酒香不怕巷子深”是一种( )观念。 A、生产 B、产品 C、推销 D、社会营销 2、生产观念强调的是( )。
A、以量取胜 B、以廉取胜 C、以质取胜 D、以形象取胜 3、( )动机是以注重产品的实际使用价值为主要特征的。 A、求实 B、求名 C、求新 D、求美
4、( )型购买行为发生在购买差异性不大的产品的场合。 A、复杂 B、多变 C、习惯 D、和谐
5、改变消费者对竞争品牌的信念,这是( )定位。 A、实际的重新 B、心理的重新 C、竞争性反 D、二次 6、下列组织中,( )不是营销中介单位。 A、中间商 B、供应商 C、银行 D、保险公司
7、能满足同一需要的各种产品的生产者互为( )竞争者。 A、愿望 B、平行 C、产品形式 D、品牌
8、当家庭收入达到一定水平时,随着收入增长,思格尔系数将( )。 A、下降 B、增大 C、不变 D、上下波动
9、考试站\\\class=kk>企业决定生产各种产品,但只向某一顾客群供应,这是( )。
A、产品/市场集中化 B、产品专业化 C、市场专业化 D、有选择专业化
10、按照人口的具体变量细分市场的方法就是( )细分。 A、地理 B、行为 C、心理 D、人口
11、处于( )的产品,可采用无差异性的目标市场营销策略。 A、成长期 B、衰退期 C、导入期 D、成熟期 12、( )调查是为了解市场中出现的有关现象之间的因果关系而进行的专题调查。
A、探测性 B、描述性 C、因果性 D、预测性 13、以现有产品开发新市场,这是( )战略。
A、一体化 B、市场渗透 C、市场开发 D、产品开发
14、利用原有市场,采用不同技术开发新产品,这是( )战略。 A、产品开发 B、同心多元化 C、综合多元化 D、水平多元化 15、产业用品渠道一般不包括( )
A、批发商 B、代理商 C、制造商 D、零售商 16、产品价格低,其营销渠道就应( )。
roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members n accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives A、长而窄 B、长而宽 C、短而窄 D、短而宽 17、生产者在某一地区仅通过少数几个精心挑选的中间商来分销产品,这是( )分销策略。
A、广泛 B、密集 C、强力 D、选择性
18、下列各项中,( )不属于产品整体范畴。 A、品牌 B、包装 C、价格 D、运送 19、对现有产品的品质、款式、特点或包装等作一定的改进而形成的新产品,就是( )新产品。
A、仿制 B、改进 C、换代 D、完全
20、品牌中可以用语言称呼、表达的部分是( )。 A、品牌 B、商标 C、品牌标志 D、品牌名称
21、( )品牌就是指一个考试站\\\class=kk>企业的各种产品分别采用不同的品牌。
A、个别 B、制造商 C、中间商 D、统一
22、在成本费用核算中,总成本费用与总产量之比称为( )。 A、边际成本 B、平均成本 C、平均固定成本 D、平均变动成本 [Page] 23、若EP( ),则降价可扩大产品销售,增加盈利。 A、等于0 B、等于1 C、小于1 D、大于1
24、在投标定价中,应以( )时的价格为最佳报价。
A、成本最低 B、目标利润最高 C、中标概率最大 D、预期利润最大 25、在衰退期,可采用( )定价的方法。 A、撇脂 B、渗透 C、驱逐 D、满意
26、工业产品的促销一般多采用 ( )的方法。 A、营业推广 B、人员推销 C、公关 D、广告
27、( )推销结构规定每一个推销员专门负责某一地区的推销。 A、区域 B、产品 C、顾客 D、复式
28、( )是立足于国内生产的国际营销方式。
A、许可证贸易 B、国际合资经营 C、在国外装配生产 D、间接出口 29、( )型组织就是在一名总产品经理领导下,再按每个品种分别设一名产品经理,实行分层管理的组织型式。
A、职能 B、地区 C、产品管理 D、市场管理 30、( )市场的需求具有鲜明的可诱导性。
A、产业 B、中间商 C、政府 D、消费者三、多项选择题
1、一个国家的市场营销系统包括( )等流程。
A、资源 B、人员 C、货物和劳务 D、信息 E、货币 2、( )是市场导向的市场营销观念。
A、生产观念 B、产品观念 C、推销观念 D、市场营销观念 E、社会营销观念
3、影响消费者购买行为的心理因素包括( )。
A、需要和动机 B、感觉和知觉 C、学习和态度 D、教育程度 E、记忆 4、消费者的信息主要有( )等几个方面的来源。 A、商业 B、间接 C、个人 D、大众 E、经验 5、产业用户购买中心是由( )等人员组成。
roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \card\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations carried out \ce line pioneer standard, and post spurs\service months\de members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education, making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the party's ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take stricteducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In he standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, to which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the city's party organization focused investigation, check out a total of \here are 640 \are not contacted 148 \nd implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educationalinteraction. In short, through solid and effective work initiatives A、实际使用者 B、影响者 C、采购者 D、决定者 E、信息控制者 6、分析营销环境的根本目的是 ( )。
A、扩大销售 B、对抗竞争 C、寻求营销机会 D、避免环境威胁 E、树立企业形象
7、社会购买力受到( )等因素的影响。
A、居民收入 B、币值 C、消费者储蓄 D、消费者信贷 E、消费者支出模式
8、政治法律环境是由那些影响各种组织、个人行为的( )组成。 A、法律 B、政府机构 C、群体规范 D、传统习惯 E、公众团体 9、市场细分的有效条件是( )。
A、可衡量性 B、可进入性 C、可获利性 D、长期稳定性 E、全面、综合性
10、营销战略任务的确定应考虑( )等因素。
A、企业历史上的突出特征 B、环境变化 C、企业资源 D、企业的特有能力 E、企业管理当局的意图
11、企业营销战略有( )等几种基本形态。
A、稳定战略 B、拓展战略 C、收割战略 D、撤退战略 E、多元化战略 12、考察一个中间商,需要综合、考虑其( )等因素。
A、经营能力 B、所有制结构 C、所在区域 D、经营水平 E、周转能力 13、开拓营销渠道的策略大致有 ( )。
A、自筑 B、促销拉引 C、通融资金 D、借渠过渡 E、优惠特约 14、产品整体概念包括( )。
A、工业品 B、消费品 C、核心产品 D、形式产品 E、附加产品 15、新产品构思的来源主要有( )。 [Page]
A、顾客 B、竞争者 C、企业生产部门 D、企业销售部门 E、代理商 16、企业的产品组合包括( )等三个因素。
A、广度 B、深度 C、产品线 D、产品项目 E、关联性 17、产品价格是由( )等要素构成的。
A、生产成本 B、流通费用 C、税金 D、利润 E、广告费 18、按谈判双方接触的方式,谈判可划分为( )谈判。 A、主场 B、客场 C、口头 D、书面 E、集体 19、在我国,营销合同纠纷的处理方式有( )。 A、权衡 B、协商 C、调解 D、仲裁 E、诉讼 20、促销组合是( )等手段的综合运用。
A、广告 B、人员推销 C、公关 D、产品开发 E、营业推广 21、人员推销的要素是( )。
A、推销策略 B、推销人员 C、推销对象 D、推销品 E、推销费用 22、营业推广决策通常包括( )等内容。
A、确定目标 B、选择方式 C、制定方案 D、实施方案 E、评价方案 23、营销组织的要素包括( )。
A、专职化程度 B、规模 C、集权和分散化 D、控制幅度 E、激励 24、年度营销计划控制的内容包括( )分析。
roken problem, fill the short Board, so that the majority of party members and fully qualified, comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party level upgrade. Comrades, do a \ng education is of great significance, responsibilities, carry significant implications. City levels party and general members cadres, to deep awareness \do\ning education of importance and need, to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm, put \n a do\ning education carried out good, for coordination advance \a full\chieved \n-Five%up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report \Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the whole party, the ruling party of the party Constitution. Revered Constitution reflected in awe. Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose, summed up the party's fine tradition and style; a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts. Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf, not to learn, some long-term party according to the Constitution of the party's organization, the party is not required to pay membership dues, loose concept, party organizations of the party organization, and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization, were forgotten, forgotten vows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim, the party Constitution to repeatedly learn, practice, thinking, learning and thinking, thinking and row, row, ever-spiraling increase in the learning process. Respect party lines reflected in practice. Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, the key to be qualified party members. To be qualified party members, standards are not high, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to \d\sy. Carry out study and education, every party must control the party's eight obligations, ask, look for gaps, identify problems, clear direction, work to solve specific problems. Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations, to play a vanguard and exemplary role, truly a party banner. \hlight grass-roots party organizations