雅思写作:动物类话题素材+解析 下载本文

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雅思写作中如果遇到动物类话题很多考生的第一反应就是要“爱护小动物,不能杀害无辜小生命”,但是大家是否想过对世界、对人类、甚至对自身有什么影响吗?很明显大家都被题目局限住了,那么大家看看下面的案例,希望可以帮助大家拓展思路! 题目


In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 题目分析

在当代社会,使用动物为食物或是其他产品如衣服和药品不再有必要,在一定程度上,你是否同意? 文章结构:

第一段:引出主题,表明自身观点,即反对题目观点。 第二、三段: 阐述使用动物为了食物与医药是有必要的。 第四段:阐述使用动物为了衣服是没必要的。 第五段:总结全文,重申观点。 Sample Answer

Animals have always been the sources of human food, clothes, medicine or other products since human civilization began. Some people, however, claim that human use of animals is no more necessary in modern time. Even as an animal lover, I am against this view myself.

On the one hand, animal meat, by providing necessary nutrition (protein , fat) and energy, is essential to human health. Living in this competitive modern world, our energy consumption doubles with the increasing living pressure. When we are exhausted after a long day`s work, a wonderful meal of steak or chicken may be the best way to revive our vigor.

On the other hand, for human survival, it is crucial to extract valuable substance from animals for medical purpose. Only certain animals can provide a cure for some fatal disease, say, cancer, and it is common sense that a man’s life is of more importance than that of an animal in extreme situations.

Exploiting animals for clothes, however, is unnecessary. It is extremely cruel to slaughter minks or seals to make fur coats. Fashion means torture for defenseless animals. In modern society, high-tech materials can replace fur to keep human warm in cold winter.



In spite of the fact that we have every reason to use animals for food and pills out of necessity, we should always keep in mind that no wild or endangered animals are to be harmed for human interest. As the most powerful creature on the earth, we should be grateful for the sacrifice of animals we herd. 关于动物类话题解决思路:


在应对环境恶化的时候,政府比个人有更多优势,第一,有钱。政府可以给开发清洁能源的企业提供财政补贴(financial support)。第二,有权。政府可以制定法律(make environmental laws)来对破坏环境的行为进行惩罚。第三,有号召力。政府可以在中小学设立环境教育课程(environment-protection programs),提供青少年保护环境的意识(increase children’s environmental awareness)。

保护动物的重要性:动物实验是否可行?支持动物实验的原因:1. 医学技术(medical technologies)的发展依赖动物实验,比如新药物的研发需要动物实验来确保药物的安全性(safety)。2. 人类现有生物技术(bio-technology)尚无法找到动物的替代品(substitutes)来进行科学研究和实验。不支持动物实验的原因除了太残忍(merciless),我们不能剥夺动物的生存权(the right of survival)之外,还有:1. 动物实验成果是在实验室环境下完成的,没有人能确保这些成果同样可以适用于人类身上。2. 动物实验容易让一些私人企业为了牟利,通过非法途径获得动物,其中包括野生动物,甚至稀有物种。。

以上就是文都国际教育今天为大家总结的关于雅思写作动物类话题内容,希望对同学们有帮助。 文章来源于文都国际教育:http://www.wenduguoji.com
