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篇一:zysz直线筛使用说明书 英文翻译 zysz series linear vibrating screen introduction manual


xinxiang zhenying mechanical equipment co.,ltd 一、简介:

我厂生产的直线振动筛是与中国矿业学院联合设计制造的,是利用振动电机激振的原理,使物料在筛面上被筛子抛起,同时向前作直线运动,以合理匹配的筛网达到筛分的目的。适合于0.074—6mm的任何物料的筛分,最大给料粒度不大于10mm. i. introduction:

zysz series linear vibrating screen is designed and manufactured by zhenying machine co. and chinese school of mines, with the principle of a vibrating motor excitation, sieve materials can be tossed on the screen surface and moved forward in a straight line, achieve screening purposes matching a reasonable screen. it can sieve for 0.074-6mm any material, and the maximum feed particle size less than 10mm. 二、主要用途:

磨料、化工、医药、冶金、建材、粮食、碳素、化肥等行业中物料的筛分。 2 application:

it is widely used for abrasive, chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgy, building materials, food, carbon, fertilizer industry and other industry. 三、特点: 与其它筛机相比,本筛机有如下特点:筛分精度高、结构较简单、维修方便、耗能少、噪音小、封闭性好、减少污染、筛网寿命较长。 3 features: 型号说明:

图片已关闭显示,点此查看 图片已关闭显示,点此查看 筛面长xx×100mm 筛面宽xx×100mm 筛面层数粉料 电机振动筛分机 ×100mm ×100mm

sieve layer motor vibrationsieving machine zhenying brand 四、筛分原理:

物料从给料机均匀地进入筛分机的进料口,在振动电机的激振下向前方边跳动、边筛分,通过多层筛网分出数种产品和不合格的物品。筛上物、筛下物,分别从各自的出口排出,流入料仓或盛料筒。 4 working principles:

materials from the feeder evenly enter into the inlet of screening machine, beating while screening to the front under the vibration motor excitation. separation several kinds of products and failed several by multi-screen. material on the sieve and under the sieve were discharged from their respective export, into the hopper or holding barrel. 五、结构说明:

本筛机主要由筛箱、筛框、筛网、振动电机、电机台座、减振弹簧、支架组成。 1、 筛箱:由厚度不同的不锈钢板焊制而成,具有一定的强度、


2、 筛框:由不锈钢方管组成,强度高、变形小,主要用来保持 筛网平整,达到正常筛分。

3、 筛网:有低碳钢、黄铜、青铜、不锈钢丝等数种筛网。 4、 振动电机性能稳定,寿命长。

5、 电机台座:下振式(电机安在筛箱下方),使用前连接螺钉

必须拧紧,特别是新筛机试用前三天必须反复紧固,以免松动,造成事故。 6、 减振弹簧:阻止振传给地面同时支持筛箱的全部重量。安装 时,弹簧必须垂直于地面。

7、 支架:由四个支柱和两个槽钢组成,支持着筛箱。安装时支

柱必须垂直于地面,连接支柱的槽钢应相互平行。 5. structure description:

3), screen mesh: material by a low carbon steel, brass, bronze, stainless steel wire etc.

4), the vibration motor performance with stability and long life.

5), motor pedestal: the under vibration type (motor mounted on the bottom of the screen box), connector screws must be tight before using, especially three days before the new screening machine must be repeated fastening in the trial, so as not to loose, causing the accident. 6), the damping spring: to prevent vibration passed to the ground while supporting the full weight of the screen box. when installed, the spring must be perpendicular to the ground.



1、 检查振动电机绕组对地的绝缘电阻,若小于0.5mω必须烘 干后方能使用。

2、 检查振动电机的接线运转方向;两台振动电机必须反向运 转。

3、 检查筛机、电机的连接螺丝钉,必须紧固。

4、 检查支架,安装的是否垂直、稳固,支柱不得悬空。

5、 以上各项没问题,方能开机试车,先空载半小时,观察筛机,

筛机启动应迅速、运行平稳、无特殊噪音,方能正常使用。 6, installation and adjustment:

new screening machines installed, the following requirements should be checked:

1), check the insulation resistance of the vibration motor winding to ground, if less than 0.5mω must be dried before using.

2), check the wiring running direction of the vibration motor; two vibrating motors must run in the reverse.

3), check the screening machine, the motor screw connections must be tightened. 4), check the bracket, if installed in vertical, solid, pillar not vacant. 七、直线筛的筛网的安装


2、将压网筋螺钉卸下,取下压网筋(各个筛机压网筋不能互换)。 3、检查网架,和筛网接触的网架面不能有碰伤和硬划伤,如有应


4、首先将剪好的粗筛网平铺在筛网的下面,四周铺平,用压条压 好。



能有皱褶,然后再将靠进料端是压网筋固定。待网在长度方向绷紧后,再将两侧压网筋固定。固定两侧压网筋时,要分段从中间开始压紧螺丝。 7、用中间的压网条将网压紧。


9、将绷好的网架装入箱体,将压网架装入,拧紧螺丝(四周密封 条不能有断裂和缺块,四周密封和压网筋密封都要严)。 7 installation of screen mesh

1), firstly screen frame should be taken out from the box.

2), discharge the screws of pressure net bars, remove the pressure net bars (pressure net bars of each screen machines are not interchangeable).

3), check the screen net, it’s surface can not have hard bumps and scratches, and if so, use fine sandpaper to smooth and flat.

4), at first, cut out of a piece of coarse screen mesh and tile it below the fine screen mesh, surrounded by paved, with the pressure by the pressure bar. 5), then cut out of a piece of fine mesh and tile on the screen net.

6), fasten pressure net bars, firstly reinforcement by pressure net bars to the upper end of the outlet , level the screen, not wrinkled, and then fixed the

pressure net bars to the feeding end. screen net in the length direction to be taut, and then fixed on both sides of pressure net bars. when fixed on both sides of pressure net bars, to start clamping screw from the middle segment.

8), at last tighten the screws on the pressure net bars one by one, so that the whole mesh taut.

9), put the finished screen net into the screen box, and install the pressure net, tighten the screws (surrounding seal ring can not have the broken and missing pieces, the seal by seals ring and pressure net bars should be enclosed). 八、操作规程:


2、启动:空机运行数分钟,正常后,才能给料生产,若有异常应先排除故障再生产。 3、运转:正常生产中操作者不得随便离开岗位,以免发生事故。 4、停机:先停给料机,后停筛机,并写好交班记录。 8, operating procedures:

1), ready: shift operator should read the record, and then check the screen is intact, the screen frame is pressed, the connection is firmly screw, spring bracket is normal. 2), start: empty run a few minutes, normal, then feed production, if an exception should be troubleshooting and reproducing.

3), operation: sifter operator should not be allowed to leave their posts in normal production operations for avoiding accidents.