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诅咒火把(Cursed Torch) (33)

火把(Torch) (33) 诅咒火焰(Cursed Flame) 火把(Torch) (3) 蓝宝石(Saphhire) 火把(Torch) (3) 红宝石(Ruby) 火把(Torch) (3) 祖母绿(Emerald) 火把(Torch) (3) 黄晶玉(Topaz) 火把(Torch) (3) 紫水晶(Amethyst) 火把(Torch) (3) 钻石(Diamond) 凝胶(Gel) (5)

蓝色火把(Blue Torch) (3)

红色火把(Red Torch) (3)

绿色火把(Green Torch) (3)

黄色火把(Yellow Torch) (3)

紫色火把(Purple Torch) (3)

白色火把(White Torch) (3)

粘性炸弹(Sticky Bomb)


粘性荧光棒(Sticky Glowstick)


荧光棒(Glowstick) 木材(Wood)

木材(Wood) (10)

夜光蘑菇(Glowing Mushroom) (10)

木质平台(Wood Platform)

工作台(Work Bench)

蘑菇工作台(Mushroom Work Bench)

机关石块(Active Stone Block)

岩石块(Stone Block) 导线(Wire)

岩石墙壁(Stone Block Wall) (4) 导线(Wire)

矿用雷管(Dynamite) (3) 导线(Wire)

机关石墙(Inactive Stone Block)


魔法水晶(Mana Crystal)

落星(Fallen Star) (5)

铜币(Copper Coin) (100) 银币(Sliver Coin)

银币(Sliver Coin) (100)

银币(Sliver Coin)

铜币(Copper Coin) (100) 金币(Gold Coin)

金币(Gold Coin)

金币(Gold Coin) (100) 铂金币(Platinum Coin)

绳圈(Rope Coil)

银币(Sliver Coin) (100) 铂金币(Platinum Coin) 金币(Gold Coin) (100) 绳子(Rope) (10)


木材(Wood) (20) 火把(Torch) (5)

雪球(Snowball) (10) 雪块(Snow Block)

丛林钥匙模具(Jungle Key Mold)

神庙钥匙(Temple Key)

丛林钥匙(Jungle Key)

恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5) 力量之魂(Soul of Might) (5) 视域之魂(Soul of Sight) (5)

腐化钥匙模具(Corruption Key Mold)

神庙钥匙(Temple Key)

腐化钥匙(Corrption Key)

恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5) 力量之魂(Soul of Might) (5) 视域之魂(Soul of Sight) (5)

血腥钥匙模具(Crimson Key Mold)

神庙钥匙(Temple Key)

血腥钥匙(Crimson Key)

恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5) 力量之魂(Soul of Might) (5) 视域之魂(Soul of Sight) (5)

神圣钥匙(Hallowed Key)

神圣钥匙模具(Hallowed Key Mold)

神庙钥匙(Temple Key)

恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5) 力量之魂(Soul of Might) (5) 视域之魂(Soul of Sight) (5)

冰霜钥匙模具(Frozen Key Mold)

神庙钥匙(Temple Key)

冰霜钥匙(Frozen Key)

恐惧之魂(Soul of Fright) (5) 力量之魂(Soul of Might) (5) 视域之魂(Soul of Sight) (5)

V · D · ê

烹饪锅(Cooking Pot)



蘑菇鱼汤(Bowl of Soup)

金鱼(Gold Fish)(Goldfish)



V · D · ê

血腥祭坛(Crimson Altar)



血腥屠戮者(Blood Butcherer)

永夜之刃(Night's Edge)

草薙(Blade of Grass)


炽焰巨剑(Fiery Greatsword)

血腥脊柱(Bloody Spine)

可疑的眼球(Suspicious Looking Eye)

脊椎骨头(Bone)(Vertebrae) (15)

晶状体(Lens) (6) 王冠(Gold Crown) 凝胶(Gel) (99)

史莱姆王冠(Slime Crown)

V · D · ê

恶魔祭坛(Demon Altar)



光之驱逐(Light's Bane)

草薙(Blade of Grass)

永夜之刃(Night's Edge)

炽焰巨剑(Fiery Greatsword)

可疑的眼球(Suspicious Looking Eye)

晶状体(Lens) (6) 妖刀村正(Muramasa)

蠕虫诱饵(Worm Food)

史莱姆王冠(Slime Crown)

腐肉(Rotten Chunk) (15)

邪恶粉末(Vile Powder) (30) 王冠(Gold Crown) 凝胶(Gel) (99)

染缸(Dye Vat)




深红涂料(Deep Red Paint) 红色涂料(Red Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深橙涂料(Deep Orange Paint) 橙色涂料(Orange Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深黄涂料(Deep Yellow Paint) 黄色涂料(Yellow Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深橙绿涂料(Deep Lime Paint) 橙绿涂料(Lime Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深绿涂料(Deep Green Paint) 绿色涂料(Green Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深青涂料(Deep Teal Paint) 青色涂料(Teal Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深靛青涂料(Deep Cyan Paint) 靛青涂料(Cyan Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深天蓝色涂料(Deep Sky Blue Paint) 天蓝涂料(Sky Blue Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深蓝涂料(Deep Blue Paint) 蓝色涂料(Blue Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

深紫涂料(Deep Purple Paint) 紫色涂料(Purple Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

暗紫涂料(Deep Violet Paint) 浅紫涂料(Violet Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

暗粉涂料(Deep Pink Paint) 粉红涂料(Deep Pink Paint) (2)

染缸(Dye Vat)

红色染料(Red Dye)

红色甲壳(Red Husk) 染缸(Dye Vat)

橙色染料(Orange Dye)

橙血根(Orange Bloodroot) 染缸(Dye Vat)

黄色染料(Yellow Dye)

黄万寿菊(Yellow Marigold) 染缸(Dye Vat)