2017-2018学年高中英语选修8练习:Unit 4 单元加餐练 下载本文

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加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练


You ask me how my dog led me around the world? OK, let me show you!

I was walking my dog in my neighborhood __1__ I do every day. I smiled as I passed my __2__. The neighborhood is a special place where people do __3__ to have a brief chat. You pass the __4__ people often so those brief chats __5__ add up to learning more about each other.

One neighbor and I began to ask each other about our __6__. I shared what I did with her. It happened she had a friend who was __7__ a copywriter (文案). She made the __8__ immediately, and soon her friend __9__ me. During the work, I networked with a man, and one conversation __10__ us to a discussion on Italy. This __11__ me because I had been planning a trip to Italy sometime during the year. That new friend told me about his __12__ memory of his trip to Italy. A few days later, I booked my trip and was __13__ to travel to Europe. He also kindly connected me to his aunt who __14__ in Italy. Not only did she help me plan transportation, but she also invited me to __15__ with her family members in her comfortable beach house, which __16__ me a lot on hotel expense. And this is the story. Let me __17__ some tips. First, you never know how __18__ the people you meet will be to you. Second, connect with people you meet often. It may not lead anywhere today; __19__, relationships aren't meant for just today. Third, always be __20__. People remember you when you take time to get to know them and help them.

语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者每天都会到小区里遛狗。没想到的是,遛狗给她带来了一次快乐的欧洲旅行。 1.A.though C.once

B.as D.until

解析:选B 根据后文的“I do every day”可知,作者像往常一样去遛狗。 2.A.friends C.relatives

B.students D.neighbors

解析:选D 作者在遛狗时碰到邻居都会微笑着打招呼。 3.A.need C.stop

B.seek D.permit

解析:选C 小区是一个邻居遇见就会停下来寒暄几句的地方。 4.A.same C.similar

B.right D.common

解析:选A 在小区里经常碰见相同的人,彼此之间简单的寒暄最终会变成长聊。

5.A.quickly C.suddenly

解析:选B 参见上题解析。 6.A.names C.interests

B.finally D.really

B.goals D.jobs

解析:选D 根据后文所讲的作者在她的邻居的帮助下找到了一份工作可知,作者和邻居熟了以后开始询问对方的工作。

7.A.looking for C.learning from

B.talking about D.bringing up

解析:选A 作者的邻居说她的朋友需要一位文案。 8.A.preparation C.introduction

B.explanation D.interview

解析:选C 作者的邻居向她的朋友介绍了作者。很快,作者就被雇佣了。 9.A.met C.served

解析:选B 参见上题解析。 10.A.led C.invited

B.followed D.welcomed B.employed D.called

解析:选A 作者在做文案工作期间要和别人联络。一次,她和一个人的谈话使他们聊到了意大利。

11.A.surprised C.excited

B.moved D.disappointed

解析:选C 因为作者打算近期到意大利旅行,因此有关意大利的谈话让作者很兴奋。 12.A.unbelievable C.clear

B.limited D.wonderful

解析:选D 那位新朋友还告诉作者他到意大利旅行的回忆,之后不久,作者便订了票,准备出发。由此可知,那个朋友的意大利之行是美好的。

13.A.lucky C.afraid

解析:选B 参见上题解析。 14.A.travelled C.lived

B.studied D.performed B.ready D.proud

解析:选C 那个朋友还将作者的联系方式告诉了他住在意大利的姑姑。 15.A.stay


C.communicate D.eat

解析:选A 那位姑姑不仅帮作者制订旅行计划,还邀请她和她的家人同住,这让作者省了一大笔住宿费。

16.A.gave C.advised

解析:选D 参见上题解析。 17.A.learn C.collect

B.share D.use B.cost D.saved

解析:选B 作者想要和大家分享她的心得。 18.A.helpful C.close

B.important D.open

解析:选A 作者首先提醒大家:你永远不会知道你所遇见的某个人会对你有多大的帮助。

19.A.instead C.however

B.so D.instead

解析:选C 经常和那些你所遇见的人联系,虽然这些人不会马上对你就有所帮助,但是,人与人之间的交情不是为了当天就有帮助才建立的。

20.A.active C.strong

B.intelligent D.kind

解析:选D 根据后文所讲的只要你试着去了解别人并且帮助别人,人们就会记住你可知,作者在这儿强调的是做人要善良。


I learnt about the Pygmalion Effect (皮格马利翁效应) when I was 7 years old at Riverdale School in Palmerston North and I copied Melissa Crawford's answers in a spelling test. Before that I was average at school but after that, because Melissa Crawford was smart, and I got all the right answers, I got put in all the smart kids groups. From then I did really well at school because it was believed by the teachers that I would and I also got grouped with the smart kids. This experience that occurred at my primary school shows just how important the Pygmalion Effect is in terms of being around mentors (导师) that expect that you're going to do well and also being around people who are smart.

The Pygmalion Effect is one principle you want to use if you want to make money fast. Have mentors that expect you will make money fast and as an extra boost hang around, copy and learn from other people who are also making money fast.

Yesterday this site had over 5, 000 unique visitors and the traffic to it is increasing all the time. A year ago I contacted a group of people who got lots of traffic in their sites and I