高三英语阅读教学案例 下载本文

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Leading-in(导入) 激趣Pre-reading(读前) 任务一铺垫表层理解表层理解深层理解教学过程流程图任务二While reading(读中) 任务三任务四Post reading (读后) 任务五评价性理解Summary &homework(总结与作业) 任务六阅读的延伸综合运用语言的能力文化意识策略 Leading-in (discussion)

To show students the pictures about some famous athletes to let them know something in common about these people--the key of success. Some words may be used in this activity :

Sports champion athlete winning breaking records challenge exciting confidence physical ability speed strength

Something in common: concentration/confidence/good physical abilities/ speed/ strength /flexibility /athletic skills /strong will/ interest /hard training

目的及依据:本环节通过看图讨论激发学生的学习兴趣激活已有的背景知识,使学生能运用已有的知识和经验思考本单元的中心话题。能起到温故而知新的作用。 Pre-reading

Task one :to show students some pictures which occurred in the text. First, let them to know the name of the activity and the way to do it. Second ,let the students experience one or more of this , such as Something about jumping jacks.


Third, thinking and discussing .



Questions about the pictures:

① Would you consider each activity to be serious sports?

② Which activity would you like to try? Would you need to be fit to do any of them?

③ Do you think you could do any of them for any length of time? (Indication:Different activity requires different physical fitness psychological personification such as coordination strength balance? concentration strong will devotion)

Now class we will read a story about a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken Guinness records.(过度)

(读前部分设计依据及目的:本部分根据学生的认知规律而设计,首先让学生借助图片了解运动的名称及运动方式。其次,让学生体验其中一项或几项活动,体验后让学生思考问题。这种方式由浅入深,由感性认识到理性思考,了解文章当中提到的运动项目,降低阅读难度 ,为下一步阅读理解做好充分的准备。) While reading

Task for Listening (scanning and close your book! 此处把快速阅读与听力整合在一起正大课堂容量加快课堂节奏) (提高学生的听力水平培养快速获取所需信息的能力)

Task two:Listen to the tape and after listening,tick the topics that the author does not cover .

①physical skills needed for events ② number of records broken ③ his family life ④ kind of records broken ⑤ why he became a sportsman ⑥ countries he likes best⑦ place and date of birth ⑧ his occupation ⑨ his education ⑩ his first Guinness record




Task three:Skim the text and answer the questions.(泛读课文并回答问题 。)

①Who is Ashrita Furman?

②When and why he entered the Guinness book of world records? ③When did Ashrita become a student Chinmoy?

Explain some new words and sentences in the text .(解决阅读障碍) Task four:Careful reading.(精读课文)

(First look through the questions 先浏览问题) ①Where do you think Ashrita lives? ②How do you know?

③Has he broken records in all seven continents?

④When did he first come across the Guiness book of the world records ? ⑤ What are some of his physical difficulties? A. walking with a bottle of milk on his head B. standing on top of a Swiss ball C. somersaulting D. doing gymnastically correct lunges

⑥ what happens in an event that prevent Ashrita from giving up? Post reading

Task five: Discussion on Ashrita’s motivation.

①Why did Ashrita challenge the Guinness world records instead of taking part in the Olympic Games?

②Why does he keep on trying to challenge different Guinness records? ③Why didn’t he take part in a conventional sports instead of un conventional and funny one?

④Why did Ashrita took part in active sports after learned quiet mediation?

Task six :Discussion on Ashrita’s belief.

Work in group four or five, each group may be for it or against it, choose one, and discuss with your group, ( divide the class into two


parts: for-part and against-part, then have a class report .) Task seven :Summary and homework

1.Write an article about the imagination about the outlook of Ashrita 2.Work in groups to find more information about Ashria through the Internet as well as books ,and after class each group should try to write a brief paper about Ahsrita. 四.教学结果:

在新课程理念要求老师传授给学生阅读方法,读阅读进行整体教学,而不在局限于单词句型的传统教授。在学生现实阅读当中很多学生过分地方注意力放在生词上面,而不注意阅读方法的培养,在考试中遇到一片生词较多的语篇就会在心理上产生阅读障碍,从而丧失阅读的信心。 1.通过词组和词缀的学习,学生掌握了多种单词记忆法。



4.通过谈论体育项目、埃西里塔福尔曼等真实交际活动,提高了学生用英语交际的能力,让学生学会使用网络图书馆和书籍资料帮助学习。 五.教学反思









1.在阅读教学中应拓宽学生视野,加大背景知识输入, 进而丰富学生头脑中的知识储备。高中英语教学不仅要巩固,扩大学生的语言知识,而且还应增进学生对外国文化特别是英语文化的了解。

2. 在阅读教学中,教师在实施读前活动(pre-reading activities)时,要采取有效手段激活学生的思维和兴趣。在讲授文章前,先给出一些选项,这些选项可与该篇课有关,也可能与该篇内容无关,让学生用已有的背景知识判断文章中可能出现的内容。激活学生已有的知识储备,不仅能使学生更好地吸收新知识,而且能更好地发展学生的智力,提高思维、观察、注意、记忆、想象、联想等能力。 3. 在阅读教学时,在读书中活动(while-reading activities)中,教师应指导学生建立相应的语篇框架结构。

4. 在阅读教学中,教师在进行读后活动(post-reading activities)时,应指导学生利用已建立的知识宝库进行各种活动,如复述、改写、讨论、评价等。
