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高二英语选修8 Unit 1第2-3课时 Language points

Teaching Goals:

Enable the Ss to learn about important words and expression. Help The Ss learn how to deal with some complex sentences. Part 1 Say the words according to explanations.

1 most things or people in a group …_____________________ 2 with the help of something …___________________ 3 the state of being a slave _______________________ 4 machine that flies, helicopter ______________________ 5 group or mass of different things __________________ 6 belong to a certain country ______________________ 7 a person who applies ______________________

8 point to, point out , show something; be a sign of something _________ 9 put or set in or into something __________________

10.pay to use something, or to use someone's help _________________ Part 2 Language study:

1. California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population. 形容词最高级表示“最”,与序数词连用表示“第几” Mary is the tallest student in our class. Tom is the second tallest boy in our class.

2.population指人口总量时用单数,用what提问,但指多少人口时用复数形式。 ? ---What the population of this city? ---The population in the city 100million. .


? 25% of the population of this city older than 60. ? The population of our country ___ very large. 3.

It is likely/possible/probable that …

sb/sth is likely to do sth 某人/物有可能做某事

means: a method or a way (of doing) 4. by means of: by using 依靠,凭借。

Eg. The thief had wanted to escape by means of a secret tunnel, but was caught. 5.

in addition to: 除此之外,另外,加之

e.g. I met my past teacher and some former classmates __________ in the supermarket. 我在超市里遇见了我以前的老师,还有些同班同学.

______________cakes and candies, guests were also provided with fruits. 6.


1)to not die in an accident, on war or from an illness.幸免,幸免于难 e.g. Only 12 of the 140 passengers _________ 在140名乘客中只有12人幸免于难.

2)to continue to live normally and not be too upset by the problems. 挺过来,挣扎过下去

e.g. I don’t think I could_______________ another year as a teacher; just too stressful.

3)To live longer than someone else, usually someone closely related to you 比(某人)长寿,比(通常指亲人)活的更长

e.g. Harry ____________his wife by three months.




7. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men who came to teach the Catholic region to the natives.

majority : 大多数 in the majority:占大多数 Those who favor the proposal are _______________. 赞成该提案者占多数.

__________________approved the policy. 大多数的人赞同该提案. 8.fight against 为反对……而战,和……斗争。 fight for 为(争取)……而斗争

You should be ready to fight against difficulties. 你们应该准备同困难作斗争。 Two














9. influence n. 影响力,作用,有影响的人或物

e.g. Claude’s work had a major_____________on generations of musicians. 克劳德的作品对几代音乐家都产生过重要影响

10. Many died or returned home, but most remained in California to make a life for themselves in the new towns or on farms. remain:系动词,“留下”,“逗留”.

I’ll remain to see the end of the game.

The foreign guests remained in Beijing for two weeks. 11. ……which today still keeps up its Danish culture. keep up: never stop,continue steadily,go on
