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Approval For Documentation Issue & Change 文件发出及更改审批表

TRANSPOWER Title of DOC.文件名称: 供应商评审及控制程序 Procedure for vendor management First edition初次发放 Effective date Change更改 Change reason更改依据: 生效日期: 2-6-07 DOC No.文件编号: QSP742 Page No.: 页码: 第 1 页,共 9 页 1. 增加ISO14001及ROHS要求 Add the requirement of ISO14001 and RoHS; 2. 客户要求 Customer’s requirement。 Brief Description of Change 更改内容简述: 删除原5.2.2 5.1.3 管理体系评定Management system review 5.2.3 公司对主要供应商每年至少一次现场审核,每次审核评分低于60分的为不合格供应商,采购部应立即对其停止下单,并限期一个月内改善及再次审核合格后方可再下单。 Our company will conduct site audit on main suppliers at least once per year .Vendor less than 60 score is disqualified vendor for every audit, CMT should stop order immediately and resume order only after the vendor is improved and re-audit passed within one month. A)管理系统要求Management system Version Memorandum 版本备忘记录 版本/修订 更改页码 Ver/Rev A/3 B/0 B/1 B/2 C/0 C/1 D/0 日 期 Date 5-10-02 2-19-03 5-12-03 5-26-04 6-07-05 8-9-05 12-06-06 累计页数 制 定 者 版本/修订 更改页码 AccumulatPrepare ion page 5 7 1 1 9 2 9 阳厚见 阳厚见 阳厚见 阳厚见 阳厚见 阳厚见 阳厚见 日 期 Date 累计页数 制 定 者 AccumulatPrepare ion page Change Page ---- 1-7 3 4 1-7 3-4 1-9 Ver/Rev Change Page Prepared by 制定: 阳厚见1-30-07 Checked by 审核: Carmen Approved by 批准: Harry TRANSFORM 0001 REV. 06 Title 标题: TRANSPOWER 供应商评审及控制程序 Procedure for vendor management 生效日期 Effective Date 2-6-07 版本/修订 Rev/Ver D/0 页 码 Page 第 2 页,共 9 页 文件编号 Doc. No. QSP742 1 目的Purpose 1.1确保新供应商的质量保证能力及其产品符合本公司要求。 Ensure new vendor’s quality guarantee capability and his products meet our requirement. 1.2对合格供应商进行定期复审。 Re-audit qualified vendors periodically. 2 范围Scope 本程序适用于向本公司提供A类及规定的B类物料的供应商。 Apply to vendors offering A part and B part materials for our company. 3 定义 Definitions 3.1 AVL:合格供应商清单 Approved Vendor List 3.2 DCC:文件控制中心 Document Control Center 3.3 IQC:来料检查部 Incoming Quality Control 3.4 A类物料:直接物料,在生产后成为制成品上的关键部份。如磁环﹑漆皮线﹑五金件﹑塑胶件及线路板﹑电子零配件等。 A part:Directive productive materials that’s critical components for finished product. Such as magnetic cores, magnetic wire, metal components, plastic components, PCB and electronic components etc. 3.5 B类物料:生产辅料,配合生产操作使用的物料。如包装材料等。 B part: In-directive material that’s minor important part for finished products. For instance, package etc. 3.6 样品评估组:隶属于开发部,负责对A、B类物料样板进行评估的小组。 Sample Evaluation Team:subject to PDE, in charge of evaluating A part and B part samples. 4 责任Responsibility 4.1采购员负责准备供应商资料及执行与供应商的联络工作,确保对提供A、B类物料的供应商均能按要求进行资格评审及实施有效的控制。 Purchasers take charge of preparing vendors’ information and contacting vendors to ensure qualification review and effective control on vendors per requirement, who offer us A part and B part. 4.2采购经理负责组织供应商资格评审的活动;并对供应商的资格作出最终的决策。 CMT manager is responsible for vendor qualification review and makes final decisions. 4.3 IQC负责提供来料检验记录。 IQC is responsible for providing inspection records of incoming materials. 4.4 生产部负责提供因来料问题而造成生产线停产、挑选和造成客户投诉及退货的严重后果的次数之记录。

TRANSFORM 0092 REV. 02 Title 标题: TRANSPOWER 供应商评审及控制程序 Procedure for vendor management 生效日期 Effective Date 2-6-07 版本/修订 Rev/Ver D/0 页 码 Page 第 3 页,共 9 页 文件编号 Doc. No. QSP742 Production department is responsible for providing records of times of production line stops, sorting and customer complaint, which are caused by the quality problems of incoming material. 5 工作程序Procedure 5.1 新供应商的资格评审过程 Process of new vendor qualification review 新供应商的提出:采购部、制造工程部或其它部门可按照物料价格、质量、交付期、生产成本或 顾客特殊要求提出选择新供应商的要求。 new vendor:According to a price, quality, delivery date, cost of the material or customers’ special requirements, CMT, ME, or other departments can request how to choose a new vendor. 5.1.2 样品评定Sample review对于新供应商、新制造商、新物料丶物料版本更新(物料本身更改,否则不需要,参见工程更改通告)丶修模丶供应商制造过程重大更改时,需进行样板评估。 For new material, material revision upgrade (change to different material, otherwise unnecessary) repairing tooling and important process change in the vendor, the sample need to be evaluated.制造工程部/开发部负责制定产品的规格图纸;采购员负责联络供应商要求提交样品。 ME and PDE take charge of preparing specification drawing of products. Purchasers take charge of connecting with vendors and asking for samples.采购员收到样品后必须填写样品评估要求书(FAIR),由采购经理/副经理签名后连同样品及供应商提供的“材料证明书”和/或检验报告一并交样品评估组登记处理。 A purchaser must fill in FAIR when receiving samples. After signed by manager or assistant manager of CMT, FAIR should be handed to Sample Evaluation Team with samples and material certificate or inspection report offered by vendors. 样品评估组接到“FAI”后按本公司或顾客规定的图纸/规格作为接收标准,并在指定期限前完成检验或试验。 Sample Evaluation Team should finish inspection or testing before appointed time according to our drawing or customers’ specification. 技朮人员须将检验的数据及结果记录在“初版评估报告”(FAR)上,若检验存有问题,技朮人员须报告上级处理。 Technicians must record the data and results of inspection on FAR. Any problems on inspection, technicians must inform to leader to transact it.完成FAR后,由样品评估组召集采购部,制造工程部及品质保证部进行会签,对该供应商的样