内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/11 1:45:46星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
摘 要
The digital image inpainting technique in the field of image restoration is a hot reseach topic in recent years,using the known valid image information, inpainting the missed or damaged image information according to some rules, to make the image to the extent that the inpainted image looks continuous, intact and natural perceptually. Currently, image inpainting technique has been abroad applied in image processing field, such as digital restoration of ancient paintings for conservations purposes, restoration of the old photos, text,object removalation in images for special effects, vision analysis, data compression and enlargement and so on, which is full of pratical value. This paper attempts to research on digital image inpainting techniques base on the ensemble learning techniques. The main content of this dissertation is described as follows.
(1) On the basis of personal understanding of digital image inpainting algorithms got in the process of seaching and reading revelent inferences, this paper reorgnizes some typical inpainting models or algorithms, introducing and describing these models and their algorithm principles in details, like as partial differential equation models including BSCB, TV, CDD etc, and the texture completion exemplar-based inpainting method such as Crimini, at the last making a comparation between these models.
(2) According to the previous discussion, combining with the advantages and disadvantages of TV,CDD, coming up with improvement a model based on partial diffrential equation,which inlcuds TV model,CDD model, the exponent curvature function model,the logarithm curvature function model. To make the algorithm come true easily, then discrete models of those models are given.Through MATLBA simulink ,which proves this inpainting method has a good inpainting effect, also in image .
(3) At the end of the paper, on the basis of sumrizing up the navigations and disadvantages,it has come up with some problems for subsequent research.
Key words:Digital Image Inpainting;Partial Differential Equation;Texture Synthesis;
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