【精品】2019新概念第一册一课一练1-30课 下载本文

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Lesson 1-2


1. Excuse me! 2. Yes? 3. Pardon? 4. Thank you very much. 辨音

( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. dress D. excuse ( )2. A. your B. you C. yes D. very

( )3. A. handbag B. bag C. thank D.. pardon ( )4. A. skirt B. sir C. house D. is

( )5. A. book B. school C. good D. goodbye (1—5 DDDDB)

根据课文情境完成对话 A: Excuse me! B: ____________

A: Is this your handbag? B: ____________?

A: Is this your handbag?

B: ______________. Thank you very much. 写单词 短裙( ) 雨伞( ) 书桌( ) 桌子( 衬衫( ) 手表( ) 上衣 ( )连衣裙手提包( ) 翻译句子

1、这是你的上衣吗? 2、对不起,请再说一遍。 3、这是你的手表吗? 4、是的,它是我的。 5、非常感谢。

Lesson 3-4 重点句型与词组

My coat and my umbrella, please. Here is my ticket

原谅( )) ) ( 辩音

( )1. A. please B. is C. this C. goods

( )2. A. umbrella B. bus C. number D. suit ( )3. A. teacher B. school C. watch D. much ( )4. A. number B. teacher C. daughter D. here ( )5. A. five B. like C. ticket D. Hi (1—5 CDBDC)


A: My coat and my umbrella, please. ___________________________ B: Thank you, sir. Number five. ____________________________ A: This is not my umbrella.

B: ____________________ Is this your umbrella? A: _________________ B: Is this it?

A: ___________________. Thank you very much. 写单词

公共汽车--( ) 儿子--( ) 房子--( ) 女儿--( ) 一套衣服--( ) 票--( ) 学校--( ) 号码--( ) 老师--( ) 小汽车 --( ) 将下列句子变为否定句

1. This is their school. 2. That’s your suit. 3. This is my watch.

4. That is her umbrella.

5. This is my book and that is my pencil.

Lesson 5-6 重点句型与词组

1. Good morning.

2. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 3. Mr. Black.

4. Nice to meet you. 5 特殊疑问句 辩音

( )1. A. good B. too C. school D. cool

( )2. A. unit B. student C. umbrella D. excuse ( )3. A. Chinese B. nice C. Miss D. five ( )4. A. Swedish B. English C. wish D. watch

( )5. A. Chinese B. meet C. Swedish D. English (1—5 ACCDC)

根据课文完成对话 A: _______________!

B: Good morning, Mr. Black.

A: _____________. Alice is a Sophie is a new student. She is French. B: Sophie, ________ Hans. B: How do you do?

A: _________________? 选择填空

( )1. ---______________! Are you Mr. Chen? ---No, I am not. ---______.

A. Hello, Good B. Sorry, Excuse me C. Hello, OK. D. Excuse me, Sorry.

( )2. ---Excuse me! ---_______.

---Is this your handbag? ---No, it isn’t.

A. Excuse me. B. Pardon C. Sorry D. Yes ( )3. ----How are you, Miss Wang? ---_____________.

A.. How are you, Miss Gao B. I’m fine, thank you.