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Research and Application of a Mathematical
Model of Flood Routing and Retreat Route
学科专业:水利工程 研 究 生:管永宽 指导教师:李大鸣 教授
天津大学建筑工程学院 二零一一年十二月
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摘 要
Operation of the flood detention basin is an important part of flood water management, and it is pivotal to utilize the flood detention basin legitimately and effectively so as to protect people's lives and property. In this paper, flood evolution processes of natural flood storage and divisional flood storage in Enxian detention basin are simulated, and the water level, inundated area and water storage in each condition are calculated. On that basis, Kamata Masayuki method is adopted in calculating wave height of the main road and the feeder road before and after the Deshang Road is constructed in Enxian detention basin. Transfer line principles, implementation approaches and applications are also discussed in this paper, then retreat route of the residents in the flood detention basin is studied, and the best retreat route is proposed.
Main contents of this dissertation are listed as following:
1. Based on the two-dimensional equations of unsteady flow and the finite volume grid method, flood routing model is established. Computational accuracy is improved by flux format with high performance such as FCT format, flux placed format, TVD format and Riemann format. Since the landform in this area is complex, and many structure facilities have been constructed, the grid channels of the model are divided into four types: river channels, ground channels, embankment channels and special channels. All these channels are characterized by special information and the water level and flow of the channels is calculated by the discrete equations.
2. FORTRAN programs are applied in the computation of the flood routing process. The numerical model is debugged by comparing the simulated results of the flood discharge process of 1963 type with the measured values of 1954 and 1955. The simulated water level, inundated area and water storage are in good agreement with the measured data, which indicates that this numerical model can be used for further study.
3. The aforementioned model is applied in computing water level, inundated area and water storage of the flood detention basin after the Deshang Road is constructed. Simulated results show that the construction of the road scarcely influence the flood condition of this area. In addition, wind effect is considered in this model. Wave height at a set of characteristic points on the road should be considered in engineering design according to the simulated results.
4. The optimal path method is studied in retreat route planning in this paper in order
to evacuate the residents safely in the shortest time. This research result could be a reference for the management of the flood detention basin.
Key words: flood detention basin; En Xianwa; numerical model of flood routing; retreat route