2011~2012学年度第一学期七年级期末调研考试英语试题和答案 下载本文

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(考试时间:100分钟, 总分:100分)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 21. There is _______ packet of salt in _______ box. A. a; / B. a; the C. the; / D. the; a ( ) 22. Susan is good ________ Chinese. And she likes ________ music. A. in; listen B. in; listening C. at; listening to D. at; listen ( ) 23. What time is it? Is it time ________ to school? A. to go B. go C. goes D. going

( ) 24. Millie and I are ________ getting information about Beijing Zoo for Mr. Green now. A. every B. each C. all D. both ( ) 25. My sister doesn’t like beef, so she ________ eats it. A. usually B. often C. seldom D. always

( ) 26.There are so ________ good gifts in this shop and I can’t decide which one to buy. A. many B. much C. few D. little ( ) 27. --- ________ do you ________ for Halloween? --- We play a game called “trick or treat”. A. What; / B. Where; do C. How; do D. What; do ( ) 28. The shoes are very nice. Can I ________? A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them ( ) 29. There is ______________________ on the table. A. a bowl and two cups of tea B. two cups of tea and a bowl

C. two cups of tea D. cups of tea ( ) 30. --- Can you ________ the word “activity” in Chinese?

---Yes, of course.

A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk ( ) 31. --- ________ do you sleep every night?

--- More than 7 hours.

A. How often B. How many C. How much D. How long ( ) 32. --- Does this boy have ________ to use? --- No. His ________ is so poor. A. enough stationery; family B. stationery enough; home

C. enough time; school D. time enough; house

( ) 33. --- Mr. Black, it’s very hot in the classroom. ________ I open the window? --- Yes, you can. A. Need B. Must C. May D. Should ( ) 34. --- Are there any ________ in the basket? --- Yes, there are some. A. tomato B. news C. money D. potatoes ( ) 35. --- _________? --- I want to buy a sweater.

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A. What can I do for you? B. Do you like a sweater? C. What do you buy? D. Do you want a sweater?



Alice is a good girl. Every Sunday morning, she goes to visit her grandparents by ___36___. They live in the west of the city (城市).

At 8:00 this Sunday, Alice is ___37___. She buys some eggs and grapes ___38___ her grandparents. She ___39___ twenty yuan for them. At 8:10, she comes to the bus stop. The No.7 bus takes her to her grandparents’ home. At 8:30, she knocks at their ___40___. Grandpa and grandma are very ___41___ to see Alice every Sunday. At about 10:00, Alice and Grandma do some ___42___ in the supermarket. They put some milk, rice ___43___ beef into the basket. After lunch, Alice helps Grandma ___44___ the bowls. Then Grandpa takes her to his small __45___. They water the flowers there.

At about 4:00 in the afternoon, Alice goes home. ( ) 36. A. car ( ) 37. A. hungry ( ) 38. A. at ( ) 39. A. buys ( ) 41. A. happy ( ) 43. A. and ( ) 44. A. put ( ) 45. A. library

B. bike B. ready B. on

B. costs B. sad B. or

C. bus

D. plane D. tired D. for D. takes D. glass D. polite D. shopping D. so

C. helpful C. to C. pays C. wall

( ) 40. A. window ( ) 42. A. cooking

B. door B. reading B. make B. room

C. lazy

C. but C. wash C. house

C. cleaning

D. carry D. garden



A Xiao Shengyang will show errenzhuan (二人转) in February. It’s a dance from Northeast (东北) China. Time: 7 p.m. February 10 Place: Great Theatre Price: Adults 200 yuan Children (under 18) 100 yuan Telephone: 876185 and 876186 Liu Qian, a magician from Taiwan, is going to perform(表演)wonderful magic (魔术) tricks. Time: 3 p.m. March 6 Place: Children’s Palace Price: Adults 120 yuan Chilren (under 18) 60 yuan Telephone: 898123 Jay Chou, a singer from Taiwan, is going to give a concert (音乐会) 2 / 7


Time: 7:30 p.m. February 15 Place: Sports Center Price: Adults 160 yuan Children (under18) 80 yuan Telephone: 823370 ( ) 46. You can call ________ to book (预定) a Jay Chou’s concert ticket.

A. 876185



D. 871186 D. Northeast China D. March 6 D. Shanghai

( ) 47. If you want to enjoy magic tricks, you should go to _________.

A. Great Theatre B. Children’s Palace C. Sports Center A. February 7 A. Hongkong

B. February 10 B. Beijing

C. March 15 C. Taiwan

( ) 48. Xiao Shenyang will show a dance on _________.

( ) 49. From the passage above we know Liu Qian comes from _________.

( ) 50. David is 12 years old. He and his father would like to go to the concert to enjoy Jay

Chou’s songs. They should pay _________ yuan.

A. 80

B. 400


Many British (英国的) people don’t live in flats(公寓).They live in houses. Houses always have gardens.

Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish at about five or six in the afternoon. Most people don’t go home for lunch, and they just have a quick meal at work or in a restaurant.

Children start school at about 9:00 a.m. and finish at about 3:30 p.m. They have lunch at school. All children go to school when they are four or five years old, and graduate (毕业) when they are sixteen or seventeen.

Shops open at about 9:00 a.m. and close at about 6:00 p.m. They don’t close for lunch. ( ) 51. Many British people live in __________.

A. gardens B. flats C. offices

D. houses D. 9:00 a.m.

( ) 52. Children and office workers begin school and work at about _________.

A. 5 p.m. B. 6 p.m. C.3:30 a.m. A. at home

( ) 53. Most office workers and children don’ t have lunch _________.

B. in a restaurant C. at school D. in the office

( ) 54. Which of the following (下列) is TRUE?

A. The children in Britain usually study at school for about seventeen years. B. Shops are open for about nine hours a day. C. Flats have gardens

D. Office workers finish work at about 3:30 p.m.

A. Working in Britain B. Studying in Britain C. Living in Britain D. Shopping in Britain

C 3 / 7 C.160

D. 240

( ) 65. This article (文章) is about _________.


Miss White is driving (驾驶) her car. She looks into the rearview mirror (汽车后视镜 ). Behind her there is a blue truck (卡车). An old woman is driving.

The old woman waves (挥手) at Miss White. She is saying something, but Miss White can’t hear her. Miss White turns left. The old woman turns left, too. Miss White turns right. The old woman turns right, too. Miss White drives fast. The old woman drives fast, too.

Miss White is afraid (害怕). She drives to the police station. The old woman goes after her. Miss White stops her car. A policeman comes to Miss White’s car and says, “There’s a cat on the top of your car!” Miss White looks up. Her cat is on the top of her car. It’s very afraid.

Miss White looks for the old woman in the blue truck. But she has gone. Now Miss White understands: The old woman wants to tell her, “There’s a cat on the top of your car!” ( ) 56. How does Miss White know there is a blue truck behind her?

A. An old woman says something to her. B. A policeman tells her. C. She sees it in the rearview mirror.

D. She finds it when she looks back.

( ) 57. How does Miss White drive her car when she finds a blue truck goes after her?

A. She turns left and left. B. She turns right and right. C. She drives slowly.

D. She turns left, right, and then drives fast.

( ) 58. Why does Miss White drive to the police station?

A. She is afraid. B. She doesn’t know the way. C. She calls the police. D. Her friend is a policeman.

( ) 59. How does Miss White find the old woman finally?

A. She isn’t a polite person. B. She is a good friend. C. She is a bad woman.

D. She is a nice person.

( ) 60. What’s the best title (标题) of the passage?

A. A woman B. The cat on the car C. A policeman D. Two cars in the street

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题部分 共 40分)


A. 根据句意、释义或中文提示完成下列句子。(每空一词) 1. We have a music lesson on (星期三).

2. Rice, meat and fruit give us (power to do things). 3. Is Jay Chou very (受欢迎的) in China? Yes.

4. My cousin (use time to do things) an hour a day playing volleyball. 5. November comes December. B. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(每空一词) health with swim shelf we 6. Mrs. Li is a good teacher. She teaches Maths.

7. Do Sandy and Amy like ? Yes, and they are both good at it. 8. It is to eat fruit every day. 9. There are three in that room.

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