2018年下半年软件设计师试题及答案上午题(1) 下载本文

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2、 动态规划法:在求解问题中,对于每一步决策,列出各种可能的局部解,再依据某种判定条件,舍弃那些肯定不


3、 回溯法:回溯法是一种选优搜索法,按选优条件向前搜索,以达到目标。但当搜索到某一步时,发现原先选择并


4、 贪心法:总是做出在当前来说是最好的选择,而并不从整体上加以考虑,它所做的每步选择只是当前步骤的局部








4、第四轮放置:去掉前面已覆盖的房子,在第8栋房子x=210的右侧20米处安装一个消防栓,可以覆盖210这一栋房子 第五轮放置:去掉前面已覆盖的房子,在第9栋房子x=260的右侧20米处安装一个消防栓,可以覆盖260、300这2栋房子; 房子全部覆盖完毕,因此共需安装5个消防栓。


A.肯定可以求得问题的一个最优解 B.可以求得问题的所有最优解 C.对有些实例,可能得不到最优解 D.只能得到近似最优解

66. 使用ADSL接入Internet,用户端需要安装( )协议。 A.PPP B.SLIP C.PPTP 参考答案D 试题解析:


PPPoE(英语:Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet),以太网上的点对点协议,是将点对点协议(PPP)封装在以太网(Ethernet)框架中的一种网络隧道协议。提供用户身份验证、用户管理以及数据加密等功能。

67. 下列命令中,不能用于诊断DNS故障的是( )。 A.netstat

B.nslookup C.ping D.tracert


nslookup可以指定查询的类型,可以查到DNS记录的生存时间还可以指定使用哪个DNS服务器进行解释。在已安装TCP/IP协议的电脑上面均可以使用这个命令。 利用“ping”命令可以检查网络是否连通,可以很好地帮助我们分析和判定网络故障。 Tracert(跟踪路由)是路由跟踪实用程序,用于确定 IP数据包访问目标所采取的路径。Tracert 命令使用用 IP 生存时间 (TTL) 字段和 ICMP 错误消息来确定从一个主机到网络上其他主机的路由.

68. 以下关于TCP/IP协议和层次对应关系的表示中,正确的是()。

参考答案A 试题解析:

69. 把CSS样式表与HTML网页关联,不正确的方法是( )。 A.在HTML文档的标签内定义CSS样式 B.用@import引入样式表文件

C.在HTML文档的标签内定义CSS样式 D.用标签链接网上可访问的CSS样式表文件 参考答案C 试题解析:


70. 使用( )命令可以释放当前主机自动获取的IP地址。 A.ipconfig/all


C.ipconfig/release D.ipconfig/reset 参考答案C: 试题解析:

71~75. The project workbook is not so much a separate document as it is a structure imposed on the documents that the project will be producing anyway.

All the documents of the project need to be part of this ( ). This includes objectives ,external specifications , interface specifications , technical standards , internal specifications and administrative memoranda(备忘录).

Technical prose is almost immortal. If one examines the genealogy ( Ff ) of a customer manual for a piece of hardware or software , one can trace not only the ideas , but also many of the very sentences and paragraphs back to the first ( ) proposing the product or explaining the first design. For the technical writer, the paste-pot is as mighty as the pen.

Since this is so, and since tomorrow's product-quality manuals will grow from today’s memos, it is very important to get the structure of the documentation right. The early design of the project ( ) ensures that the documentation structure itself is crafted, not haphazard. Moreover, the establishment of a structure molds later writing into segments that fit into that structure.

The second reason for the project workbook is control of the distribution of ( ). The problem is not to restrict information, but to ensure that relevant information gets to all the people who need it.

The first step is to number all memoranda, so that ordered lists of titles are available and h worker can see if he has what he wants. The organization of the workbook goes well beyond this to establish a tree-structure of memoranda. The ( ) allows distribution lists to be maintained by subtree, if that is desirable.


A.objectiveB.memorandaC.standardD.specification A.titleB.listC.workbookD.quality

A.productB.manualC.documentD.information A.listB.documentC.tree-structureD.number 参考答案ABCDC