多功能信号发生器的设计资料 下载本文

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学号: 11440000

常 州 大 学 毕业设计(论文) (2015届) 题 目 多功能信号发生器的设计 学 生 XXX 学 院 信息科学与工程学院 专 业 班 级 电子115 校内指导教师 何宝祥 专业技术职务 教 授





关键词:信号发生器,DDS技术, AD9854,AT89S52

Design of multi-function generator

Abstract:Signal generator is widely used in communication, teaching, measurement and so on. It is an important tool in signal simulation experiment.In this paper, through the analysis of the working principle of the existing multi function signal generator, according to the requirements of the parameters provided by, decided to use DDS technology, MCU AT89S52 of ATMEL company produces as the master machine and DDS chip AD9854 as signal system to produce the key devices, design a high output frequency, high resolution, low power consumption, produce a variety of waveforms of multifunctional signal generator. The design of the relevant software using C language to complete.

Key Word: Signal Generating, DDS, AD9854, AT89S52