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1. He donated $50 to a fund to help victims of the fire.

2. International oil and cocoa prices have considerable impact on the economy of Cameroon.

3. I have to go to my lawyer's to sign some documents relating to the sale of our house.

4. His injuries were relatively minor, so he was released from the hospital within a couple of hours of being admitted.

5. The animal with the largest brain in proportion to its size is the ant. 6. Songs and story books are a wonderful way for parents to interact with their children.

7. One of the most important tasks in learning a foreign language is to get over one's fear of making mistakes.

8. The company that I work at has a scheme to increase its sales without increasing its costs.

9. Faced with worsening health, and a doctor that didn't seem able to help him, Craig decided to try alternative medicine.

10. Stars can exist only as long as energy continues to move from their Cores to their surfaces.

11. The proportion of women in the teaching profession is traditionally much higher than that of men.

12. The core of the problem is his inability to work with others.

13. She is responsible for the majority of administrative tasks to be done in the office.

14. Women walking alone late at night in large cities are at considerable risk in this country.

15. In the combustion process, air, fuel, and heat interact to cause burning. 16. She tried taking pills to lose weight as an alternative to regular exercise, but had little success.

17. He was refused a visa because he didn't have the proper documents. 18. She had a minor role in a Batman movie before starring in her own film. 19. She was hired through an employment program funded by the federal government.

20. I don't think the government's scheme to reduce unemployment is going to work.

21. Your chances of finding a job will improve considerably if you can improve your computer skills.

22. I have been documenting all the changes I've been making to the software program so you can see how it's done.

23. Denmark was one of the first countries in the world to introduce state social welfare schemes.

24. She peeled and cored all the apples in preparation for the pie.

25. interactions with friends often provide the first major social experiences for children outside the family circle.

26. When Romulo Betancourt became president of Venezuela in 1959, he used the profits from the oil industry to fund social programs in his country. 27. French speakers form a large and important minority in Canada.

28. A recent study found that moods influence how effectively people accomplish tasks together.

29. Canada's small population is quite disproportionate to its great land mass. 30. Cactus plants offer a perfect alternative to clotheslines in the hot, dry climate of Haiti.

31.Before we had a publicly- funded universal health care system in Canada, many people could not afford medical care, or faced bankruptcy with a serious illness. 32.We lost all our travel documents, and couldn't get over the border. 33.My ex-wife is scheming with her lawyer to take everything I've got.

34. proportional to their size, cats have the largest eyes of all mammals. 35.You don't need to core the apples before putting them in the juicer.

36. You have a number of different tasks that you need to complete this morning. 37. The buses are on strike, so you'll need to find an alternate way of getting to work.

38. The driver of the car that hit a school bus was treated for minor injuries, and released.

39. Children seem to learn language more quickly than adults because they generally have more chances to interact socially with others.

40. Crime in this area has decreased considerably since the police increased their foot patrols.

41.The young boy showed considerable promise as a diver within his first year of competition. 42.Men are in a minority in my class.

43.You should document all your discussions with the boss so that if there is any problem later, you will have all the necessary information at hand. 44.Millions of people now interact with their computers on a daily basis. 45.In 1980, the people of Denmark decided not to develop nuclear energy, and instead are experimenting with other energy schemes.

46.It is your task to make sure that the mail is distributed to the different departments within the division. 47.The symphony is funded entirely through donations by local businesses. 48.The hummingbird's tiny brain, 4.2 percent of its body weight, is proportionately the largest in the bird kingdom.

49.Successful alternatives to testing drugs on animals include test tube studies on human tissue cultures, statistics and computer models.