高考专项语法:定语从句练习题(两组) 下载本文

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1. The film _____ they saw last night was directed by Zhang Yimou. 2. I would like to make friends with those ____ are ready to help others. 3. Where is the girl _____ I met this morning? 4. I can’t believe the story ____ you have just told me. 5. He is reading the book ____ is written by Jiang Fangzhou. 6. I still remember the day ____ I first met you.

7. She wanted to go back to the town ____ she spent her childhood. 8. There is a break between two classes ____ we can have a rest. 9. The new hall is the tallest building _____ you can find in this town. 10. You can buy everything _____ you need in this supermarket. 11. The house _____ window faces south was bought by that lady. 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空: 1. This is the house______ I bought last year.

2. Did you remember the hospital _____ you were born? 3. Those new cars ____ are on show are made in Japan. 4. We need a person ____ can read and write in English.

5. What I like most is the community high school ___ my daughter studies. 6. Could you tell me the time ____ the shopping center opens?

7. This is the girl _____ has just won the first prize in the English contest. 8. Yesterday we visited the factory _____ my father once worked. 9. She is the woman _____ husband teaches English at a middle school. 10. Is there any place ____ I can do some exercise?



A:(1)I’ll never forget the days _____ we worked together. (2)I’ll never forget the days ______we spent together.

B:(1)Have you seen the film Titanic,______ leading actor is very famous? (2)Have you seen the film Titanic,______ is really moving?

(3)Have you seen the film Titanic,_____a very famous actor played the leading part?


C: (1)You can find whatever you need at the shopping center, ____is always busy at the weekend.

(2) The shopping center, _____you can find almost everything you need, is always crowded at the weekend.



1.This is the book __________which I spent ten dollars. 2.This is the book ________which I paid ten dollars. 3.This is the book _________ from which I learned a lot.. 4.This is the book _________ about which Peter often talks. 5.This is the book _________ in which Mary is very interested. 6.This is the book _______ that /which you were looking for yesterday.



A:(1) He came to a building ; its top is much higher than the others’.

(并列句,用了分号和物主代词its指代上文提到的a building) (2)He came to a building , whose top is much higher than the others’.

(定语从句,用了逗号和关系代词,whose 指代先行词a building) B:(1)There are 50 students in our class, and 20 of them are girls.

(并列句,用了连词and和人称代词them指代上文提到的50 students) (2)There are 50 students in our class,20 of whom are girls.

(定语从句,用了逗号和关系代词whom指代先行词50 students)

问题四:定语从句与主语从句的区别 ?


It is known to us all that smoking is harmful to one’s health.(that只起连接作用,不在从句中作成分,主语从句为一个主系表结构的句子,成分齐全,前面用it作了形式主语。)

As is known to us all , smoking is harmful to one’s health.(as在从句中作主语)

问题 : as和which在非限制性定语从句中的区别?



1.位置:as引导的从句位置较为灵活,既可以放在主句前,也可放在主句后,而which引导的从句只能放在主句之后。 As we know, she studies very hard. Air, as we know, is a gas.

He is a foreigner, as I know from his accent. The sun gives us light, which is very important to us.

2.含义:as含有“正如---”,常表示说话人的看法观点,并指出主句内容的出处或根据;which引导的从句是陈述事实,在意义上与主句近乎并列关系,可用and that, and this 等代替。

As we know, Galileo’ theory of falling objects is right He was late for school , as is often the case.

I said nothing , which/and this/and that made him still more angry. She married him, which /and this/and that was unexpected.

3.作成分不同:在做主语时,which 既可做be 的主语,也可做其它实意动词的主语;as只做系动词be的主语。 He married again, which/as was natural.

He became the best students in our class, which made his parents very happy. 4.从句动词有区别:as 引导的从句动词多为know, understand, hear ,see, say, expect, report等;如果是其它行为动词,多用which. As is known, smoking does harm to health.

He is an English man, which can be judged from his accent. 5. 肯定句多用 as引导,否定句多用which引导。 Taiwan can’t be independent, which is known to us all. He lost his way, which delayed him considerably.


1.先行词为the time, the moment等表示时间的名词时,关系词用when, that 均可,也可以省略。

By the time (that /when) we arrived, the meeting had been over.

There are a few times (that/when) I go to the river ,I feel disappointed because the water is too cold to swim in it .

2. the way用作先行词时,关系词可用in which, that, 或省略。


Do it the way (in which/that) you were taught .

She admired the way (in which /that) I answered the question.

3.当先行词为 stay, occasion, point, case, situation, condition, stage等表示抽象时间或地点的名词时,关系词经常用when/where,常表示“在---期间,在---情况下,到了某种地步,在某种境况中”。

She ’ll never forget her stay there when she found her son who had been missing two years before.

I can think of many cases where students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay.

I find teaching fun and challenging. It is a job where you are doing something serious but interesting.


非限制性定语从句经常用于以下三种情况: 1:当先行词指独一无二的事物时;

The sun,which gives light and heat, is a fixed star.

Last week I visited the People’s Great House,where many important meetings are held every year.

2:当关系词指代整句内容时; As is known, Taiwan belongs to China.

Jack didn’t pass his driving test, which surprised us greatly. 3:当先行词为专有名词或先行词指代非常明确时. Mr. Smith lives in Beijing, which is a long way from here. I congratulated to my neighbor, whose son won the election.