新视野大学英语4第四版Unit1sectionA教案 下载本文

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3. Summary of the text

Love and logic: The story of a fallacy

My roommate Rob made a pact with me that he’d give me his girlfriend Polly in exchange for my jacket. And I agreed.

Polly had the right background to be the girlfriend of a dogged, brilliant lawyer like myself. was pretty, well-off, and radiant. Still, I want to dispense her enough She pearls of wisdom to make her “well-spoken”. So I tried my best to teach her such logical fallacies as Dicto Simpliciter, Hasty Generalization, Ad

Misericordiam, and False Analogy. After five nights of diligent work, I actually made a

logician out of Polly. She was an analytical thinker at last.

When I asked her to develop our relationship into a romantic one, however, she refuted

my arguments as those logical fallacies I had taught her! And she refused my proposition by making full

disclosure: She liked Rob in leather, therefore, she had told him to make the pact with me so that Rob could have my jacket . 4. Practical phrases Practical Phrases 1. In exchange for… Specific Meanings 作为对……的交换 Examples In exchange for a peaceful environment for the future generations, our revolutionary predecessors shed their blood and even sacrificed their precious lives. 2. Set a date for 为……定日期 In order to achieve success, one had better start immediately rather than set dates for his/her efforts. 3. Appeal to 唤起;吸引 This university boasts many world-famous experts, professors, and the world’s best research library, therefore, it appeals to students and researchers from all over the world. 4. make/draw an analogy between 在……之间作类比 We often make an analogy between studying and climbing a mountain: both of them require great efforts before you can reach the top. 5. Make sth. out of sb./sth. 使……变成…… The aim of the military academy is to make qualified officers out of the young cadets after four years’ study and training. If you continue playing your precious college years away, success will give you the axe upon graduation. Though the beautiful lady is dripping with jewels, her words and actions are dripping with vulgarity and rudeness. 6. Give sb. the axe 抛弃(恋人);解雇 7. Be dripping with … 满是……

5. Functional patterns

Functional Patterns Functions & Usages Examples 1. If sb. could do …, sb. just might do … 如果我能够让我所申请的顶尖律师事务所看到我身边伴随着一位光彩照人、谈吐优雅的另一半,我就很有可能在竞聘中以微弱优势获胜。 用于表达“假设” If I could show the elite law firms I applied to that I had a radiant, well-spoken counterpart by my side, I just might edge past the competition. 如果你能好好利用现有的一切而不是幻想你所没有的,你很可能已经取得巨大的成功了。 用于表达“强调” If you could make the best of what you have instead of dreaming of what you don’t have, you just might have already achieved great success. 2. Sb. never/seldom do .... Instead sb. do … 3. Look at …, look at …. Can you do …? 看看我,一个聪明过人的学生,一个不同凡响的学者,一个前途无量的人。再看看罗伯,一个肌肉发达的蠢材,一个有了上顿没下顿的家伙。你是否能给我一个充足的理由,为什么要选择跟他?” 用于表达“对比” Look at me, an ingenious student, a tremendous intellectual, a man with an assured future. Look at Rob, a muscular idiot, a guy who’ll never know where his next meal is coming from. Can you give me one good reason why you should be with him?”

Critical thinking:

What does the story tell us about love? And what does it tell us about smart people?

Can you think of a logical fallacy you have committed? Why is it a fallacy and what caused it?