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Module 12 Help

What should we do before help arrives?


1.broken (adj.)破碎的→break (v.)打破

2.medical (adj.)医学的;医疗的→medicine (n.)药 3.imagine (v.)想象;设想→其后跟动名词形式

4.lift (v.) 举起;抬起;提起→lifted(过去式)→lifted(过去分词) 5.harmful(adj.)有害的→harm (n.)伤害

6.drop (v.)使落下;投下→dropped(过去式)→dropped(过去分词) 7.training (n.)训练;培训→train (v.)培训 8.glass (n.)玻璃 9.stairs (n.)楼梯 10.aid (n.)救助;帮助 11.bottom(n.)底部;下端

12.wrong (adj.)有毛病的;错误的→(adv.)不正确地;错误地 13.trouble (n.)问题;烦恼;困难 14.cover (v.)盖;盖上 必背短语 15.first aid 急救 16.lift up 抬起;提起 必背句子

17.Let's imagine an accident.

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18.A boy is lying at the bottom of the stairs.


19.First of all,find out what's wrong with him.


20.But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.

但他有可能难以听到你讲话或和你说话。 21.Make sure he's warm.


Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.


1.inside (n.)内部;里面; (adv.)在里面;向室内(prep.)在……里面 (adj.)里面的;内部的→outside(反义词)

2.warn (v.)警告;告诫→warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要干某事 3. under (prep.)在……正下方; 在……下面→over(反义词) 在……正上方

4.keep (v.)保持;留在→kept(过去式)

5.clear (adj.)不和……接触的;不挨……太近的→clearly (adv.) 6.brave (adj.)勇敢的;无畏的→bravely(adv.)勇敢地 7.helpful (adj.)有用的;提供帮助的→help (n.)帮助 8.power (n.)电;电力→powerful (adj.) 有影响力的 9.earthquake (n.)地震

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10.window (n.) 窗;窗户 11.calm (adj.)镇静的;沉着的 必背短语

12.keep clear of 不和……接触 13.in short 总而言之 必背句子

14.Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn

people about them.

地震总是发生得很突然,所以很难给予人们预警。 15.Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.


16.Keep calm,especially when you are with other people.

保持冷静,尤其是当你和其他人在一起时。 17.In the mountains,be careful of falling rocks.


Language in use

必背短语 1.fall down 滚落

2.basic medical training 基本的医疗培训 3.keep away from 远离 必背句子

4.I was on the beach and the water started to go funny.

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