《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》五级词汇表 下载本文

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airport alive article artist a (an) ability able about above abroad absent accept according to achieve across act action active activity actor actress add

address advantage advice advise afford afraid Africa African after

afternoon again against age ago agree agreement air

all allow almost alone along aloud already also although always America American among ancient and angry animal another answer ant any anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere appear apple April area arm army around arrive art


as Asia Asian ask asleep at attend attention August aunt Australia Australian autumn avoid awake away awful


baby back

background bad bag ball balloon bamboo banana bank baseball basic basket

basketball bathroom be (am, are, is) beach bean bear beat beautiful because become bed

bedroom beef before begin behind believe bell below beside best better between big

bike (=bicycle) bill bird birth birthday biscuit bit black

blackboard blind block blood blouse blow blue

board boat body book bored boring born borrow boss both bottle bottom bowl box boy brain brave bread break breakfast bridge bright bring Britain British brother brown brush build building burn bus business busy but buy by



cake calendar call camera camp

can (can’t/cannot) Canada Canadian cancel candle candy cap

capital car card care careful careless carrot carry cartoon cat catch cause celebrate cent central

centre (AmE center) century certain certainly chair chalk chance change cheap check

cheer chemistry chess chicken

child (pl. children) China Chinese chocolate choice choose chopsticks Christmas cinema circle city class classmate classroom clean clear clever climb clock close clothes cloud cloudy club coach coal coast coat coffee coin cold collect college

colour (AmE color) come

comfortable common communicate communication community compare competition complete computer concert condition connect consider continue control

conversation cook cookie cool copy corn corner correct cost cough could count country countryside couple courage course cousin cover cow crayon crazy create cross


cry culture cup customer cut cute


daily dance danger dangerous

dark date

daughter day dead deaf deal dear

December decide decision deep degree delicious depend describe desk develop


dialogue (AmE dialog)diary dictionary die

difference different