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第五章 结论
参 考 文 献
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Maximum flow problem in the introduction, we listed one of the largest flow of goods delivery. If this issue also includes the known conditions of delivery of each unit while the cost of goods, then how to transport, to get the most traffic, and transportation costs to a minimum? This is the so-called maximum flow problem minimum cost. The maximum flow based on the definition, if each side of a first-priority claim to the number of c(e)(that the edge capacity) but also have another weights w(e) (that the unit cost flow), and has been seeking a maximum flow of the network value of F, then the minimum cost maximum flow problem, it is clear the following linear programming model can be used to describe:
min?w(e)f(e) e?E
Satisfy 0?f(e)?c(e) for all e?E
for all v?V f?(x)?F(maximum flow constraints)(Orf?(y)?F) Algorithm ideas Solve the minimum cost maximum flow problem, there are two general ways. Way is to use a maximum flow algorithm to calculate the maximum flow, and then based on the cost side, check whether it is possible to balance the flow by adjusting the flow side, so that to reduce the total cost? As long as there is a possibility, on such adjustments. After adjusting for a new maximum flow. Then, on the basis of the new flow to continue to check and adjust. This iteration continues until no adjustment may be, they will have the minimum cost maximum flow. The characteristics of this line of thought is to
maintain the feasibility of the problem (always maintain maximum flow), to promote optimal. Solution to another and in front of the maximum flow algorithm, introduced a similar line of thought, first of all, given the general flow as the initial flow of zero. The cost of the flow to zero, of course, is the smallest cost. And then find a source to the Meeting Point by flow chain, but by the requirements of this chain must be a stream flow of all chain costs by a minimum. If we can find out by flow chain, the chain in the flow by increasing flow, a new flow. The flow will be treated as the initial flow, continue to search for links by increasing stream flow. This iteration continues, until found by flow chain, then the flow is the minimum cost maximum flow. Idea of the characteristics of this algorithm is to maintain the optimal solution of (each of the new fees are the smallest stream flow), but gradually close to the feasible solution (up to maximum flow is a feasible solution when). As a result of the second algorithm and has introduced close to the maximum flow algorithm and the algorithm by finding the minimum cost flow chain, can be turned into a source to find the shortest path to the Meeting Point, so this algorithm here. In this algorithm, in order to seek to increase the minimum cost flow chain, the current flow of each, accompanied by the need to establish a network flow by the flow network. For example, Figure 1 is a network G of minimum cost flow, next to parameters c(e),f(e), w(e), and Figure 2 is the network flow by the flow network G '. By the peak-flow network and the same as the original network. By the following principles in accordance with the establishment of the network edge flow:
If G in the edge (u,v) is not enough traffic, that is, f(u,v)?e(u,v), then