公民参与公共管理的意义及途径 下载本文

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题 目 公民参与公共管理的意义及途径

院(部) 商学院 专 业 企业管理 年 级 2014级 形 式 自学考试 层 次 本科 学 号 721070550115 姓 名 李程 指导教师(签名)

年 月 I


摘 要 随着时代的发展,公民参与公共管理的重要性和紧迫性受到越来越多的关




ABSTRACT With the development of times, citizen participate in public importance and urgency of management paying close attention to the fact more and more, it manages the need of managing theory development newly and publically, need, offer public subject need that range expand of product , change need , government of function of development in an all-round way of people, need, E-government of development. Fact indicate our country have serious public omission , public management activity of management misplace and public management supervise getting unsceptered very, it is obvious that it is endangered. So, look for the reliable way to realize conscientiously it is essential and urgent for the citizen to participate in public management, government's one's own reform is its prerequisite among them, the procedure has priority to be its foundation, information key their, understand public demand and train the public sense of participation focal point their.

Key words:Citizen participate in public;public administration;power;programe