20062007学年第一学期五年级英语阅读质量检 下载本文

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Ⅰ. Read and draw “ √” or “×”. 读一读,作判断,并用√或×表示。(10分)

One day, Ann and Ken took Mocky to the town center. They saw a scale. They checked their weight and height one by one. Ken measured Mocky first. Then he measured Ann. She was taller than Mocky. Then Ann measured Ken. He was taller than Mocky and Ann. He was the tallest.

Who was the shortest? Mocky was the shortest. They weighed Ken. Then they weighed Ann. Something was wrong! Ann was shorter but heavier than Ken. Do you know why? Mocky had his foot on the scale.

( ) 1. Ann, Ken and Mocky went to school one day.

( ) 2. Ann, Ken and Mocky measured their weight and height in the town center.

( ) 3. Mocky was the shortest. ( ) 4. Ann was heavier than Ken. ( ) 5. Ken had his foot on the scale.

Ⅱ. Read and choose. 读一读,将正确答案前的字母序号填到题前的括号里。(10分)

Hi, I’m Jimmy. Look at the photo of my family. My father is the tallest. My mother is the thinnest. I’m heavier and taller than my little brother Tom.

Last Saturday afternoon, my parents and I went to the movie theater and watched a good movie. I liked it a lot. Tom went to a swimming race at school. He was great! He came first and won a robot.

We stayed at home last Sunday. We watched TV and had a big dinner. 1. __________ is the tallest in Jimmy’s family. A. Mother B. Father C. Tom 2. Jimmy was at _________ last Saturday afternoon. A. school B. the park C. the movies

3. Tom _________ last Saturday.

A. swam B. studied C. coughed 4. Tom’s prize was a _________.

A. teddy bear B. robot C. pencil 5. Jimmy had a/an __________ last Sunday.

A. English class B. swimming race C. big dinner

Ⅲ. Look, read and answer. (看一看,读一读,回答问题。)(20分) 1. ---Where was she in her dream?

---She ___ at (the) _____.

2. ---What did Tommy do yesterday? ---He ___ ____ yesterday.

3. ---Did they read a book last night? ---___,they _______.

4. When is your birthday? (根据实际情况回答问题) _________________________________________

5. How tall are you? (根据实际情况回答问题) _________________________________________

Make a survey.(小调查)

Do you like English? Why? (请你用英文或中文回答。)