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8、 The estimated 2 percent growth in gross domestic product (GDP) in 1992 was not enough /did not suffice不满足(做某事)to stop the rise in unemployment, which reached more than 310,000 (10.6 percent of the labor force) in the fall. 1992年国民生产总值估计达2%,这一情况不能阻止失业率的上升,在秋季失业率超过310000(是劳动力的10.6%)——did not suffice不满足(做某事)

9、 The peasants caught the influence/contagion感染,影响of his enthusiasm and worked so hard and steadily that they were soon as well set up and provided for as if they had been old inhabitants.农民被他的热情所感染,努力工作,渐渐地也给他们建房,提供生活费,似乎他们已经是老居民了。——contagion感染,影响

10、 An especially impressive world mark was set by the U.S. men’s 4 × 400 meter relay team, which broke/shattered打破the long-standing record in track and field by taking the gold in 2 minutes 55.74 seconds. 在4 × 400米接力赛中,尤其是美国人用时2分55.74秒,打破了现有记录,留下了深刻的印象。——shattered打破

11、 The new rule stipulated that a worker who was (tardy迟到的) three times in one month should be dismissed immediately.新规定:员工一个月迟到三次,立即被解雇。


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12、 At the end of the President’s speech, leaders of both parties announced their full support of the doctrine he had (enunciated阐明,确切地说明) 在总统演讲末,两党领导宣布完全支持总统所阐述的教义。

13、 Because of its capacity to (dissolve(使)溶解) numerous substances in large amounts, pure water rarely occurs in nature.由于溶解物质的最大容量,纯净水很少存在于自然中。

14、 In Austria he met with President Kurt Waldheim, who remained a figure of controversy 公开辩论because of his

reported (complicity同谋,共犯 ) in Nazi crimes against Jews and others during World War Ⅱ.在澳大利亚,他遇到了Kurt Waldheim总统,二战期间,他公开辩论:由于他的纳粹同谋反对犹太人。

15、 When we arrived there we saw many red-and-whitestreamers floating gently into the outfield grass, fireworks (booming急速发

展) overhead.当我们到达那里的时候,看到草场上方许多红白彩带飘飘,翠烟袅袅。

16、 The bird put his tiny head to one side and looked up at him with his soft bright eye. Then he hopped about and pecked the earth (briskly轻快地,伶俐地) , looking for seeds and insects.鸟把小头转向一边,用柔软明亮的眼睛打量着他。之后它单脚跳起,轻快地啄泥土,寻找种子和昆虫。


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17、 John reached for a cigarette and (chuckled轻声地笑) a little. “We did not think anybody would be stubborn enough to come here in spite of our discouragement.”约翰抽着香烟,轻声笑着说:“虽然我们有些气馁,但是无法阻止我们前进。”

18、 For a moment I thought he was being serious, but then he (winked使眼色) at me.


19、 Many of the country’s prosecutors feared the proposal was ultimately aimed at curbing 限制their considerable powers and letting wrongdoers 违法犯罪人off the hook挂钩.


20、 About half of all children in South Asia and one-third of those in sub-Saharan Africa suffer from (malnutrition营养不良), which usually results from an inadequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals.南非一半的孩子和在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲(大陆)的三分之一的孩子遭遇营养不良,通常是由于缺乏必需的维生素和矿物质所致。

Unit 6


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1、 Schools and parents are warned today to take action to combat a health timebomb linked to childhood obesity. ——grapple with

2、 On his 100th birthday Mr. Bush was swamped with cards and messages of congratulations sent by his friends. ——inundated

3、 The boy sat mesmerized long after the fairground closed and the folk had all gone. ——transfixed

4、 At the press conference, the foreign minister said again and again that the government would refuse to compromise with terrorists.——reiterated 5、 Invasive species are a destructive force that seriously harms our environment and imposes a heavy, often hidden cost on the economy. ——juggernaut

6、 The need for clean water for hygiene is particularly urgent for women and children in poor communities. ——pressing

7、 Davis has earned a reputation as a forthright opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.——an outspoken

8、 He said people who want to ensure that global issues are dealt with should be voting for the Greens. ——addressed


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9、 he development of a good notion is not always an easy task, but without it, you may collect aimless or useless data.——assumption

10、 He wanted to be an actor but gave in to parental pressure to be respectable and trained as a lawyer. ——succumb to

11、 Dissatisfaction with the Labour government now seems to have (permeated) every section of society.

12、 We know these chemicals are dangerous, but their benefits far (outweigh) any risk to the environment.

13、 All previous attempts to (halt) the fighting have failed so why should these proposals be any more successful?

14、 The president and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a (mandate) for continued economic reform.

15、 She is not satisfied with her job because it provides no (outlet) for her energies and talents.

16、 The audience are deeply impressed by the leading character of the feature film that looks (plying) at social problems. 17、 My second and more (compelling) reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry Ford Museum.
