书作文之信息时代图书馆还有用吗英语作文 下载本文

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【篇一:英语作文 图书馆的重要性与电子书】

nowadays, with the rapid development of science and

technology, e-book, which is short for electronic book, is more and more popular among teenagers. obviously, it is more convenient and various to read by e-book than to read books in the library. however, some people still go to the library when they need to read books or find some information.

why is the library still necessary for people? in my opinions, the answer is obvious. the library can provide a quiet

surrounding for people, which make them concentrate on their reading. moreover, the library has some precious books, journals and videos for free, which they can’t search in the internet or by the e-books. therefore, the library can still exist.



directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic do libraries become useless at the age of information? you should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in chinese:

1. 有些人认为信息时代不再需要传统图书馆了,因为……

2. 有些人认为信息时代传统图书馆仍然有重要作用,因为…… 3. 你的看法……

there has been a heated discussion about libraries at the age of information among people. some people, especially the younger generation, challenge the value of conventional libraries. when they need any information in their studies or work, they can turn to their computers for help. for this reason, they do not need to go to a library for borrowing or returning one or two books.

while others, including most old people as well as scholars, value libraries. they love libraries because they can enjoy peace and quietness in an isolated spiritual world. and they also have access to rare academic works needed for their studies in the libraries.

in my view, conventional libraries are still available though there is still much room for improving. at the age of information, as long as

knowledge is respected and cherished, libraries won’t extinct from our lives. on the other hand, libraries should not refuse the latest

information technology, which will enable them to regain those young readers.

【篇三:互联网信息时代的坏处 英语作文】

oh! what you said is right. it has lots of advantages. but do you know the internet rumors. i think if everyone can publish news on the internet .there will be more rumors. let me

introduce the harm about it to you.the spread of the internet rumors should be based on three conditions: firstly, the internet has the widespread availability and convenience. compared with other channels of transmission, the internet has fast speed and wide extent. and spreader can lower the cost of distributing rumors. secondly, there are many ill-intentioned people existing on the internet, as snakes in the grass. these people are always hopping to draw others

attention or even disturb public orders via rumors. they are selfish. thirdly, the anonymity of the internet enables some spreaders to avoid being punished for their evildoings.

so we need to limit some speaking rights of people to avoid troubles for society.