新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第一册作文带翻译 下载本文

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Unit 1: How to succeed in college

There are some things you can do to succeed in college. First, pursue passions. Your passions will broaden your mind and make your life interesting. Second, never let go of any opportunities that come your way. College is full of unique opportunities, which will enable you to sample new things and meet wonderful people. Lastly, take responsibilities. In college you must learn to be responsible for your own decisions and actions. With the passions, the opportunities, and the ability to take responsibilities, you will become successful not only in college, but also in your future career. Unit 2: What to do when your parents are disappointed with you

Parents may get disappointed when you fail to meet their expectations. They may strongly object to your lifestyle and complain that you are wasting time on unimportant things. To solve this problem, you may try to make them understand that you are a responsible person. First tell them that you have inherited many of their merits. Then remind them that you have your own thoughts and life goals as an individual. You can also explain how your lifestyle will help you in a positive way. You may not be able to change your parents’ opinions overnight, but if you keep trying, it will eventually work. Unit 3: Teenager smoking

It is not uncommon to see teenagers smoking today. Some of them smoke because of peer pressure. When they see some of their friends smoking, they feel the pressure to try it out in order to “fit in” with the crowd. Some other teenagers smoke because they want to imitate adults or appear to be mature. Teenagers like to imitate their favorite stars and adults around them. So, parents who smoke may set a bad example for their children. In conclusion, the causes of teenager smoking can be attributed to peer pressure and their intention to look like adults. Unit 4: Happiness

Where does happiness come from? Ann was a fulltime worker with a low income, but she devoted a lot of her time to helping people in her community. One day, Ann was diagnosed with a severe heart disease, but she did not have enough money for treatment. When people in her community heard the news, they raised money for her and helped her take care of her children. Although Ann was very sick, she felt very happy. She had enjoyed helping other people, who now in turn were happy to help her. Happiness is indeed the result of helping each other. Unit 5: William Shakespeare

In 1564, William Shakespeare, the great poet and playwright, was born in England. As a boy he attended a local grammar school in his hometown. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. Between 1585 and 1592, he developed a successful career in London. By 1592 several of his plays were on the London stage and he had become well-known by acting and writing plays. He appeared to have retired from the theater and returned to his hometown around 1613. In 1616, at the age of 52, he passed away.

Unit 6: Why people get fired from their jobs

There are several reasons why people get fired from their jobs. First, people may lose their jobs if they have some dishonest behaviors, such as cheating in their job supplications or telling lies in work. Second, employees may be fired sue to poor

attendance. No boss likes an employee who is often late for or absent from work. Third, people having difficulty getting along with their co-workers are also likely to be fired because they may cause conflicts in the workplace. Therefore, to be a good employee, it is important to be honest, punctual, and cooperative. Unit 7: My dorm

My dorm is nice to live in. For example, it has a very convenient location. It is close to everything on campus. It only takes 5 minutes to walk to my classes, 8 minutes to the library, 15 minutes to the swimming pool, and only 2 minutes to the cafeteria. What’s more, there are great facilities in the building. There is a laundry room, a gym, a TV room, and even an ATM machine. Most importantly, I like my roommates. We get along very well, and we have a lot of fun together. In one word, I love my dorm. Unit 8: Differences between college life and high school life

College life and high school life differ in many ways. High school offers fundamental courses such as math, physics and English, whereas college offers more specialized courses, most of which are related to students’ majors. In high school, all classes are arranged by the school, so students just follow a fixed schedule; in contrast, college students can choose the courses in which they are interested and arrange their own schedule, so their schedule is more flexible. Moreover, high school students acquire knowledge and skills mainly through teacher’s instructions. In contrast, besides attending lectures, college students are expected to learn on their own, and develop critical thinking.




父母可能会失望,当你没有达到他们的期望。他们可能强烈反对你的生活方式,抱怨你在无关紧要的事情上浪费时间。为了解决这个问题,你可以试着让他们明白你是一个有责任心的人。首先告诉他们你继承了他们的许多优点。然后提醒他们你有自己的想法和人生目标。你也可以解释你的生活方式对你有积极的帮助。你可能无法在一夜之间改变父母的观点,但如果你继续努力,它最终会成功的。 单元3:青少年吸烟

今天看到青少年吸烟并不罕见。有些人因为同龄人的压力而吸烟。当他们看到一些朋友吸烟时,他们感到有压力去尝试,以便“融入”人群中。有些青少年吸烟是因为他们想模仿成年人或看起来成熟。青少年喜欢模仿他们喜欢的明星和周围的成年人。所以,吸烟的父母可能给孩子树立了坏榜样。总之,青少年吸烟的原因可以归因于同龄人的压力和他们看起来像成年人的意图。 第4单元:幸福



1564,伟大的诗人、剧作家威廉·莎士比亚生于英国。小时候,他在家乡一所当地的文法学校上学。他18岁时嫁给了安妮海瑟薇,他们有三个孩子。1585至1592年间,他在伦敦取得了成功的事业。到1592年底,他的几部戏剧在伦敦舞台上演,并以演技和剧本闻名。他似乎已经从剧院退休,1613点左右回到了家乡。1616,52岁时,他去世了。 第6单元:人们为什么被解雇?



我住的宿舍很好。例如,它有一个非常方便的位置。它离校园里的一切都很近。步行去上课只要5分钟,去图书馆8分钟,到游泳池15分钟,到自助餐厅只要2分钟。而且,大楼里有很多设施。有洗衣房、健身房、电视室,甚至还有自动取款机。最重要的是,我喜欢我的室友。我们相处得很好,我们一起玩得很开心。总之,我爱我的宿舍。 单元8:大学生活与高中生活的区别

