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400-080-6358 www.zhan.com (4) They had a salary structure that limits the salaries of high-level executives. (5) They set aside a noteworthy portion of their profits for social causes. (6) They borrowed several thousand dollars from friends to start their business. 参考答案:(2)、(4)、(5)
PASSAGE THREE (Question 3)
paragraph The Bald Eagle
1 When the bald eagle became the national symbol of the United States in 1782, soon after the country was born, it is estimated that there were as many as 75,000 nesting pairs in North America. By the early 1960s, however, the number of nesting pairs had been reduced to only around 450. 2 The demise of the bald eagle is generally attributed to the effects of the pesticide DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane). This pesticide was used to kill insects harmful to agriculture, thereby increasing agricultural production. One unintended negative result of the use of DDT was that, while it did get rid of the undesirable insects, it also made its way along the food chain into fish, a favorite food source of the bald eagle.
3 The bald eagle is now protected by federal laws. It was originally protected by the Bald Eagle Act of 1940 and later by the Endangered Species Act of 1973. However, it is not just the laws directly related to endangered species that aided in the resurgence of the bald eagle; its resurgence has also been widely attributed to the banning of DDT in 1972. Today there are more than 5,000 pairs of bald eagles, a tenfold increase over the low point of 450, and the bird was removed from the list of endangered species in july, 1999.
This passage discusses radical shifts in population that the bald eagle has undergone. · · · · Answer Choices (choose 4 to complete the chart):
(1) the numbers of bald eagles were greatly reduced, at least in part due to the effects of a pesticide.
(2) The legislation has had a positive effect on the number of bald eagles.
(3) The bald eagle was named as the national symbol of the United States in the late eighteenth
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(4) Early in the history of the United States, there were huge numbers of bald eagles. (5) Two different pieces of legislation that affected the bald eagle were enacted 33 years apart. (6) The federal government enacted legislation specifically designed to protect the bald eagle as well as to outlaw the pesticide DDT. 参考答案:(1)、(2)、(4)、(6)
10. 图表题
Sand Dunes
1 Sandy deserts contain enormous volumes of sand eroded from mountains and carried to the deserts by wind or water. The huge quantities of sand that make up sandy deserts are blow about into dunes of various shapes.
2 Ridge dunes form where there are large amounts of sand, generally in the interiors of deserts, and winds blow in one direction. Under there conditions, parallel ridges of sand, known as transverse dunes, form at right angles to the wind.
3 When the direction of the wind changes so that it comes from different directions, star-shaped dunes form from the massive amounts of sand in desert interiors. Star-shaped dunes are relatively stable dunes that reach incredible heights, up to 80 meters high in some deserts, and are quite common in massive deserts such as the Sahara.
4 Crescent dunes form on the edges of deserts where there is less sand and where the winds blow mainly in one direction. These dunes, which are also known as barchan dunes are less stable than star-shaped dunes and can shift as much as 20 meters per year as winds blow over the outer curves of the crescent in the direction of the pointed ends.
Directions: Select the appropriate sentences from the answer choices, and match them to the critical information about the sand dunes to which they relate. THREE of the answer choices will not be used. This question is worth 3 points. amount of sand direction of · · ·
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· Answer Choices (choose 4 to complete the chart):
(1) Ridge and crescent dunes form where the winds blow from one direction. (2) Crescent dunes are also known as barchan dunes.
(3) Star-shaped dunes form where the winds blow from different directions. (4) Transverse dunes are created parallel to the wind. (5) Ridge and star dunes form where there is a lot of sand. (6) Star-shaped dunes are more stable than crescent dunes. (7) Crescent dunes form where there is less sand.
参考答案: 第一栏:(5)、(7) 第二栏:(1)、(3)
William Faulkner
1 Author William Faulkner is today recognized as one of America's greatest writers on the basis of a body of novels that so convincingly portray the culture of the South in the years following the Civil War, with its citizens overcome by grief and defeat and trying to cling to old values while struggling to take their place in a changing world. The acclaim that today is Faulkner's, however, was slow in coming.
2 Though Faulkner was praised by some critics and reviewers during the first part of his career, is novels did not sell well and he was considered a fairly marginal author. For the first few decades of his career, he made his living writing magazine articles and working as a screenwriter rather than as a novelist. Throughout this period, he continued to write, though his novels, sometimes noted for the stirring portrait that they presented of life in the post-Civil War South, were generally relegated to the category of strictly regional writing and were not widely appreciated.
400-080-6358 www.zhan.com 3 Beginning in 1946, Faulkner's career took an unexpected and dramatic turn as Faulkner came to be recognized as considerably more than a regional writer. The Portable Faulkner was published in that year by Viking Press; two years later he was elected to the prestigious National Academy of Arts and Letters; he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1949. Over the next decade, his work was recognized in various ways, including a National Book Award and two Pulitzer Prizes, and he became a novelist in residence at the University of Virginia. His success led to a degree of affluence that enabled him to take up the life of a southern gentleman, including horseback riding and fox hunting. Ironically, he died as a result of an accident related to these gentlemanly pursuits, succumbing as a result of injuries suffered during a fall from a horse.
Directions: Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices, and match them to the phase of William Faulkner's career to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will not be used. This question is worth 3 points. Faulkner in the · first phase of his · career · Faulkner in the · second phase of · his career
Answer Choices (choose 6 to complete the chart): (1) Was considered one of America's greatest writers (2) Received a small amount of critical acclaim (3) Died as a result of a horseback-riding incident (4) Received numerous awards and acclaim (5) Was considered merely a regional writer (6) Wrote novels about various American regions (7) Made his living as a novelist
(8) Made his living with writing other than novels
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