东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题1(英译汉) 下载本文

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英译汉试题:The young man was attracted by the beauty of nature.


参考答案:这个年轻人被大自然的美所吸引。 A. 错误

B. 正确

正确答案:B??????满分:5??分 2.??

英译汉试题:This task doesn’t call for much skill.


参考答案:这项任务不需要太多技巧。 A. 错误

B. 正确

正确答案:B??????满分:5??分 3.??

英译汉试题:Everyone is surprised at the fact that the human population is growing so rapidly.



A. 错误

B. 正确



英译汉试题:The better you can use a computer, the more likely you are to find a job as a secretary.


参考答案:你使用电脑越熟练,你找到担任秘书工作的可能性就越大。 A. 错误 B. 正确

正确答案:B??????满分:5??分 5.??

英译汉试题:The little boy found it hard to fit into his new school.



A. 错误

B. 正确

正确答案:B??????满分:5??分 6.??

英译汉试题:It’s difficult to memorize something you don’t understand.



A. 错误

B. 正确

正确答案:B??????满分:5??分 7.??

英译汉试题:They will inform of him any progress they made in the experiment.



A. 错误 B. 正确

正确答案:B??????满分:5??分 8.??

英译汉试题:There are several time-saving methods that one can choose from.



A. 错误

B. 正确

正确答案:B??????满分:5??分 9.??

英译汉试题:I learned to take care of myself after the serious illness.



A. 错误

B. 正确

正确答案:B??????满分:5??分 10.??

英译汉试题:He spends most of his spare time surfing the Internet.