内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/26 20:48:34星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Velocity is synthesis at the speed of light. Today's business environment demands speed. The Internet has created immediate orders, and customers expect their products to arrive almost as quickly. Synthesis with speed creates multilevel global networks that meet these demands-these are complex entities that can meet the demands of today’s economy through a combination of partnerships, flexibility, robust design, and ongoing adaption to marketplace requirements.
Facilities are critical components of the multilevel global networks necessary for supply chain excellence. Each organization in the supply chain should therefore plan facilities with its supply chain partners in mind. Proper facilities planning along the supply chain ensures that the product will follow the supply chain series buy — make — move — store — sell to the satisfaction of the ultimate customer. Therefore,all facilities in the supply chain have the following characteristics:
? Flexibility. Flexible facilities are able to handle a variety of requirements without being altered.
? Modularity. Modular facilities are those with systems that cooperate efficiently over a wide range of operating rates.
? Upgradability. Upgraded facilities gracefully incorporate advances in equipment systems and technology.
? Adaptability. This means taking into consideration the implications of calendars, cycles, and peaks in facilities use.
? Selective operability. This means understanding how each facility segment operates and allows contingency plans to be put in place.
? Environmental and energy friendliness. This involves adopting the process of leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED). A whole-building approach to sustainability recognizes performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality.
Creating these facilities requires a holistic approach. The elements of this approach are as follows:
? Total integration-the integration of material and information flow in a true, top-down progression that begins with the customer.
? Blurred boundaries—the elimination of the traditional customer/supplier and manufacturing/warehousing relationships, as well as those among order entry, service,manufacturing, and distribution.
? Consolidation-the merging of similar and disparate business entities that results in fewer and stronger competitors,customers, and suppliers. Consolidation also includes the physical merging of sites, companies, and functions.
? Reliability-the implementation of robust systems, redundant systems,
and fault-tolerant systems to create very high levels of uptime.
? Maintenance-a combination of preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance. Preventive maintenance Is a continuous process that minimizes future maintenance problems. Predictive maintenance anticipates potential problems by sensing the operations of a machine or system.
? Economic progressiveness-the adoption of innovative fiscal practices that integrate scattered information into a whole that may be used for decision making.
In this regard, for a facilities planner, the notion of continuous improvement for supply chain excellence must be an integral element of the facilities planning cycle. Whether you are involved in planning a new facility or planning to update an existing facility, the process of facilities planning is unchanged.
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