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有一条小溪.突然有个女孩在他前面失去了平衡而跌倒了.\你得往后退,然后转过来,\他说着并帮助她起来.然后他用绷带扎缚她受伤的脚踝,女孩从他简单的行李上判断他是个单身汉.她邀请他回家.她家的房子被一些彩色的气球和旗帜装饰着.一个羽毛球拍挂在墙上.但是铁细菌已经让它生锈了.她的父亲,怀特先生是个理发师,但他自己几乎已经秃顶了.怀特夫人经营着一个面包店.她的熏肉面包非常出名.女孩全心全意支持她的母亲.于是他们的面包店永远也不会破产.那天晚上,乔治邀请女孩去看一场在60年代禁止的电影.她用一根橡皮带子扎紧头发然后跟他走.他们砰地关了门走出去了.但乔治很快放弃了他说的话.他决定先请他们全家人吃顿大餐. B-2
bare a.赤裸的,光秃的,空的;稀少的,仅有的 v.露出,暴露 bargain n.廉价货;交易,契约,合同 v.议价,成交 bark v.吠叫,狗叫声 barn n.谷仓,仓库 barrel n.桶,枪管,炮管 barrier n.栅栏;屏障;障碍(物) baseball n.棒球
basement n.建筑物的底部;地下室,地窖 basis n.基础,根据 on the basia of 根据,在...的基础上 bat n.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠 batch n.一批,一组,一群 battery n.电池(组),炮兵连,炮组 bay n.海湾,(港)湾 beam n.(横)梁;(光线的)束 beard n.胡须
beast n.兽,牲畜;凶残的人,举止粗鲁的人 because of 由于,因为 beforehand ad.预先,事先 begin with 从...开始 beginner n.初学者 behalf n.利益 on behalf of 代表,为了
word: 19 phrases: 4 total: 23
Harry joined the army and became a member of battery. It's wintertime. The trees were bare because of the cold. The war ended nearby a bay. The battery bought a barrel of beer to celebrate their victory. The salesman refused to bargain over the price, but he gave them some coffee beans free. After lunch, the game began with a baseball match on basis of friendship. A batch of soldiers joined this. Beginners would feel it difficult to play. But Harry did it well. In fact, he wanted to play tennis with his new tennis bat. At that night, the strong wind unroofed the barn and a dog barked. So the battery found a captive was gone. The captive had a beard and it was said that he was a beast. No one expected this beforehand. Harry rode on a horse to purse him. The horse ran over the barrier easily. He stopped in front of the basement of a building. He took out a torch but it was useless, for the battery had run down. Harry went down. The bats flew everywhere. Finally he tried his best to catch the captive. He said to him, \of my battery, I arrest you!\
哈里参军了,成为炮兵连的一员。那时是冬天。因为寒冷,树儿都光秃了。战争在一个海湾附近结束。炮兵连买了一桶啤酒来庆祝胜利。商人拒绝议价,但他免费给了他们一些咖啡豆。午饭后,游戏在友谊的基础上从棒球赛开始了。一组士兵参加了比赛。初学者会觉得比较难,但哈里做得很好。实际上他想用他的新网球拍打网球。那天夜里,狂风掀翻了谷仓的顶,狗儿也吠叫起来。很快,炮兵连发现一名俘虏逃跑了。那名俘虏留着胡须,据说他是个凶残的人。没人事先预料到这事。哈里骑上马追赶他。马儿轻易地越过了栅栏。他在一座建筑的地下室停住了。他掏出手电,但没用,因为电池耗尽了。哈里走下去。蝙蝠到处乱飞。最终他尽全力抓住了俘虏。他对他说:“我代表炮兵连逮捕你!” B-3
Behave v.举止,举动,表现;运转,开动 Behavior/ behaviour n.行为,举止;(机器的)特征 Belief n.信仰,信条;相信,信念 Make believe 假装
Beloved a.受爱戴的,敬爱的n.爱人 Beneath prep.在…下边,在…之下ad.在下方 Beneficial a.(to)有利的,有益的
Benefit n.利益,好处,恩惠v有益于;(from,by)受益 Bent a.弯曲的 Berry n.浆果 Besides prep.除…之外 At (the) best 充其量,至多 Do/try one’s best 尽力,努力 Get the best use of 胜过
Make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理 Bet v.赌,打赌n.打赌,赌注 Betray v.背叛,出卖;暴露,流露,泄露 For the better 好转,改善 Get the better of 打败,改善 Had better 最好还是,应该 Beware v.当心,谨防 Bewilder v.使迷惑住,难住
Bias n./v.(使有)偏见,(使)偏心,(使)偏袒 Bible n.圣经
Bibliography n.(有关某一专题的)书目;参考书目 Words: 18 Phrases: 7 Total: 25
Sam received a letter from his beloved’s parents. His beloved died from an accident and was buried beneath her house. Sam lost his consciousness. When he woke up, he saw a doctor. He had a bias against doctors. But he made believe he behaved respectfully toward them. The doctor hadn’t much belief in his behavior for Sam’s eyes betrayed him. He said to Sam, “At best we can cure your body since we make the best use of the medical instruments here. Beware of your mind, you must try your best to cure it.” The next week, when the doctor came to see Sam, he was reading the Bible. There was another visitor besides him. It’s a beautiful nurse. She smiled at Sam, “If you want to know more about the Bible, you can
look up the bibliography. ” Sam was bewildered by her smile. Next, they had a dialogue. “Fresh air is beneficial to your health. The bent branches are covered with ripe berries. Let’s go to pick berries tomorrow.” “It’s no benefit to me at all, I’d better stay here. Besides, I bet it will rain tomorrow.” But the next day, the weather had taken a turn for the better and they did go out. After a long struggle, Sam finally got the best of (got the better of) himself.
山姆收到了来自他爱人双亲的一封信。他的爱人死于一场事故,被葬在她的房子下面。山姆失去了知觉。当他醒来后,他看见了一名医生。他对医生有着偏见。但他假装对他们举止尊敬。医生不太相信他的举止,因为山姆的眼神背叛了他。他对山姆说:“至多我们充分利用医疗器械来治愈你的身体。当心你的情绪,你必须尽你自己的力来治愈它。”下个星期,当医生来探望山姆时,他正在阅读圣经。除他之外,还有另外一位来访者,是个漂亮的护士。她笑着对山姆说:“如果你想知道圣经更多的话,你可以查看参考书目。”山姆被她的笑迷惑了。然后,他们开始了对话。“新鲜的空气对你的健康有益。弯曲的树枝上挂满了成熟的浆果。让我们明天去采浆果吧。”“那对我没有任何好处。我最好还是呆在这里。还有,我打赌明天会下雨。”但第二天,天气好转。他们也就真的出去了。经过长期的较量,山姆最终胜过(战胜)了自己。 B-4
Bid v.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标n.出价,投标 Billion num./n.[美]十亿,[英]万亿 Bind v.捆,绑,包扎,束缚 Biography n.传记 Biology n.生物学 Biscuit n.饼干,点心
Bitter a.(有)苦(味)的,痛苦的,厉害的
Blank a.空白的,空着的;失色的,无表情的n.空白,表情
Blast n.一(阵)风,一股(气流);爆炸冲击波;管乐器或汽笛声v.爆炸,爆破 Blaze n.火焰;火光;闪光,光辉v.燃烧,冒火焰 Bleak a.荒凉的;冷酷的;没有希望的 Bleed v.出血,流血 Blend n.混合(物) Bless v.祝福,保佑 Blessing n.祈祷,祝福 Bloody a.流血的,血腥的
Bloom n.花(朵);开花(期)v.开花 Blossom n.花v.花朵
Blunder v.(因无知、粗心等而)犯大错;踉踉跄跄地走n.大错 Blunt a.率直的,钝的v.(使)钝;(使)迟钝 Blush v./n.脸红
On board 在船(车、飞机)上
Boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀n.自夸,大话 Boiler n.锅炉;煮器(壶,锅等)
Bold a.大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;黑体的,粗体的 Bolt n.螺栓,(门,窗的)插销v.闩(门),关窗,拴住 Words: 25 Phrases: 1 Total: 26
The government decided to build a bridge between a bleak island and downtown. Several companies
bid for the contract. And one of them won. The workers stood on board, accepting the blessing from the priest. He bid them good luck. It’s springtime. Flowers were blooming (blossoming) all over the island. The engineer who took charge of the team was Dan. He wasn’t interested in biology so he chose technology. After they arrived, Dan took out a blank sheet of paper to calculate the expense. It would cost them more than one billion dollars to complete the project. The first work was to move a big rock. The tools were too blunt, so they decided to blast it. A bold worker boasted that he could do it well. But he made an awful blunder. The trees around the rock caught fire suddenly. The workers were unable to control the blaze. It’s a bloody accident that caused five people to be injured, including Dan. Dan bound the cloth around his head to stop bleeding. Then he took some bitter pills. After that, he drank some blend of whisky and wine together with some biscuits. The worker blushed when he saw Dan in the boiler room. But Dan didn’t scold him. Instead, they needed a bolt to fit the valve. According to a biography about Dan, we know finally they completed the project successfully.
政府决定在一座荒凉的小岛和市区之间建一座桥。几个公司为竞争合同而投标。其中一家赢了。工人站在船上,接受来自牧师的祝福。他祝福他们好运。时值春天,整个岛上的花儿正在开花。掌管队伍的是工程师丹。他对生物学不感兴趣,因此他选择了工程学。他们到达之后,丹取出一张空白的纸来计算开支。要完成工程需要不只十亿美元。首先的任务是移开一块巨石。工具太钝,他们决定炸开它。一个大胆的工人吹嘘他能很好完成任务。但他犯了一个糟糕的大错误。巨石周边的树突然着起火来。工人们无法控制火焰。那是一场血腥的事故,包括丹在内有五人受伤。丹用布包扎头部制止流血。接着他吃了些很苦的药。然后他就着饼干喝了些威士忌和酒的混合物。那名工人在锅炉房见到丹时脸红了。但丹没有责怪他,反而和他一起检查现场。于是他们弄清了他们需要一个螺栓来固定阀门。根据一篇关于丹的传记,我们知道他们最终顺利完成了工程。 B-5
Bomb n.炸弹v.投弹于,轰炸
Bond n.结合(物),粘结(剂);联结;公债,债券,契约 Bonus n.奖金,红利
Boom v.迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声 Boot n.(长统)靴 Booth n.电话亭,货摊
Border n.边界,国界;边(沿)v.交界,与…接壤;接近 Bore v.钻(孔)。挖(洞),打眼,钻探;烦扰,使厌烦 Bosom n.(心)胸 Bough n.大树枝,主干
Bounce v.跳起,弹起n.(球)跳起,弹回
Bound v./n.跳(跃)a.被束缚的;理应…的,必定的,一定的;准备(或正在)到…去的,开往…的
Be bound to 必定,一定 Boundary n.分界线,边界
Bow v./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓(形);蝴蝶结 Boycott n./v.(联合)抵制,拒绝参与
Brace v.使防备,使受锻炼;支撑;使(手、足、肩等)绷紧n.托架,支架 Bracket n.(方)括号
Brake n.制动(器),闸,刹车v.刹(车)
Brand n.商标,标记,牌子v.使铭记;打火印,打烙印 Brandy n.白兰地酒
Brass n.黄铜 Bravery n.大胆,勇敢 Breadth n.宽度,幅度
Words: 23 Phases: 1 Total: 24
Since last year, the agriculture in this village had boomed. The boughs of trees were loaded with fruit. The workers worked hard and got bonuses. John was one of them. His neighbor, Mrs. Morris, had a son who walked with the help of a brace. Even though, the boy liked to bounce up and down. The friendship formed a friendly bond between the two families. They’d like to discuss something like public bond sometimes. One day, when John was working, Mrs. Morris called him from a telephone booth. She was crying, “My son fell into the river! Please save him!” It sounded like a bomb exploding in John’s heart. He rushed to the bank. He was bound to find the boy. The river formed the boundary between the two countries. To pass across the border, one must go through customs. “Brace yourself for the danger! ” some boring people tried to boycott his action. But John took off his boots and dived into the river. He showed great bravery in saving th drowning child and he succeeded. He held the boy to his bosom and went back. His dog came bounding to meet him. Mrs. Morris bowed as she appreciated him so much. She took out a brass box, in which there was a bottle of brandy made in France. It’s one of the most popular brands. It had a regular breadth of its bottom. Then Mrs. Morris bored a hole in the bottle cork to pull it out. After the meal, the mother said to the son, “Put the date in brackets on the paper. Do remember today, my boy.”
从去年说起,这个村庄的农业就迅速发展了。大树枝上挂满了水果。工人们努力工作并获得奖金。约翰是其中一个。他的邻居,莫里斯太太有一个靠托架帮忙走路的儿子。尽管如此,男孩还是喜欢上下弹跳。友谊在两家之间形成了一个友好的结合。他们有时会喜欢谈谈公共债券什么的。一天,当约翰在工作时,莫里斯太太从一个电话亭给他打了一个电话。他哭着说:“我的儿子掉到河里去了,请救救他!”这话就像一颗炸弹在约翰心中爆炸了。他冲到河边。他一定要找到这个孩子。河流是两国的分界线。若想通过边界的话,一定要过海关。“防备危险!”,一些讨厌的人试图联合抵制他的行为。但约翰脱下长统靴跳入河流。他展现了他非凡的勇敢并成功的救起了男孩。他将孩子抱在胸口回去了。他的狗跳跃着迎接他。莫里斯太太向他鞠躬,她太感激他了。她取出一只黄铜盒子,里面有一瓶法国制造的白兰地酒。那是一个非常有名的牌子,它的瓶底有着标准的宽度。接着莫里斯太太将瓶塞钻了个孔将它拔出来。饭后,母亲对儿子说:“把日子填到纸上的括号里。记住今天,我的孩子。” B-6
break away(from) 脱离,逃跑 break down 损坏;分解,瓦解
break in 强行进入,闯入;打断,插嘴 break into 闯入 break off 断绝,结束
break out 突然发生,爆发;(of)逃出 break through 突破
break up 中止,结束;打破,拆散 breakdown n.衰竭;损坏,故障;倒塌 breast n.胸脯,乳房 catch one's breath 屏息,歇口气
out of breath 喘不过气来,上气不接下气
breed v.(使)繁殖,生殖;产生,引起;抚养,饲养n.品种,种类