内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/28 13:58:19星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Hostess: Cal Lightman sees the truth. truth: 真相
Cal Lightman能看到事情真相。 It's written all over your face. all over: 遍及,从头到尾 一切都写在你脸上,
It's also in your voice, your posture, voice: 声音 posture: 姿势,体态 还有你的声音、姿势, the words you choose. choose: 选择,选定 你说出的话语。
Because of Dr. Lightman's scientific discoveries, scientific: 科学的 discovery: 发现 正因为Lightman博士的科学发现, We know that these signs are the same... sign: 迹象,征兆
我们知道了这些迹象有着相同的答案... -Cal: Laying it on a bit thick, isn't she?
lay it on thick: 乱吹捧;露骨地恭维 a bit: 有点 是不是说得太天花乱坠了?
-Emily: It's called selling books, dad. Shut up and bask.
sell: 出售,卖 shut up: 住口,闭嘴 bask: 享受乐趣,得到满足 这叫推销。老爸,乖乖坐着吧。
-Hostess: Now, give him 5 minutes and 20 questions, 给他5分钟提20个问题,
And he'll know whether you went off to Argentina to cheat on your wife.
whether: 是否 go off: 离开 Argentina: 阿根廷(南美洲国家) cheat on: 对?不忠 他就能知道你是否背着老婆跑去阿根廷会情人。 Lied about a well-timed stock sale,
lie: 说谎 well-timed: 正合时宜的,时机正好的 stock: 股票 骗人说股市大好,拖人下海。 or murdered a one-night stand.
murder: 谋杀 one-night stand: (俚) 一夜夫妻之交 或是杀了一夜情对象。
Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming. join in: 参加,加入 welcome: 欢迎 女士们先生们,下面有请。
The world's foremost deception expert.
foremost: 第一流的,最重要的 deception: 欺骗,诡计 expert: 专家 世界一流的测谎专家。
And one of America's preeminent scientists, preeminent: 卓越的 scientist: 科学家 美国的卓越科学家,
author of “lies we tell”, Dr. Cal Lightman. author: 作者 《我们的谎言》,作者Cal Lightman博士。
-Cal: Well, she's right when she says I'll know if you're lying, lying:(lie的现在进行时)说谎 她说的没错,我能看出谁在撒谎。 But what I wanna know is why. wanna:=want to 想
但我想知道的是背后的原因, That's still your secret. secret: 秘密
而这原因则是你们的秘密。 Any questions? 有问题吗?
-Men: Dr. Lightman. Lightman博士。
-Cal: Thanks for coming. 感谢你能来。
How come no one ever looks me in the eye at these things? how come: 为什么 looks sb. in the eye: 看着某人的眼睛 为什么没人看着我的眼睛说话? -Emily: Oh, cool tattoo.
cool: [俚语]极妙的,极好的,出色的 tattoo: 纹身 纹身很炫啊。
-Cal: Who do I make it out to? make out: 书写,填写 我要写谁的名字?
-Trisha: Uh, Trisha, please. 呃,Trisha 麻烦了。
You're really the world's biggest expert on lying? 你真是世上最厉害的测谎专家?
-Emily: When he's not being a dad or a big-time author. big-time: 一流的
当他不是爸爸不是杰出作家的时候。 -Trisha: So you'll know I'm telling the truth. tell the truth: 说实话
The police don't believe me. No one does. I… police: 警察 believe: 相信
I just really need someone to believe me. 我只想能有人相信我。 I saw a murder.
murder: 谋杀,凶杀
I didn't \不是\亲眼看见\的那种看见。 In a vision, a psychic vision,
vision: 幻想,幻影 psychic: 对超自然力量敏感的;通灵的 是幻象,像是通灵了一样。 but I know it really happened. happen: 发生
但我知道事情真的发生了。 Am I telling the truth? 我说的是实话吗? -Cal: Yes, you are. 是的。
-Gillian Foster: Where are we going? 我们这是去哪?
-Cal: Surprise. Oh. Divorce present. surprise: 惊奇 divorce: 离婚 一个惊喜给你,离婚礼物。
-Gillian Foster: Wasn't planning to toast the demise of my marriage, plan: 计划 toast: 庆祝 demise: 死亡 marriage: 婚姻 虽然没打算要庆祝婚姻告终, But thanks. 不过,谢了。
-Cal: How you feeling? 你感觉怎么样?
-Gillian Foster: Horrible, depressed, like a loser.
horrible: 讨厌的恐怖的 depressed: 沮丧的 loser: 失败者 糟透了,很沮丧,感觉很失败。 -Cal: You're happy. 你很开心。
-Gillian Foster: I'm not happy. I'm devastated. devastated: 【devastate: 使不知所措,使陷于混乱,使混乱; devastated: 挫败的,心情混乱的】 我不开心,我很挫败。
-Cal: All right, Trisha Howell, 好吧,Trisha Howell,
She's a Georgetown law student, Georgetown University:【乔治城大学,是位于美国华盛顿哥伦的一所私立大学,成立于1789年,被认为是美国最好25座大学之一。美国总统克林顿、菲律宾总统阿罗约及台湾政治人物宋楚瑜等是乔治城大学校友。乔治城大学法学院是美国最好的十四所法学院之一,位于首都华盛顿市中心国会山下,在美国和世界法律界享有崇高的声誉】 law: 法律,法学 law student: 法学学生
And she claims she had a psychic vision of a murder.