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Steven LiMing soup soup T: From Sunday to Saturday ,Danny eats a donut every day .He always eats donuts for breakfast .(教师放慢速度,并板书这句话) 板书:He always eats breakfast .
T: A-L-W-A-Y-S always . Follow me ,please. T:(教师在图画下面板书单词)
always usually sometimes never T:What does Jenny eat for breakfast ? S: She eats a sandwich for breakfast.
T: Yes ,She usually eats a sandwich for breakfast . She usually eats breakfast. T: (带领学生认读单词并板书) usually T: Does Steven always eat breakfast ? S: No .
T: Yes, He sometimes eats breakfast . T:Does LiMing eat breakfast everyday ? S: No.
T: Yes , He never eats breakfast .But we will always eat breakfast ,That’s good for you .(板书单词,同时渗透德育教育) (2)单词的理解和运用。
(设计意图:通过这个环节的设置可以形象、直观地让学生明白这四个单词的意思) (3)巩固操练。
教师给每个学生一张表格(如:下图),教师描述表格中每个人所做的事情,让学生完成表格。 name Jenny Steven Danny do homework Watch TV Walk to school Wear dresses (设计意图:在这个练习的过程中,既是学生听力的训练,又是进一步熟记、巩固单词的训练。之后可以找学生根据自己填写的表格再进行一下复述,对教师来说也是个检查的过程。)
(4)单词:boots umbrella dry wet 的教学。 T: (教师可以接着上面的表格进行描述)
After breakfast ,Jenny and LiMing go to school, How do they go to shool ? S: Walk to school Ride the bicycle
By bus …(给学生一个猜猜的环节)
T: Yes , they walk to the bus stop, They go to school by bus , Look ,Here comes the schoolbus , and this is bus driver,Mr Scott. (教师用课件出示对应的画面及短语:bus stop school bus bus driver) T: But it’s rainy ,They need boots and umbrellas.
Look ,This is Jenny with her boots and umbrella on a rainy , She is dry . (用课件出示另一幅画面) Now ,Is she dry ? S: No .
T: Yes , She is wet.This is Jenny without her boots and umbrella.
一幅画面,让学生形象的感觉到dry ,wet 的意思,以及with 和without ,并且是两组反义词) (5)学习课文。
播放录音,学生跟读。 (6)作业:(范例)
学生自由结组, 完成调查。 Name Student 1 Student 2 …… dohomework watch TV take a shower Wash the dishes … (Ask the students to introduce their charts.) 4.Class closing 六、板书设计
Lesson 10 LiMing Meets Jenny’s Class
一、教学目标: 1、知识技能:(1)复习第4册学过的重点句型:How are you ? How old are you ? Where do you live ? Nice to meet you! What’s your name ? 能根据具体的情况,进行问答。
3、情感态度:培养学生与他人进行交流的良好习惯。 二、教学重难点:
重点:复习第4册学过的重点句型:How are you? How old are you ?Where do you live? Nice to meet you! What’s your name ?
难点:能根据具体的情况,同学之间进行交流,谈论有关年龄、姓名、兴趣爱好等方面的话题。 四、教具、学具:课件、录音机、 五、教学过程: 1.Greetings: Hello!
How are you today? Nice to meet you ! How is the weather?
2.Song: Sing an English song “In The Bathroom”
(用师生的自由交流和歌曲给学生创设一种宽松、愉悦的学习气氛,使后面的教学更加流畅自如。) 3.设置情景:(课件)在奥运会期间,北京的志愿者笑迎八方的来客,下面就是一名志愿者和一名运动员的对话: A: Hello, Nice to meet you ! B: Nice to Meet you ,too. A: Where are you froom ?
B: I’m from Canada .
A: Oh, It’s far froom Beijing. B: Yes .Do you like Canada .
A: Yes, It’s great .Would you tell me What’s your name ?
B: My name is ….I feel happy to see you. I think Beijing is very beautiful now. A: Thanks , Welcome to Beijing .
B:Thanks ,You speak good English. …
(用课件模拟真实的生活情景,活跃课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣。) 4.Let the Ss ask and answer the questions . T: Do you know who is this ? What is his name ? S:…
T: Yes, Where is he from? (教师有必要让学生猜猜这句话的意思,之后可以引导学生说) S: He is from Canada . T: Where are you from ? S: I’m from China .
T: What’s the name of your city? (这句话学生以前也很少接触,所以教师可以引导学生说) S: My city is …
T:Where do you live? S:I live in a house.
(让学生自问自答,复习以前学习的句型,给学生一种自主说英语的机会,培养学生自主性。) 4.学习课文,教师可以先介绍。
T: In this lesson ,LiMing wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English .Now LiMing meets Jenny`s class .Can you guess what do they talk about?(practice the questions again .) (播放录音,让学生回答问题)
(引导学习抓住文中的重点句型提问并会回答。培养学生对重点知识的提炼,帮助、指导学生学习,培养自学能力。) 7. Student book: Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books . 六、板书设计:
Lesson 10 Li Ming Meets Jenny’s Class Where are you from ? I’m from …
Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson
一、 教学目标: 1、 知识技能:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:shape, circle, line , square , triangle,并能用英语进行表达。 (2) 学生能理解掌握temperature 这个单词,并实际做对话:What`s the temperature ? It is 。 2、 过程与方法:通过实际温度和图形的学习,学生能较容易的理解明白掌握单词和句子。 3、 情感态度:通过天气、温度的学习,激发学生热爱生活。 二、 教学重点:
学生能掌握四会单词:shape, circle, line , square , triangle。
并且能够运用句型 What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s) .做对话。 三、 教学难点:
学生能够理解运用问温度询问天气。 四、 教具准备:
实物温度计、各种图形、录音机和磁带。 六、教学过程:
(1)Class Opening and Review a.Greeting :
Good morning ,everyone !…….
b. Review words :rainy, sunny , windy, cloudy ,snowy ,and sing” the weather song.(在这部分教师可以在黑板上画出这几个天气,然后让学生来说,这几幅图都是什么天气,这样不仅检查了学生对以前知识的掌握,同时有的
差生也是一种巩固和提高。) (2)New concepts
T : Now ,class .Do you want to go on a trip with me ? S : .
T : I want to go on a trip eagerly . But I donot know the wheather and the temperature there . Can you help me ? Look . (教师出示课件,课件上是一副中国城市地图,分别标着每个城市的天气情况。由此引出本课的重点知识 What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s). 这样引出比较自然,前后联系紧密。) c.Demonstrate : “temperature”with a real thermometer . T : How is the weather in Shanghai ? S : It is .
T : What`s the temperature in Shanghai ? S : It is 29 degrees .
(板书What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s).安排适当的练习,通过练习学生初步掌握。) Put the thermometer in a cup of cold water and then a cup of hot water . eg. T : The water is cold . What`s the temperature ? S : It is .
T : It is degrees . Say it ,please . T : The water is hot . What`s the temperature ? S : It is degrees .
(学生分小组进行练习这个对话。教师可以分给每个小组一个温度计,学生可以随意的去测量他们想测量的东西,这样不仅体现出了学生的自主性,同时提高了他们的动手能力,增加了学生的兴趣,更好的掌握这部分的知识。) d. Lead the Ss to practice this dialogue : S1: How is the weather ,today? S2 :It is .
S1 : What`s the temperature ? S2 : It is degree(s) .
e. Play the audiotape part 1 as the Ss follow. f.Introduce :
T: Now,class . You know this is a thermometer . What does it look like ? (Draw a line on the blackboard .) S : 直线 。
T : Yes ! Line . Follow me . (板书 line . ) (这样更直观,同时加强了两部分的连接。)
T : (在画两条直线 ,变成一个三角形 。) Now, class . How many lines are there ? S : Three lines .
T : What shape is it ? S :
T : Triangle . Follow me . (板书 triangle . )
(由此引出square , circle (并且板书这两个单词。).把这几个图形组合成一个小房子的形状。 )
(在学完了circle, line , square , triangle这四个单词,教师可以这样引导出shape这个单词: circle is a shape. Line is a shape . square is a shape . triangle is a shape . All of them are shapes . 这样学生可以更好的理解,比直接告诉学生shape 的意思要好很多。,练习What is your favourite shape ? It is a . ) g. Lead the Ss to read these new words .
i. Play the audiotape part 3 and then answer the question : What`s Danny`s favourite shape ? His favourite shape is a . g.Practice this dialogue in groups .
h.Play the audiotape and read , check up understanding . Blackboard design:
Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson What`s the temperature ? It is degrees . Shape
line circle square triangle
Lesson 12 : How Many Are There ?
一、 教学目标:
(1) 知识技能:学生能够理解名词的复数并能灵活掌握和运用 规则名词和不规则名词的复数形式。
(2) 过程与方法:利用游戏复习和引入规则名词的复数,避免语法学习的枯燥。 (3) 情感态度:通过游戏的引入,激发学生的英语学习兴趣。 二、 教学重点:
学生能够掌握不规则名词的复数形式。 三、教学难点:
学生能够掌握和在句中灵活运用名词的复数。 五、教学过程: (1) a.Greeting : Hello ,class !
How are you today ? How is the weather ? ……
(2) New concepts 设置情景
(教师可根据实际情况来设计。本课我设计了一个为汶川地震灾区儿童捐物的情景。教师出示课件,课件上出示了几个模糊的图形,分别是铅笔,但是看起来像一条直线,邮票看起来像一个正方形,盘子看起来像一块盘子,裙子看起来像一个三角形。由这几个图形变化成小朋友们所捐的物品。这样设计可以复习到上一课当中的图形单词,以旧带新。) 1.
出示课件 T: Hi, class . What is this ? (一条直线) S:It is a line .
(教师放大直线,变成一支铅笔) T :Now ,is this a line ? S :No , It is a pencil .
(出示更多的直线,变成铅笔) T;Now, what are these ? S:They are pencils .
(从而引出规则单词变复数的形式,用同样的方法,复习正方形引出stamp .这样的形式不仅新颖而且同时可以复习上一课学过的知识,加强了课与课之间的连续性。) b.Play a game : “WHANT`S WRONG” to
review nouns that form regular plurals . Here are some nouns that form regular plurals that the students already know : book, chair, girl , boy , desk , school , teacher , eraser , pencil , pen , marker , arm , ear , eye , leg , hand , finger , toe ,apple , banana , orange , stamp ……
(教师可以提前做一些单词卡片,把他们贴在黑板上,让学生找出这些单词变复数时的错误。) 出示课件 T:Hi , class . What is this ? (圆形) S: It is a circle .