2016年江苏省无锡市中考英语试题及答案 下载本文

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第I卷(客观题 共50分)



1. Tom wants to study at ___________ university in Europe, but hasn?t decided which one to go to yet.

A. an

B. a

C. the

D. 不填

2. —_____________ do your parentstake exercise, William?

—Less than three times a week. A. How long A. since

B. How much B. though

C. How soon C. unless

D. How often D. until

3. Could you help me with housework _____________ you are free today? 4. —We?ve got everything ready for the picnic.

—Do you mean I _____________ bring anything with me? A. can?t A. honest

B. mustn?t

C. couldn?t C. modest

D. needn?t D. curious

5. Sam is __________ about his speech because he thinks he is well prepared.

B. confident

6. —Father?s Day is coming. Shall we make a card for Dad?

—Good idea! But would you please show me ___________ as I know little about DIY? A. why

A. against

B. when B. on

C. how C. for

D. where D. in

7. Although he was ____________ my opinion, the old professor didn?t come up with his own. 8. —I can?t find the magazine I bought this morning.

—Well, Jack is reading ___________ over there. Why not go and see if it is yours? A. it

B. that

C. one

D. some D. would miss

9. My mind wasn?t on what he was saying so I?m afraid I ____________ half of it.

A. missed

B. was missing

C. will miss

10. —Have you ever heard of Cao Wenxuan, a writer from Jiangsu?

—Of course. _________, he is a good friend of my father?s. A. I mean

A. ends

B. That is to say

B. begins

C. Above all

C. develops

D. Believe it or not

D. happens

11. As the story ________, the secret of the castle is discovered little by little. 12. —Steve, I hear that Peter has won another championship.

—It?s not surprising. _____________. He practises hardest in the team. A. Every dog has its day

B. No pain, no gain

D. Actions speak louder than words

C. Many hands make light work

13. If the weather ___________ to be rainy, we may have to cancel the sports meeting.

A. runs out

B. breaks out

C. finds out

D. turns out

14. —So you gave her your mobile phone?

—_________. She said she?d return it to me after she had hers fixed. A. My pleasure 二、完形填空

B. Not exactly

C. With pleasure

D. No problem


I was always busy and had too many things to do. Whenever my daughter caused me to change my plans, I thought to myself, “We don?t have time for this.” So the two words I always said to her were: ___15___.

The other day, the two of us rode to a ___16___ near our home. After shopping I bought her an ice cream, and she sat down at a table happily admiring the ice cream in her hand. Suddenly a ___17___ look appeared on her face. “Do I have to eat it up in a hurry, Mum?”

I nearly cried when hearing this—the pains of a hurried life influenced my poor girl so deeply! As she looked at me waiting to know if she could ____18____ her time. I knew I had to make a ____19____. I thought of the times when I rushed (催促) my child through life, I began ____20____what really matters in life….

“You don?t have to hurry. Just enjoy it.” I said gently. Her whole face brightened and her When she got to the last bite (一口), she held it out to me, “ I ____22____ the last bite for shoulders ____21____. We sat side by side talking about things that interested us. you, Mum,” she said ____23____. As the icy taste put out my thirst, I realized I just got the present of a lifetime. I gave my child a little time… and in return, she gave me her last bite and ____24____ me that things taste sweeter and love is easier to get when you stop rushing through life.

15. A. Keep quiet 16. A. station 17. A. worried 18. A. waste 19. A. mark

B. Take care B. school B. tired B. take B. plan B. relaxed B. carried B. calmly

C. Hurry up C. office C. satisfied C. spend C. wish C. turned C. sadly

D. Work hardD. surprised D. spare D. choice D. wondering D. raised

D. tasted D. wisely D. thanked


D. supermarket

20. A. explaining 21. A. lifted 22. A. bought 23. A. cheerfully 24. A. supported 三、阅读理解

B. forgetting C. discussing

C. saved

B. promised C. reminded



How time flies! The 9th graders are going to graduate soon. We invite them to write about their school memories. Let?s share some of them.

Name:Brita Favourite memory: Moving to this school last year and meeting new friends. Unpleasant memory: Being the “new girl”. Favourite teacher: Ms. Rosen. I like her interesting classes. Advice: School can be fun if you do your best. Name:Jay Favourite memory: School trips. Singing competitions. Unpleasant memory: Project homework. Favourite teacher: Ms. Williams. She treats every student equally. Advice: Work hard and fun will come. Name:Rocky Favourite memory: Meeting new friends. The weekends. Unpleasant memory: Tests. Favourite teacher: Mr. Taylor. He helps me with my lessons. Advice: Once you fall behind, keep trying till you catch up. Name:Angel Favourite memory: Being with new people. Fun classes. Unpleasant memory: The loss of a new watch. Favourite teacher: Ms. Rosen. She helped me through hard times. Advice: Hard work brings success. 25.


Do you know that November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? You can find the NaNoWriMo

Who dislikes tests among the four students? A. Brita A. One.

B. Jay

C. Rocky C. Three.

D. Angel D. Four.

—Ms. Rosen

26. How many of the four students mentioned Ms. Rosen?

B. Two.

27. What can we learn from the given information above?

A. The four students will be in Grade 9 next term. B. The four students do not enjoy school very much. C. The four students all think it?s important to work hard. D. Their favourite memories are all about trips.