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Unit 1 P14

1) 你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?

Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum? 2) 警察想知道她长什么样儿。

The police wanted to know what she looked like. 3) 你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗? Do you know what she was wearing?

4) 在报告中他们问到银行里有几个监控摄像头。

In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank. 5) 面试官问他已经工作几年了。

The interviewer asked him how many years he had worked.

6) 你想知道他什么时候去上海吗?

Do you want to know when he will leave for Shanghai? 7) 我只是想知道你喜欢什么颜色, 红色还是黄色。 I want to know which color you prefer — red or yellow.


1) What’s your guideline in choosing songs for your audience?

2) The seminar starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future.

3) Barclays appointed Bob Diamond, the head of its investment-banking business, as its new chief executive from March 2011.

4) Frankly speaking, I cannot uphold such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest.

5) However, just because you can write statements in purely mathematical notations, this doesn’t mean that you necessarily should.

6) That was good timing because his work was influential in shaping the project plan.

7) Those studying abroad will most likely return home for better employment because of the tight job market abroad.

8) It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand reception and generous hospitality we enjoy here.


1) 2) 3) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。Americans usually make a plane for their retirement well in advance. 他们通常被看成最有希望的歌手。They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers. 我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话 I have heard from references that 1

your employer had called them. 4) 请告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备。Please inform us the exact time so that we can make proper arrangements. 5) 我们对出席派对人数的估计与实际来的人数差了一大截。Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party 6) 只要不成为阅读负担, 你的报告可以包括足够多的细节。 Your report can include enough details as long as it will not be a burden to read.

Unit 2 P38

1) 你需要的是更多的锻炼。 What you need is more practice 2) 他们什么时候来还没有公布。

When they will come hasn’t been made public. 3) 你可否告诉我你是哪儿的人? Could you tell me where you are from? 4) 我们应该弄清楚展览馆是否开放。

We should find out whether the museum is open. 5) 问题是我们应该选择哪条路线。

The question is which route we should choose.

6) 他去北京的理由是很清楚的。

The reason why he is going / has gone to Beijing is very clear. 7) 他们小组很可能会赶到我们前头去。 It is likely that their group will get ahead of us.

8) 你选择什么课程并不重要,重要的是要找出色的教授。

It doesn’t matter what courses you take, what matters is to find the great professors. 填空题

1) The world leaders outlined joint efforts to combat the spread of nuclear weapons. 2) He didn’t look nervous. If anything, he looked only slightly confused. 3) You can omit the last two sentences in the report.

4) Health and understanding are the two great blessings of life.

5) The amount of money spent on the design of interactive advertising on television is still small. 6) The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.

7) To our great disappointment, she did not come as expected that day.

8) In order to notify him, I put the notice on his door, but he didn’t come back to look at it.


8) 就个人而言,我将永远都习惯不了退休。Personally ,I will never get used to being retired 你想找个机会去中国的西南部发现一个神奇又美丽的地方2

吗?Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty . 9) 你学习英文时,会发现把英文句子逐字翻译成自己的母语并不是聪明的办法。When you are leaning English , you well find out that it is not clever to translate put the English sentences word for word into your own language . 10) 如果我可以重提我们刚才讨论过的问题的话,我认为我们应该尽一切努力保护大熊猫。If I would refer back to the problem that we were talking ,I think (that) we should try our best to protect panda 11) 我们没有一些线索可以串联起来, 以便更好的理解这件事。 we have any clues and hints piece together Do so that we could have a better understanding of this matter. Unit 3 P62

1) 我的想法是,在他们困难的时候要给他们以援助。 My idea is that we (should) give them a hand when they are in trouble. 2) 我们系有必要再建一个计算机中心。 It is necessary that another computer center (should) be set up in our department. 3) 老太太希望能活到看见孙子上大学。 The old woman wishes she could live to see her grandson go to college. 4) 他讲起那个城市来就好像本人去过那儿似的。 He talks about that city as if (though) he had been there himself. 5) 如果我们当时准备充分的话,我们就可能成功了。 Had we made (If we had made) adequate preparations, we might have succeeded.


1 Her lawyer said that she understood the(consequence结果) of her action 2 New (advanced提高)in medicine improve the quality of health care 3 Without friends ,he felt (lonely孤独)in the city he had just arrived in 4 Music is (invisible看不见)we can hear it and feel it but not see it 5 She forgot to (insert插入) the letter into the envelope

6 The Queen's (attendants服务员)were always surrounding her 7 She loves her cat and often (pets抚摸) it on the back

8 What do you (intend打算)doin when you get to that place

9 A dark suit is (preferable更可取)to a light one for evening wear 10 Linda has $500 on (deposit存款) in her account

11 The picnic was (interrupted打断)by a hard shower yesterday

12.(Evidently明显),he likes music so much that he’s taking piano lessons.
