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Revision Subjunctive Mood --In If-clauses复习语法虚拟语气If的用法

The Subjective Mood in if-clauses—if 虚拟语气

1. Knowledge Objects(知识目标):掌握if虚拟语气及其常见的用法。

2. Ability Objects(技能目标):通过自主学习与合作探究,学会总结语法知识。 3. Moral Objects(德育目标):通过自主展示该语法,激发对英语学习的更大兴趣,体会学习带来的无限快乐和成就感。 教学过程:

1. Discovering--初步了解

If I were a bird,I could fly freely!

1)、虚拟语气:表示说话人的_____、_______、猜测或建议,而___表示客观存在的事实。2)、虚拟语气通过改变__________来表示。 2.小组互助:观察句子-发现规律

1) If I were you now, I wouldn't do that.

2) If we had time at present, we would go with you. 3) If he were here at the moment, we could ask him. 4) If you had come yesterday, you would have met him.

5) If I had known your phone number the other day, I would have called you. 6) If it should rain next week, the crops would be saved. 7) If it were to snow tomorrow, they would sleep. 8) If it rained tomorrow, we would not go out.

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If I had a great deal of money, I would buy a villa (别墅) for my parents 与过去事实相反

If Yao Jiaxin had driven more carefully, he would not have caused the car accident in May,2009. 与过去事实相反

If he had got up earlier , he could have caught the train. 3.小组互助:归纳总结 条件从句 现在 过去 将来 从句的谓语形式 主句的谓语形式 实践1.基础落实

1).If I was you, I shouldn’t do that.

2). If my father were here now, he will tell me what to do. 3).If it had not rained yesterday, he might come.

4).If it __________________tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off.(rain) 5). 如果明天我有时间,我会和你一起去游泳。

If the God _________________________(give) me another chance,I_________ (tell) the girl three words, “ I love you.” If I ______(have to) set a time limit to our love, It_________ (be)10,000 years! 群策群力:做题技巧小结

句子中有if,若条件句真实,或很有可能是真实的则_____虚拟,依据原则___________; 若从句是说话人的主观愿望,假设等不真实的条件,则_____虚拟,依据原则从句

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_________主句_________________________________. 实践2.对接高考

1).If he my advice, he wouldn‘t have lost his job.(2012,全国) A. followed B. should follow C. had followed D. would follow

2).We would have called a taxi yesterday if Harold _______ us a ride home. (2012天津)

A. didn’t offer B. wouldn’t offer C. hasn’t offered D. hadn’t offered

3).If he hadn’t worked hard last year, he ___such a great success now.(2013,上海)

A. wouldn’t get B.wouldn’t have got C. get D. would get 4.If从句的倒装

If the sun should rise in the west tomorrow, I would marry you. --Should the sun rise in the west tomorrow, I would marry you. If I had listened to him, I shouldn’t have missed my flight. --Had I listened to him, I shouldn’t have missed my flight. 5.关于if从句的小结

If从句出现了,________得考虑真实__________,虚拟时态______主,从时间不统一,________需谨记.If虽小不容易, _____出现别犯迷。 6.Presentation 精彩展示 内容 探究 practice1 展示小组 G1(1-6题)G3(7-12题) 点评小组 G1-3,G4-6