《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版)教案 下载本文

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Rolf Cook and Mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson 编著, 经济科学出版社,10月



一、 教案头

单元标题:1.1 World of Work & 1.3 BEC Preliminary Exam 授课对象: 能力(技能)目标 学时:3 上课地点: 知识目标 教学目标 能力训练任务及案例 1. To be able to make personal 1. To know the objectives of this course business card. and BEC Preliminary Exam 2. To be able to write personal and 2. To name different job titles. professional profiles. 3. To grasp the usage of present simple 3. To be able to use present simple and adverbs and expressions of and adverbs and expressions of frequency. frequency in working environment. Task 1Reading: Show students the BEC Preliminary Exam instructions and let them finish the questions on the format of the exam. Task 2 Reading and discussion: Training and workshops Task 3 Listening: What does your job involve Task 4 Grammar: The present simple & adverbs and expressions of frequency Task 5: Speaking: Work-life balance 教学组织在BEC的教学中,主要采取分组教学的方法,将班里的学生分为六组,每组四人,每组都是一个公司,全班共六个公司,学生既是班里的成员,也是公司的员工.采取组组竞争和提问个人的方式,既让锻炼学生的团队精神,又能突显个人的能力。除此之外,贯穿分组讨论,个别演示,案例表演等方式组织教学。 教科书; 教学辅助用书; 网络资源,多媒体; 1. Finish exercises in workbook.(written) 2. Design personal business card(written) 3. Group work: Make a dialogue involved the important grammar points and business topics in this unit.(spoken)


二、 教学设计

步骤 教学内容 教学方法 Teacher’s Lecture 教学 手段 PPT 学生活动 时间 分配 2 minutes 15 minutes Introduction to the whole Introduction course, teaching objectives and teaching contents of this unit. Training The format of BEC task1 preliminary exam. (Reading) Teacher’s introduction and Students’ feedback. Training Training and workshops Read the task2 materials (Reading about the and training center discussion) and try to finish the exercise in the textbook. Training Topic: What does your job 1.Skim the task job titles and involve? 3(Listening) responsibilitie s listed in the text book. 2.Try to find out the Answers before listening. 3.Listen to the material and check the answer. Training The present simple and 1. Read the task Adverbs and expressions of instructions of 4(Grammar) frequency. the two grammar points 2. Finish the exercises 3. Make more sentences by them. Training Topic: work-life balance 1. Discuss in task5 groups. (Speaking) 2. Report to Textbook Individual work PPT Group work 15 Textbook minutes Individual MP3 and 15 Textbook Group work minutes Textbook Questions and group work 20 minutes PPT teacher’s lecture 15 minutes

Summary the whole class Useful words, expressions Questions and and sentence patterns in answers Module 1; business topics and skills. 1.Review Module one. 2.Finish exercises in workbook. After class 3.Design a personal business card. 4.Preview 1.2 Homework teacher’s summary and students’ feedback Individual Work 3 minutes 5 minutes Summary after class 第一次课设计梗概(2课时)

(1) 告知学生本课程的总体安排、教材的处理,上课的方式、明确学习目标。



教学方式:在教学中,主要采取活动教学,通过各种各样的活动,提高学生的自信心和交流能力。将学生分为六组,每组四人,一个组即为一个公司,每个组员都有一个职位,第一周确定每个组员的职位。第三、四周确定公司的名称、职能和业务范畴,并在全班演示。 (2) 考核方式

平时表现:两个方面,一是整组的表现,即各个公司在各种课堂活动上的表现;二是 个人的主动表现和提问表现.只要平时刻苦努力,积极主动。



(3) 进入正题


? Reading: Read and get to know the format of BEC preliminary exam. ? Reading and Discussion: Read the materials about Training and

Workshops in order to know the job title and responsibilities.

? Listen: Listen and grasp the job title.

? Grammar: Ss should grasp the present simple and adverbs and expressions

of frequency by self-study, group work and game.

? Speaking: Discuss Work-life balance in groups and report it out.

? Vocabulary: Remember all the new words in this module and finish the

exercises in the book.

? Homework: 1. Review all the important points in these two modules. 2. Design your business cards. 详案

Module 1

1.1 & 1.3 World of Work & BEC Preliminary Exam

I. Aims and Objectives:

At the end of this session, the students should be able to:

a. Know the general information about Cambridge BEC Preliminary, the useful study strategies for this course and the content of Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary.

b. Talk about jobs, design the business cards and grasp the present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency. II. Session Outline 1. Greetings 2. Duties:

1) Warmer (books closed): T asks Ss the definition of BEC and the format of the exam.

2) Reading 1:

a. T leads Ss read the instructions of BEC preliminary exam (P14-15) and finish the exercises after it.

b. Check the Ss’ answers and let them repeat the format of the BEC preliminary with book closed.

3) Reading 2 and Discussion:

a. Let Ss discuss in groups about J&C Training. b. Finish the three exercises after it (P6).

c. Check the answers and review the important points. 4) Listening:

a. Go over the listening material and listen to it. b. Discuss the answers in groups.