苏教版牛津英语9AUnit5第三课时教案及练习(含答案) 下载本文

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9A Unit 5 P3 教案

学习目标:1.To understand key vocabulary related to films.

2. To understand some important phrases and sentences.

3. To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 4. Reading, Discussing and Understanding.

5. Write an article about your favorite film (star).

学习重点:Understand the past perfect tense and other language points 学习难点:Learn some special vocabulary on film names and film awards. 教具学具:Recorder, picture, etc 教学环节

预习交流 Step I Free talk and check the preparation out.

1. Show some posters to the Ss. They are all famous films such as The Big Earthquake in Tangshan, AVATAR?

Have a free talk between the teacher and the Ss. e.g. T: When and where did you see the film? S: …

T: How do you find the film? S: …

T: Had you seen a better one before you saw the film? S: …

2. Check out the prepared work.

① Work in groups to check out the prepared work. ② Let the Ss ask some questions. ③ Solve the problems together. 展示探究 Step II. Presentation

Present some important language points 1. all-time well-known等复合形容词的构成 ①形容词+名词-ed

middle-aged 中年的 warm-hearted 热心肠的 ②形容词+现在分词

good-looking 好看的 easy-going 随和的 ③副词+现在分词

hard-working 勤劳的 well-meaning 善意的 ④名词+现在分词

peace-loving 热爱和平的 English-speaking 讲英语的 ⑤名词+过去分词

man-made 人造的 heart-felt 由衷的 ⑥副词+过去分词

well-known 著名的 ⑦名词+形容词

snow-white 雪白的 life-long 终生的 ⑧数词+名词+形容词

twelve-year-old 十二岁的 100-metre-long 100米长的

2. not only/just?but (also)?“不但??而且??, 既??又??”连接两个相同成分,即并列的主语、谓语、宾语、表语或状语等。 e.g. 她不但会说法语也会说汉语。

She can speak not only but also .


The pianist not only but also ______________. 【相关链接】

如果 not only? but also?连接的是两个并列主语时,谓语动词根据就近原则来确定。 e.g. 不仅是老师而且还有他们的老师也对这部电影感兴趣。

Not only the students but also their teacher . 3. 过去完成时强调“过去的过去”

结构: had+过去分词其否定式和疑问式与现在完成时一样。


①和when, after, before, by the time 等引导的从句连用,表示动作发生时间先后的对比。 e.g. 我们到那里时,篮球比赛已经开始了。

When we , the basketball match __________________________. ②常用于间接引语中,放在said, asked, told, thought等动词后。 e.g. 他说他已经在那儿住了10年了。

He said he _______________________ for 10 years.

4. put one’s effort into?“把精力投入到??; 致力于??” because of her efforts in this area 因她在该领域的努力 e.g. Please put more ______________ into your school work.

Andy is very hard-working. He __________________________________________________. (把他所有的精力都投入到训练弹钢琴上) 【相关链接】

effort ①努力,艰难的尝试

e.g. make an effort/efforts 作出努力 make every effort 尽一切努力 spare no effort 不遗余力,尽力

without effort 毫不费力地 in a common effort 共同努力 effort ②努力的成果,成就

e.g. a fine effort 一份精心杰作 5.attract one’s attention=be attracted by

Hepburn’s beauty and charm attracted the writer’s attention. (改为同义句) ____________________________________________________________. 【相关链接】

attractive adj. “吸引人的” attraction n. “吸引力” e.g. Your advice sounds very ___________________. Watching TV has little _______________to me. 6. be made into?被改编成??

e.g. Harry Porter __________________a highly successful film. 【相关链接】

be made of?由??制成(看得见原料) 补充:be made to do 被要求做某事

be made from?由??制成(看不见原料) be made into?被制成??

be made out of?用??制成?? be made in?在某地/某时制造 be made by?由/被谁制造 be made up of?由??组成

7. ①insist that +陈述语气“坚持主张,坚持认为” e.g. He insisted that he had done right.

②insist that +虚拟语气(should+do)(should可省略) “坚决要求” e.g. They insisted that she (should) be invited.

③insist on +n./v-ing “坚持,坚决主张,一定要” e.g. He insisted on paying for the meal. 8. remind sb.of “使某人想起??” e.g. This reminded me of a short story Ba Jin. remind sb. to do sth. “提醒某人做某事” e.g. Be sure to remind him to come back early.

remind sb that ?“提醒某人做某事”

e.g. He reminded me that I hadn’t fed the goldfish yet.

9. devote oneself/one’s life/one’s time to n./v-ing?“把??用于/献给??” e.g. 他大部分时间都用于工作。

He ____________________________________ his work. 她正专心于学习。

She __________________________________ studying. 10. pass away “去世, 逝世”是die 的委婉表达 e.g. 她于6月11日在上海逝世,享年101岁。

She______________________________________________, at the advanced age of 101. Step Ⅲ Reading

Read the text, and try to find more useful phrases.Form groups of four to have a discussion. The teacher should walk around to direct the Ss. If possible, answer some common difficulties in public.

Step Ⅳ Practice

Summarize the lifetime of Audrey Hepburn, using the language points and phrases above. Step Ⅴ Sum up 检测反馈

一、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 1. We need to develop local_________________(工业).

2. The young man was _________________(给予奖励) with a lot of awards last year. 3. He is famous ____________________(遍及) the world.

4. He has _____________(挣得) a lot of money by working in the evenings. 5.The mayor(市长) ___________________(颁发) a silver (银) cup to the winner. 6. This work is too hard, and it is b_____________ my ability. 7. Please knock at the door before you e__________ the room. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。

8. The boy was very sad because of the ________________(lose) of his dog.