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1、 Outsourcing(外包):指将公司的非战略性职能转移给专业机构(有时也给其他国家)以减少成本。
2.Bid--ask rate(买卖价差):指要约价和投标价之间的差额。此种价差也是做市商利润的来源。
3 External currency market(外部货币市场):办理本银行经营所在国之外的外币存款和贷款的同业银行市场。
4 Depository Receipts(存托凭证,简称DR):又称存券收据或存股证.是指在一国证券市场流通的代表外国公司有价证券的可转让凭证,属公司融资业务范畴的金融衍生工具。 5 Foreign currency futures(外汇期货):又称为货币期货,是一种在最终交易日按照当时的汇率将一种货币兑换成另外一种货币的期货合约。
6 全球化(globalization)国与国之间,公司与公司之间以及个人与个人之间,在这些国家和组织中的经济政治社会活动方面不断增长的全球化的联系和集合的进程。
7 Bid price (rate)买入价(汇率):经销商愿意买入一种货币以换取另一种货币的价格 8 Forward premium(远期升水):远期汇率和即期汇率的差额相对于即期汇率的百分比为正向价值。
9 internal purchasing power内部购买力:在国内可以购买的商品和服务数量的本国货币。 10 Foreign currency call option(外汇看涨期权):一种合同,他给予了购买者期权权利(而没有义务),购买者可以用本国货币按合同上标明的汇率购买一定金额的外国货币。 11 MNC(国际跨国公司):在多个国家生产和销售商品或服务的公司。 12 Ask price( rate)卖出价(汇率):经销商愿意售出一种货币以换取另一种货币的价格。也称为卖方报价。
13 Forward discount (远期贴水):远期汇率和即期汇率的差额相对于即期汇率的百分比为负向价值。。
14 Foreign currency put option(外汇看跌期权):一种合同,他给予了购买者期权权利(而没有义务),购买者可以用本国货币按合同上标明的汇率销售一定金额的外国货币。 15 Extermal purchasing power 外部购买力:可用本国货币在外国在外国购买的商品和服务的数量 第一套 简答题
1 chinese pies inc .needs to buy 100000u.s dollar(usd) to pay its u.s .chocolate supplier its
banker quotes bid-ask rates of CNY6.1528—6.1543/USD. What will be the RMB cost of the USD1000000(中国商人需要从银行买10万美元用来支付美国巧克力的供应商,银行人员报价的买卖汇率是一美元买入价6.1528人民币,卖出价是6.1543人民币,那么这10万美元需要花费多少人民币呢?
解答:the banks bid rate is CNY 6.1528/USD CHF6.1543/USD Chinese pies will receive the bank’s bid rate the RMB cost of USD 100000 is consequently RMB
解答:Interest rate parity requires the equality of returns from investing directly in the domestic money market versus converting domestic currency into foreign currency, investing the foreign currency, and selling the foreign currency forward. Symbolically, we have
If we divide by (1 + i(t,FC))
on both sides and subtract one from both sides, we get
The left-hand side is the interest differential between the domestic and foreign rates adjusted for the denominator term and the right-hand side is the forward premium or discount on the foreign currency in terms of the domestic currency.
5年远期利率将日元兑美元的即期汇率倍未来价值的比例在5年的日元未来5年的一美元的价值。是以下的逻辑。如果你能直接投资日元5年来,您可以转换一个日元的未来价值5年日圆。或者,您可以将一个现货外汇市场日元为美元,美元投资,主要对未来5年的美元的价值,和合同今天出售这些美元日元期货市场回到未来5年。如果日元未来两个数量的不同,会有一个套利中可用,你会借日元,他们很便宜,投资未来的日元,他们是昂贵的。因此,5年远期利率应该满足F(t,5,?$) = S(t,?$) ??1 + i(t,5,??
5?1 + i(t,5,$)?53. What is the difference between a foreign bond and a Eurobond?(外国和欧洲债券的区别。)
1、发行市场不同:外国债券是指外国借款人在某国发行的,以该国货币标示面值的债券。欧洲债券指借款人在本国以外市场发行的,以第三国的货币为面值的国际债券。 2、外国债券一般由市场所在地国家的金融机构为主承销商组成,而欧洲债券则由来自多个国家的金融机构组成。
4、外国债券的发行和交易必须受当地市场有关金融法律法规的管制和约束;而欧洲债券不受面值货币国或发行市场所在地的法律的限制。因此,债券发行协议中必须注明一旦发生纠纷应依据的法律标准。 论述题
Suppose that the price level in Canada is CAD16,600, the price level in France is EUR20,750, and the spot exchange rate is EUR1.57/CAD.
a. What is the internal purchasing power of the Canadian dollar?
Answer: It is probably best to calculate the purchasing power of CAD10,000. If we divide this
amount by the price level in Canada of CAD16,600, we find
CAD10,000=0.6024 consumption bundlesCAD16,600 / consumption bundle
b. What is the internal purchasing power of the euro in France? Answer: Performing a similar calculation to the one in part a., we find
EUR10,000 = 0.4819 consumption bundlesEUR20,750 / consumption bundle
What is the implied exchange rate of EUR/CAD that satisfies absolute purchasing power parity?
Answer: The implied PPP exchange rate equates the internal purchasing power of the CAD to its external purchasing power. This implies that the PPP exchange rate is the ratio of the French price level in euros to the Canadian price level in Canadian dollars:
EUR20,750EUR1.25SPPP?EUR/CAD? = = CAD16,600CAD
d. Is the Canadian dollar overvalued or undervalued relative to the euro?
Answer: Because the actual exchange rate of EUR1.57/CAD is greater than the PPP exchange rate, the Canadian dollar is overvalued on the foreign exchange market because it would have to weaken considerably to move from EUR1.57/CAD to EUR1.25/CAD.
e. What amount of appreciation or depreciation of the Canadian dollar would be required to
return the actual exchange rate to its PPP value?
Answer: The exchange rate moves from the actual value of EUR1.57/CAD to the PPP value of EUR1.25/CAD for a percentage change of 1.25/1.57 – 1 = - 0.2038. This is a 20.38% depreciation of the Canadian dollar.
计算题(略) 第二套: 简答题
1 Describe how you would calculate a 5-year forward exchange rate of yen per dollar if you knew the current spot exchange rate and the prices of 5-year pure discount bonds denominated in yen and dollars. Explain why this has to be the market price.
2 swizz pies inc .needs to buy 1000000u.s dollar(usd) to pay its u.s .chocolate supplier its banker quotes bid-ask rates of CHF1.3990—1.4000/USD. What will be the CHF cost of the USD1000000(需要从银行买10万美元用来支付美国巧克力的供应商,银行人员报价的买卖汇率是一美元买入价1.3990,卖出价是1.4000,那么这1000000美元瑞士法郎成本将会是多少?
the banks bid rate is CHF1.3990/USDthe bank’s ask rate isCHF1.4000/USD if you need to pay 100000 USD you need to cost USD 1000000*CHF1.4000/USD=14000CHF
3 What is the difference between a centralized and decentralized debt denomination for an MNC(对于跨国企业来讲,集中和分散债券面额的区别是什么)
Answer: Under a decentralized debt-denomination model, MNCs issue debt in different currencies to hedge the cash flows they earn in these currencies from their foreign subsidiaries. Under a centralized model, debt is issued in the currency of the country in which the MNC has its headquarters.
What motivates companies to cross-list their shares? (公司交叉上市股票的动机是什么?)
答:股票可以通过多种渠道降低公司的资本成本交叉上市,包括提高流动性和更好的公司治理。它可以提高企业的品牌意识,提供直接访问的外国资本,使资本获得未来更容易。 1 为什么公司不采用交叉上市?
综合题 Suppose that the price level in Canada is CAD16,600, the price level in France is EUR20,750, and the spot exchange rate is EUR1.57/CAD.
a. What is the internal purchasing power of the Canadian dollar?
Answer: It is probably best to calculate the purchasing power of CAD10,000. If we divide this amount by the price level in Canada of CAD16,600, we find
CAD10,000=0.6024 consumption bundlesCAD16,600 / consumption bundle
b. What is the internal purchasing power of the euro in France?
Answer: Performing a similar calculation to the one in part a., we find
EUR10,000 = 0.4819 consumption bundlesEUR20,750 / consumption bundle
c. What is the implied exchange rate of EUR/CAD that satisfies absolute purchasing power parity?
Answer: The implied PPP exchange rate equates the internal purchasing power of the CAD to its external purchasing power. This implies that the PPP exchange rate is the ratio of the French price level in euros to the Canadian price level in Canadian dollars:
EUR20,750EUR1.25SPPP?EUR/CAD? = = CAD16,600CAD
dIs the Canadian dollar overvalued or undervalued relative to the euro?
Answer: Because the actual exchange rate of EUR1.57/CAD is greater than the PPP exchange rate, the Canadian dollar is overvalued on the foreign exchange market because it would have to weaken considerably to move from EUR1.57/CAD to EUR1.25/CAD.
e. What amount of appreciation or depreciation of the Canadian dollar would be required to return the actual exchange rate to its PPP value?
Answer: The exchange rate moves from the actual value of EUR1.57/CAD to the PPP value of EUR1.25/CAD for a percentage change of 1.25/1.57 – 1 = - 0.2038. This is a 20.38% depreciation of the Canadian dollar.
3. Assume that you are an importer of grain into Japan from the United States. You have agreed to make a payment in dollars, and you are scheduled to pay $377,287 in 90 days after you receive your grain. You face the following exchange rates and interest rates:
Spot exchange rate: ¥106.35/$ 90-day forward exchange rate: ¥106.02/$ 90-day dollar interest rate: 3.25% p.a. 90-day yen interest rate: 1.9375% p.a. a. Describe the nature and extent of your transaction foreign exchange risk.
Answer: As a Japanese grain importer, you are contractually obligated to pay $377,287 in 90 days. Any weakening of the yen versus the dollar will increase the yen cost of your grain. The possible loss is unbounded.
B. Explain two ways to hedge the risk.
Answer: You could hedge your risk by buying dollars forward at ¥106.02/$. Alternatively, you could determine the present value of the dollars that you owe and buy that amount of dollars today in the spot market. You could borrow that amount of yen to avoid having to pay today.
c. Which of the alternatives in part b is superior?