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7A Unit 6知识点梳理(下)


1.have a healthy lifestyle 2. 吃健康的食物 3.not often 4.在两餐之间 5.stong and healthy 6.对我的健康有益 7.go swimming every week 8.需要改变

9.be bad for my teeth 10.早餐吃面包、喝牛奶 11.food and lifestyle 12.对我们的牙齿有好处 13.half past eight 14.我最喜欢的水果 15.keep fit/healthy 16.每天游泳一小时 17.eat fish and rice for lunch 18.放学后感到饥饿 19.have too much sugar 20.一周三次 21.a basket of tomatoes 22.一袋盐 23.five bags of rice 24.两杯茶

25.three kilos of meat 26.一周不到三次

27.more than eight hours 28.吃到更多健康的食物 29.what about some bread 30.整个上午



1. I want to buy an orange.我想买一个橘子。 an orange 意为“一个橘子”


an apple一个苹果 an egg 一个鸡蛋 an old man 一位老人 a desk 一张课桌 a banana 一个香蕉 a cake 一个蛋糕 a tomato 一个西红柿

【拓展】?有些以元音字母开头的单词,其发音确实辅音音素,前面的冠词要用a。 a European country 一个欧洲国家 a useful person 一个有用的人 ?有些以辅音字母开头的单词,其发音却是元音音素,前面的冠词要用an。

an honest man 一个诚实的人(这里的h不发音) an hour 一个小时 an’f’ 一个f an ‘i/m/n/s/x’ 一个i/m/n/s/x


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发元音音素的单词有umbrella, ugly, unkind, unfair, unusual等。

an umbrella 一把雨伞 an ugly man一个丑陋的人 an unusual man一个不同寻常的人 发辅音音素的单词有:university, useful, useless, usual等。 a useful book 一本有用的书 a university一所大学

2. less than3 times a week 一周不到三次

(1)less than意为“不到,少于”,其反义短语是more than,意为“多于”,常用于数量、时间、金钱、距离等的比较。 —你多长时间锻炼一次?一周不到四次。

—How often do you exercise? —Less than four times a week. 我每星期吃鱼不到两次。 I eat fish less than twice a week. 每天我读不到一小时的英语。

I read English for less than an hour every day. (2)less 是little的比较级,意为“更少的,较少的”。 我白天喝水少。

I drink less water in the day.

3. How long do you sleep every night?你每晚上睡多长时间? how long意为“多长”,常用来提问时间的长短或物体的长度。 你每天练习英语多长时间?

How long do you practice English every day? 长江有多长,你知道吗?

How long is the Changjiang river, do you know?

4. What would you like to order, Andy?安迪,你想点什么菜?

(1)would you like...?用来礼貌的询问对方的意愿或委婉的提出要求、建议。Would you like与动词之间want同义,但语气比want更委婉、更礼貌。Would you like 没有人称和数的变化,肯定句中would常在主语后缩写为’d。 【拓展】?would you like sth. 想要某物 你想要写面包吗?

Would you like some bread? ?would like to do sth. 想要做某事

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你想和我一起去吗? Would you like to go with me? 你想要做些什么? What would you like to do? 我想喝些水。

I’d like to have some water.

?would like sb to do sth. 想要某人做某事 你想要他去做这项工作吗? Would you like him to do the work?

(2)order是一个多义词,用作及物动词,意为“点菜;命令”;用作名词,意为“订单;顺序”。 我想点鱼和蔬菜。

I would like to order fish and vegetables. 我妈妈命令我立刻回家。

My mother orders me to go home at once. 他们有一份要求供应大量电脑的订单。 They have a large order for computers. 名字是按字母顺序排列的。 The names are in alphabetical order. 【拓展】?in order意为“按顺序,依次”。 学生们依次进入礼堂。

The students go into the hall in order. ?in order to 意为“为了”,后跟动词原形。 他爸爸为了赶早班车起得很早。

His father gets up early in order to catch the early bus.

5. Apple juice tastes nice. 苹果汁尝起来很好。

taste此处用作连系动词,意为“尝起来”,其后通常用形容词作表语。 这些肉尝起来很好吃。 The meat tastes nice.


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