焊接专业英语词汇-焊接结构及工装 下载本文

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焊接结构welded structure/ welded construction 焊件weldment

焊接部件weld assembly 组装件built-up member 接头设计joint design 焊接应力welding stress

焊接瞬时应力transient welding stress 焊接残余应力welding residual stress 热应力thermal stress

收缩应力contraction stress 局部应力local stress

拘束应力constraint stress 固有应力inherent stress

固有应变区inherent strain zone

残余应力测定residual stress analysis 逐层切割法Sach’s method

X射线衍射法X-ray stress analysis 小孔释放法Mathar method

固有应变法inherent strain method 消除应力stress relieving

局部消除应力local stress relieving 应力重分布stress redistribution

退火消除应力stress relieving by annealing

温差拉伸消除应力low temperature stress relieving 机械拉伸消除应力mechanical stress relieving 应力松弛stress relaxation 焊接变形welding deformation

焊接残余变形welding residual deformation 局部变形local deformation 角变形angular distortion 自由变形free deformation

收缩变形contraction deformation 错边变形mismatching deformation 挠曲变形deflection deformation 波浪变形wave-like deformation 火焰矫正flame straightening 反变形backward deformation 焊接力学welding mechanics 断裂力学fracture mechanics

弹塑性断裂变形elasto-plastic fracture mechanics 线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracture mechanics

延性断裂ductile fracture 脆性断裂brittle fracture

应力腐蚀开裂stress corrosion cracking 热应变脆化hot straining embrittlement 临界裂纹尺寸critical crack size

裂纹扩展速率crack propagation rate

裂纹张开位移(COD)crack opening displacement 拘束度restraint intensity 拘束系数restraint coefficient 应变速率strain rate

断裂韧度fracture toughness

应力强度因子stress intensity factor

临界应力强度因子critical stress intensity factors 罗伯逊止裂试验Robertson crack arrest test ESSO试验ESSO test

双重拉伸试验doucle tension test

韦尔斯宽板拉伸试验Well’s wide plate test 帕瑞斯公式Paris formula

断裂分析图fracture analysis diagram 焊接车间welding shop 焊接工作间welding booth

焊接工位welding post/ welding station 焊工welder

电焊工manual arc welder 气焊工gas welder

焊接检验员weld inspector 焊工培训welders training

焊工模拟训练器trainer of synthetic weld 焊工考试welder qualification test

焊工合格证welder qualification/ welder qualified certification 钢板预处理steel plate pretreatment 喷沙sand blast 喷丸shot blast 矫正straighten

开坡口bevelling (of the edge)/ chanfering 装配assembly/ fitting 安装erect

刚性固定rigid fixing

装配焊接顺序sequence of fitting and welding 焊接工艺评定welding procedure qualification 焊接工艺规程welding procedure specification 焊接工艺试验welding procedure test 焊接工艺卡welding procedure card 工序operational sequence

焊接材料消耗定额welding consumables quota 焊接工时定额welder-hour quota 清渣slag removal

清根back gouging/ back chipping 锤击peening

返修次数number of rewelding 焊接工作台welding bench 装焊平台welding platen

电磁平台electromagnetic platen 焊接翻转机welding tilter 焊接变位机positioner 焊接滚轮架turning rolls 焊接操作机manpulator

焊工升降台welder’s lifting platform 焊接夹具welding jig/ fixture 磁力夹紧器magnetic jig

螺旋推撑器screw operated tensioning unit 焊丝盘绕机welding wire coiler

焊条压涂机welding electrode extrusion press 红外线加热器infra-red heater 干燥箱dryer

焊条保温筒thermostat for electrode 流量计flow meter

CO2预热器CO2 heater CO2干燥器CO2 desiccator 焊接电缆welding cable 电缆夹头welding connector 地线earth lead

地线夹头earth clamp

焊接参数记录仪welding parameter recorder 焊缝检测规weld gauge 喷嘴通针tip cleaner 测温笔tempil stick

敲渣锤chipping hammer

焊接衬垫backing/ welding backing

保留垫板fusible backing/ permanent backing 临时垫板temporary backing 焊剂垫flux backing

惰性气体衬垫inert-gas backing

引弧板run-on tab/ end tab/ starting weld tab 引出板run-off tab/ end tab 定位板strong-back 加强勒stiffener 嵌条insert