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文献出处: Sharifi, Omid. International Journal of Information, Business and Management 6.2 (May 2017): 82-94.


Financial R isk M ana gement for Small and M edium Sized

Enter pr ises(SM ES)

Omid Sharifi

MBA, Depa rtment of Commerce and Business Ma nagement, Ka ka tiya University, House No. 2-1-664, Sa ra wa thi nega r,


medium sized Enterprises (SME) do also face business risks, Similar to large companies, Small and Mwhich in worst case can cause financial distress and lead to bankruptcy. However, although SME are a major part of the India and also international - economy, research mainly focused on risk management in large corporations. Therefore the aim of this paper is to suggest a possible mean for the risk identification, analysis and monitoring, which can be applied by SME to manage their internal financial risks. For this purpose the financial analysis, which has been used in research to identify indicators for firm bankruptcy, was chosen.

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The data required for the study was collected from Annual report of the

Intec Capital Limited. For the period of five years, from 2008 to 2012.the findings showed the data and the overview can be used in SME risk management.

Keywor ds: Annual report, Small and Medium sized Enterprises, Financial Risks, Risk Management.


Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) differ from large corporations among other aspects first of all in their size. Their importance in the economy however is large . SME sector of India is considered as the backbone of economy contributing to 45% of the industrial output, 40% of India’s exports, employing 60 million people, create 1.3 million jobs every year and produce more than 8000 quality products for the Indian and international markets. With approximately 30 million SMEs in India, 12 million people expected to join the workforce in next 3 years and the sector growing at a rate of 8% per year, Government of India is taking different measures so as to increase their competitiveness in the international market. There are several factors that have contributed towards the growth of Indian SMEs.

Few of these include; funding of SMEs by local and foreign investors, the new technology that is used in the market is assisting SMEs

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add considerable value to their business, various trade directories and

trade portals help facilitate trade between buyer and supplier and thus reducing the barrier to trade With this huge potential, backed up by strong government support; Indian SMEs continue to post their growth stories. Despite of this strong growth, there is huge potential amongst Indian SMEs that still remains untapped. Once this untapped potential becomes the source for growth of these units, there would be no stopping to India posting a GDP higher than that of US and China and becoming the world’s economic powerhouse.


Risk and economic activity are inseparable. Every business decision and entrepreneurial act is connected with risk. This applies also to business of small and medium sized enterprises as they are also facing several and often the same risks as bigger companies. In a real business

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environment with market imperfections they need to manage those risks

in order to secure their business continuity and add additional value by avoiding or reducing transaction costs and cost of financial distress or bankruptcy. However, risk management is a challenge for most SME. In contrast to larger companies they often lack the necessary resources, with regard to manpower, databases and specialty of knowledge to perform a standardized and structured risk management. The result is that many smaller companies do not perform sufficient analysis to identify their risk. This aspect is exacerbated due to a lack in literature about methods for risk management in SME, as stated by Henschel: The two challenging aspects with regard to risk management in SME are therefore: 1. SME differ from large corporations in many characteristics

2. The existing research lacks a focus on risk management in SME The following research question will be central to this work: 1. how can SME manage their internal financial risk?

2. Which aspects, based on their characteristics, have to be taken into account for this?

3. Which mean fulfils the requirements and can be applied to SME? 4. L ITER ATUR E R EVIEW

In contrast to larger corporations, in SME one of the owners is often part of the management team. His intuition and experience are important for managing the company. Therefore, in small companies, the (owner-)

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manager is often responsible for many different tasks and important

decisions. Most SME do not have the necessary resources to employ specialists on every position in the company. They focus on their core business and have generalists for the administrative functions. Behr and Guttler find that SME on average have equity ratios lower than 20%. The different characteristics of management, position on procurement and capital markets and the legal framework need to be taken into account when applying management instruments like risk management. Therefore the risk management techniques of larger corporations cannot easily be applied to SME. In practice it can therefore be observed that although SME are not facing less risks and uncertainties than large companies, their risk management differs from the practices in larger companies. The latter have the resources to employ a risk manager and a professional, structured and standardized risk management system. In contrast to that, risk management in SME differs in the degree of implementation and the techniques applied. Jonen & Simgen-Weber With regard to firm size and the use of risk management. Beyer, Hachmeister & Lampenius observe in a study from 2010 that increasing firm size among SME enhances the use of risk management. This observation matches with the opinion of nearly 10% of SME, which are of the opinion, that risk management is only reasonable in larger corporations. Beyer, Hachmeister & Lampenius find that most of the surveyed SME identify risks with help of statistics,

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