vrv空调系统调试方案 下载本文

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Commissioning Plan Addendum for HVAC System


Commissioning Plan for VRV AC System


VRV system commissioning will be conducted by Daikin Company after formal energizing.

本装置VRV系统调试由大金空调公司在正式通电后统一进行. 1. Preparation before commissioning 调试前准备工作

1.1 Be familiar with design drawings and the whole process of auto-control



1.2 Prepare necessary commissioning instrument, tools and records.

备好调试所需要仪器仪表、必要的工具和有关记录事宜; 1.3 Prepare power supply.


2. Preparation before system running 系统运转前的准备

2.1 Check model and spec of internal and external units per design.

核对室内外机型号、规格与设计相符 2.2 Check if they are securely fixed.


2.3 Check if there’re protection and safety precautions at electric areas.

电气部位应有防护和安全措施。 3. Electric inspection 电气部分检查

3.1 Check if the models of starting relay and current overload relay are accurate. 检查起动继电器及电流过载器型号是否正确;

3.2 Check if the model and current of main switch for circuit breaker meet requirements for full loading.

检查总断路开关型号及电流是否满足设备满载要求; 3.3 Check control circuit 检查控制回路;

3.4 Check if all connecting screws are securely fixed. 检查所有接线螺丝是否牢固;

3.5 Conduct insulation test for incoming/outgoing wires to specifications. 检查进/出接线进行绝缘测试,并达到规范;

3.6 Check if control loop of power supply and procedure of starting test are accurate.


3. 7 Emergency shutdown must be well under control.


4. Inspection of internal and external units 室内外机检查

4.1 Check if the models of internal and external units are accurate.

检查安装室内外机型号是否正确; 4.2 Check if pipe installation is accurate.


4.3 Check if power and signal wires are connected correctly.


4.4 Remove waste from internal and external units.


4.5 Check if filtering screen is installed correctly.


4.6 Check if drainage of condensated water is smooth.


4.7 Check if insulation is free of damage.


4.8 Check if current and voltage are normal yet.


4.9 Check if temp control switch is under good condition. 检查温度控制开关是否正常;

4.10 Check the speed (fast/slow) of internal fan is normal.


4.11 Check vibration and noise of internal unit.

检查室内机震动及噪音; 4.12检测出/入风温度、风速;

5. Thorough commissioning. See attached table for test descriptions. 进入全面调试阶段,测试内容见附表.